Canceling The College Board Tests Is Wrong And Racist

Canceling The College Board Tests Is Wrong And Racist

Many schools are dropping the requirement for either the ACT or SAT College Board tests. Those schools claim that the tests are not a good indicator of college readiness. Many social justice warriors claim that the tests are racist. The schools and warriors are wrong. They are wrong to the detriment of every student.

What Happened To Bill Nye The Science Guy? [VIDEO]

What Happened To Bill Nye The Science Guy? [VIDEO]

Gather around, everyone, and let me tell you a story of the land from which I come. Welcome to Seattle, where the rain falls for many moons…

Common Core and the Revision of the SAT

Today came a welcome announcement that the state of Indiana has come to its senses and withdrawn its intention to implement the insidious Common Core standards in…

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