Afghanistan Already A Wreck Before US Departure

Afghanistan Already A Wreck Before US Departure

So, how’s that withdrawl from Afghanistan going, everyone?

Biden Targets Iranian-Backed Militias With Airstrikes

Biden Targets Iranian-Backed Militias With Airstrikes

Wait, what is the narrative about Iran again? If we are trying to get back into the Iran deal, then why are there airstrikes happening?

Iraq vs. ISIS: Battling For Fallujah, Again [VIDEO]

It’s deja vu all over again. One more time, Fallujah is the scene of the battle, and this time, it’s the Iraqi forces trying to take the…

France Strikes Back At ISIS

Less than 48 hours after the attacks that killed 129 innocent people in Paris, the French have, for all intents and purposes, declared war on ISIS. Attack…

Hospital in Afghanistan May Have Been Hit in US Airstrike

Nineteen people – including 12 staff and 7 patients – were killed today when an airstrike hit a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. And it…

ISIS Claims Control of Ramadi After Battle With Iraqi Forces

Ramadi is the capital of Iraq’s Anbar province, and now the Ramadi police and Iraqi forces are being shoved out or surrounded after ISIS forces have managed…

ISIS Claims American Hostage Kayla Mueller Was Killed in Airstrikes

The news broke today that ISIS is claiming that the American hostage whose name was accidentally leaked by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, Kayla Mueller…

Airstrikes in Iraq – Obama Authorizes Action Against ISIS

Airstrikes in Iraq – Obama Authorizes Action Against ISIS

In the face of a crumbling Iraqi government, and the sheer dominance of ISIS (who have now just renamed themselves the Islamic State), President Obama last night…

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Ava Gardner