I should’ve stayed in the mountains and off the grid. We get back yesterday evening to the news that North Korea’s fat little man is throwing more missiles our way, and a veteran NYPD officer was assassinated.

Photo by John Nowak/CNN
Meanwhile, CNN – still on their Russia! Russia! Russia! Anti-Trump Fake News kick, has declared that Freedom of Speech has limits. As Lisa wrote here, CNN got all butthurt about a GIF that President Trump retweeted. This GIF:
CNN dove even further down the rabbit hole.
First, they claimed that the gif was an actual threat of violence — or at the very least, would prompt violence from Trump supporters. This comes shortly after a Bernie Sanders-supporting, Trump-hating leftist attempted to assassinate dozens of Republican congresspeople, and CNN insisted — rightly! — that left-wing rhetoric wasn’t responsible for nut jobs committing evil crimes.
The reaction by the media and specifically many at CNN was, as Tucker Carlson pointed out, over the top.
In an attempt to celebrate Independence Day yesterday, CNN posted a series of tweets from key political figures in history that were ironic at best (coming from…
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