Whistleblower Says Hunter Biden Getting Preferential Treatment

Whistleblower Says Hunter Biden Getting Preferential Treatment

Remember the time when a whistleblower by the name of Alexander Vindman alleged before Congress that then-President Donald Trump tried to influence Ukraine? His testimony occurred during…

Marine Lt. Col. Scheller Fired, But Vindman Got Praised

Marine Lt. Col. Scheller Fired, But Vindman Got Praised

There is a chain of command in the military, and a code of behavior that is required from commanding officers.

Alexander Vindman, Decorated War Hero, May Not Be Criticized

Alexander Vindman, Decorated War Hero, May Not Be Criticized

The New York Times has an opinion piece today titled, “The Disorienting Defenses of Donald Trump”. It’s filled with the typical Liberal codswallop. At the very bottom…

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Ava Gardner