The Student Debt Forgiveness Crusade Should Be Led By the GOP

The Student Debt Forgiveness Crusade Should Be Led By the GOP

Just last month I finished paying off my student loans from 2001.  The debt amount wasn’t that much in the scheme of things, but I put off paying it for several reasons.  One, the interest rate was low, and I had higher interest rate debts to tackle. Two, I am notoriously bad with my own financials.  Three, the closer I came to paying it off, the more politicians began talking about student debt forgiveness.  I wondered if I should wait to see how that played out.  In the end, I concluded my debt was no one else’s responsibility and it was mine to pay back.  As the Biden Administration pushes forward with student loan forgiveness for some, the GOP should take the lead on the crusade ahead of the 2022 midterms.  There are compromises to be made that make it a winning issue for conservatives.

David Brooks To Dems: Do Away With The Filibuster

David Brooks To Dems: Do Away With The Filibuster

If there is one constant we can count on when it comes to the Democrats, it’s that they don’t learn from past mistakes. In 2013, Sen. Harry…

Scandal Journalism & The Fools In The Mainstream Media

Scandal Journalism & The Fools In The Mainstream Media

The Mueller Report is in. Despite the incessant screeching of the likes of Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff and Rachel Maddow and Jim Acosta, there was no…

Jill Filipovic: David Brooks’ sandwich story proves all that’s wrong with America is the fault of the GOP, FOREVER!!#@!!

When David Brooks, token-center-right-teacup-poodle of the New York Times, attempted to write a sob-sister opinion piece on the horror of class divide, he ventured into unwitting irony…

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Ava Gardner