Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Yikes, this is some global warming …er climate crisis … this January! So, behold all manner of yummy and warm brunch offerings today. I’ve even ordered up our own tableside creation of omelets of choice. Pass the plates and load up as the craziness of 2024 is blowing in as surely as the storms dropping snow that Al Gore said would be gone forever by now. The radical Left has held sway way too long and the consequences are everywhere. L’Chaim, friends and let’s get to it.


The consequences of The Most Offended Olympics

Life is rarely fair. But wearing a hairshirt and looking to make everyone around you miserable is as helpful as using a match to find a gasleak. Yet, here we are.

A father was telling my partner and me about how quickly his baby was putting on weight. At 2 and a half months old, he was already outgrowing 6-to-9-month size clothes. He weighed almost as much as our 13-month-old.

“I tell my wife she has A-plus milk,” the father said with a chortle.

Jenni and I didn’t—couldn’t—laugh. Until several months earlier, the matter of our son’s nourishment had been a source of all-consuming stress and anxiety. Our son had GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

No where does author Ian Bardenstein say this other father knew anything of Ian’s issues. Oh no, this is Slate after all. There’s an urgent need to burn down not just old dad-jokes, but the whole foundation of American culture of meritocracy.

Careful, dears, don’t sputter the champagne. Just be amazed how easily a bump-in-the-road of infant care gets spun …

I know plenty of goal-oriented high achievers who desire systemic solutions to systemic social problems but who conduct their personal and professional lives in a way that preserves a large role for self-efficacy and personal responsibility—in part because life has confirmed the narrative that with talent, effort, willpower, and various advantages, they can achieve their goals. The logic of individualism and meritocracy is so ubiquitous that it has seeped into all of our mental groundwater.

Oh, hold the horses, Martha! Let’s tamp down on those questionable beliefs in personal responsibility. Better to see all negatives as someone else’s fault.

What could go wrong?


What’s wrong with Scotland?

The heirs of William Wallace are no more.

Scotland’s ruling political group, the Scottish National Party (SNP), has proposed another series of laws that aim to shore up protection for transgendered people, including a ban on conversion therapy and jail time for parents who try to block their child’s transition.

“We have grave concerns that these plans will criminalize loving parents, who could face years in jail simply for refusing to sign up to the gender ideology cult,” Marion Calder, a director for the group For Women Scotland, said of the proposal.

Ya think? That’s exactly what they aim to do.

Anyone breaching a civil order, such as the one proposed by the SNP, could see the offender face two years in jail, with the maximum punishment of up to seven years in jail or an “unlimited fine,”

And let’s remember that Scottish government-funded “Rape crisis centers” in Scotland are “inclusive”. To the point where a male-in-dress was appointed head of Edinburgh RapeCrisis Centre and went on to say that women rape victims would have to be educated out of their bigotry to even dare request not to be served by a male wearing lipstick.

Sorry to say, one less country on my bucket list.


The consequences of Woke

“Ban the police” they said …



Hardly …

Since Biden and the rest of the Obama cabal slithered back into the White House three years ago, they’ve conspired to get 10 million illegals released into this country all the while pounding the podium while saying the border is secure. It seems to matter little to them … the rapes, murders, assaults, deaths via fentanyl … when it happens to American citizens. But polling numbers seem to, even as you know ever mumbled utterance out of Creepy Joe’s piehole is as genuine as Hunter’s sobriety.

Let’s call this flood of military age males, many criminals, for what it is. An invasion.



OMG, dears. I think I just snorted some champagne up my nose!!! My only question here, are these Federal employees, or did the DNC just rent-a-troll from the Lincoln Project again?

Sunday palate cleanser

And that, dears, is how it is done.


Your Sunday smile

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make your day.

A grocery store employee was caught in an act of kindness, as she helped a mom in need after the mom’s toddler had a major meltdown in the checkout line.

Never discount small random acts of kindness.


And our Sunday together has come to an end. I’ve certainly had an entertaining time and look forward to next Sunday. Stay warm and safe, my friends. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    The logic of individualism and meritocracy is so ubiquitous that it has seeped into all of our mental groundwater.

    Does blue cheese or vinaigrette go with that word salad? As a normal person, it’s really tough for me to understand the idea that being a victim is the most noble calling in our society.

    • Scott says:

      Sadly, based on the fact that some moron is writing that (yeah, I know, it’s salon), I’d say it hasn’t seeped nearly deep enough… Anyone who things those ideals are a problem is more than welcome to GTFO! I’m sure they could easily find a socialist country that aligns with their ideals..

  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • GWB says:

    Sahara Dula, who is a criminal justice graduate
    BWAHAHAHAHA! Now she will be a criminal justice system graduate!

    a group of illegal immigrants all dressed in camouflage moving through the brush
    This is why you need a suppressor on your hunting rifle. In order not to spook your prey.

    A group of feds called the Patriot Front

    Good on that store clerk for just giving a little bit of her effort to the customer (the kid). Good call on how to involve the kid, too. 🙂

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