Last night was Hillary’s big night. Finally, FINALLY it was her turn! Last night was the night to tie all previous theme nights into a giant bow…er crown.
United Together: Protests, Bernie tossing himself under the bus, illegal immigrants and Michelle Obama were given center stage. Yay?
Fight for Families and Children: We were treated to a litany of celebrity twits and mothers whose adult children, criminals all, made fatal choices – but lets give ’em a pass because cops are BAD. The night finished with a weirdly folksy “I met this girl” speech from former President Bill Clinton. Missing from his speech was failing the bar exam multiple times, fired from Watergate, Whitewater, failing at healthcare, taking money from foreign donors, and more. But yeah, it was such a darling speech.
Working Together: Uh huh…Wednesday was more of ‘lets say all sorts of nice things about someone we really don’t like.’ But you know, she’s great at the big challenges and getting people to work together. Saving Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Libya (except for Benghazi), and just generally being Wonder Woman in a pantsuit with Blackberry in hand.
President Obama, who referred to himself 119 times during the speech, figuratively passed the torch complete with laughs, waves to crowd…
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