Stefanik Wins The Argument And SNL Can’t Deal With It

Stefanik Wins The Argument And SNL Can’t Deal With It

Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) absolutely embarrassed the university presidents who came to Congress last week, and the end results speak for themselves.

Magill Resigns As UPenn President After Donor Revolt

Magill Resigns As UPenn President After Donor Revolt

It only took losing $100 million for University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill to finally be forced into resigning.

UPenn Is Not The Only Trashy Ivy League School

UPenn Is Not The Only Trashy Ivy League School

After UPenn President, Liz Magill was shamed into a half-hearted apology for her “context-dependent decisions” to allow anti-Semitism on campus, rumor has it that she is being…

Schumer To Address Rise Of Anti-Semitism

Schumer To Address Rise Of Anti-Semitism

Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, has plans for today. What might those plans be? Well, apparently, he’s cleared his calendar to give a “major” address on the…

Hochul Uses Hostage Situation For Herself, Ignores School Situation

Hochul Uses Hostage Situation For Herself, Ignores School Situation

Governor Kathy Hochul, you have a problem in New York. Apparently, your state is filled with rabid anti-Semites, and you’re not paying much attention to the problem.

Communism: Kids Who Love It Are Elitist Brats

Communism: Kids Who Love It Are Elitist Brats

As a jaded Gen X-er, I have a hard time understanding why people my age think Socialism (which leads to Communism, ultimately) is a great idea.

College Anti-Semitism Is Out Of Control, Let The Lawsuits Begin

College Anti-Semitism Is Out Of Control, Let The Lawsuits Begin

Ever since October 7th, there has been an explosion of anti-Semitism at colleges and universities that has raged out of control.

Washington Post Deletes Hamas Cartoon Because Reasons

Washington Post Deletes Hamas Cartoon Because Reasons

UPDATED – A cartoon depicting a Hamas terrorist aired in The Washington Post on Wednesday. Yet, by the end of the day, the cartoon was yanked because…

Kristallnacht Echoes 85 Years Later In Daily Attacks On Jews

Kristallnacht Echoes 85 Years Later In Daily Attacks On Jews

Today marks the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. On November 9, 1938, Nazi Germany carried out a pogrom in all of its occupied…

Rashida Tlaib Finally Censured By Bipartisan House Vote

Rashida Tlaib Finally Censured By Bipartisan House Vote

Despite the loud (and I mean LOUD) protestations of her fellow Hamas Caucus groupies, Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan Hamas) was finally given the censure that she so richly…

Anne Frank Not “Diverse” Enough In Germany Anymore

Anne Frank Not “Diverse” Enough In Germany Anymore

Do you ever read one of those news stories, stop, and then read the story again because you just don’t believe what you just read? Buckle your…

Rashida Tlaib Issues Aspirational Call For Genocide Against Israel

Rashida Tlaib Issues Aspirational Call For Genocide Against Israel

Fresh from escaping House censure, Rashida Tlaib doubles down on her anti-semitic rhetoric. She claims her stance is “aspirational” on behalf of Palestine.

Cornell Student Patrick Dai Arrested For Threatening Jewish Students

Cornell Student Patrick Dai Arrested For Threatening Jewish Students

In one of the uglier cases of blatant anti-Semitism that has reared its vile head on college campuses since the October 7th invasion of Israel and massacre…

Netanyahu: A Cease-Fire Is Surrender, We Won’t Surrender

Netanyahu: A Cease-Fire Is Surrender, We Won’t Surrender

Amid growing calls for Israel to stand down and agree to a cease-fire, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is firmly rejecting that idea.

Academia Needs To Be Financially Starved To Fight Anti-Semitism

Academia Needs To Be Financially Starved To Fight Anti-Semitism

Ever since the invasion and massacre by Hamas into Israel on October 7th, the response from academia at large has been, on the whole, revolting. Those same…

Google’s Learning On The Loo With Jewglers

Google’s Learning On The Loo With Jewglers

Good googling grief, is there no end to stupidity and ignorance in this world? Google is trying to create a learning series for their employees to try…

The West Has Failed Its Moral Test Over Nazism

The West Has Failed Its Moral Test Over Nazism

We are seeing the end results of the arrogance of the elites, the failures of teaching history, and unchecked immigration within the West.

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Ava Gardner