Hunter’s Alford Plea Gambit: I’m Guilty, But Mostly Innocent.

Hunter’s Alford Plea Gambit: I’m Guilty, But Mostly Innocent.

The jury selection for Hunter Biden’s tax evasion trial was supposed to start this morning. And then his attorney dropped a bombshell. Hunter, using the Alford Plea gambit, says he is guilty, but mostly innocent.

Biden Brand Sends Message During Hunter’s Gun Trial

Biden Brand Sends Message During Hunter’s Gun Trial

It is day two of Hunter’s gun trial in Wilmington, Delaware, and the message from the Biden Brand is clear. We are here for Hunter, and you’d…

CBS Excuse Over Catherine Herridge FileGate Doesn’t Pass Smell Test

CBS Excuse Over Catherine Herridge FileGate Doesn’t Pass Smell Test

It was shocking enough to find that Catherine Herridge was one of those fired at last month’s CBS blood-letting. But now we find that CBS stepped WAY…

Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

Suddenly Joe Is “Laser-Focused” On Giving Maui A Pittance

After offering an infuriating “No Comment” response to reporters concerning the deadly wildfires on Maui yesterday afternoon, and avoiding reporters this morning, suddenly Joe is FOCUSED. Laser-focused…

Jake Tapper Wonders If Joe Showed Lapse In Judgement About Hunter

Jake Tapper Wonders If Joe Showed Lapse In Judgement About Hunter

Jake Tapper is certainly puzzled about all this Hunter Biden influence peddling on behalf of The Big Guy. He’s now wondering if Joe showed any lapses in…

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Ava Gardner