Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Happy New Year’s Eve! Hard to believe, dears, that 2023 is almost in the rear-view mirror. Join me and let’s have a great laugh, or three, at the absurdity around us, and enjoy a few adult beverages along the way.

Our last Sunday together this year. I’ve tossed caution to the wind, you’ll find a brunch table filled with all your favorites — from bacon to brioche, frittatas to french toast, waffles to wassail — and oodles of champagne. Oh! And the requisite funny hats and noise makers. We can cheer the good and make rude noises at the villains. Let me start passing the flutes of bubbly and let’s get to it.


Every child deserves a GOOD dad

More please …

It’s really about being an involved dad regardless talent level. What a child wants most is their dad’s time. Bet his daughters grow up without ever wanting to dye their hair pink and insisting on the pronouns “they/them”.


No child deserves a BAD dad

Dear lord, pass the bourbon and save us from Woke Yte Lefties bragging about child abuse.

At an “antiracism” website called, a proud white activist recently shared his personal experience guiding his daughter Aya, 8, toward the uncomfortable self-awareness that because she is white, she is racist even if – or perhaps especially if – she believes she is not. It is a disturbing look at the mindset of white antiracist “allies” who believe they are participating in the grand project of socially engineering a utopian future, starting with inculcating a racial consciousness and a corrosive guilt into their own innocent children. (snip)

Osler writes about a family road trip during which the topic of racism arose and his young daughter Aya, who is white like her parents, declares from the back seat that she is not racist, that she plays with kids of other races at school and doesn’t care what they look like. (snip)

Jonathan Osler explained to Aya that racism isn’t just something perpetuated by a few bad apples like the police and Donald Trump (Osler actually named them as examples): “It’s us, too.”

Osler then lectured his impressionable eight-year-old about her skin color being problematic, which seems rather abusive. “Whiteness [sic] is not actually normal for everyone,” he told her, and asked her to imagine “how it might feel to be a person of color in a society always being judged against White [sic] norms.”

Poor kid. Let’s pray that 8-year-old has some sane grandparents to run interference on the downlow with her.


Destroy a Women’s shelter, receive a medal

Oh Canada! Why?

A transgender activist, whose advocacy led to the withdrawal of city funding from Canada’s oldest rape shelter, has recently been honored with a Meritorious Service Medal, recognizing her (sic) as a “champion of diversity” the Daily Mail has revealed. (snip)

Oger led an initiative to revoke Vancouver Rape Relief’s city funding due to their policy of not providing shelter to biological males who claim to be trans women.

In March 2019, the Vancouver City Council decided to withhold its annual grant of $34,000 starting from 2020 unless the shelter, which has been in operation since 1974 and is the oldest in Canada, modified its policy.

I’m only surprised that this rape center refused to bow to demands that males-in-dresses be housed with female rape victims. Other shelters not only admit males, but threaten any complaining female with a “human rights violation”. Females in Iran wear burkas, females in Canada don’t exist.


Remember, Gavin Newsom is running for President

When stupidity and incompetence does as much damage as actual malice, why try to argue the distinction?

California will welcome the new year by becoming the first state to offer health insurance for all undocumented immigrants.

Starting Jan. 1, all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age, will qualify for Medi-Cal, California’s version of the federal Medicaid program for people with low incomes.

he final expansion going into effect Jan. 1 will make approximately 700,000 undocumented residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full coverage, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.

Durazo then went on to preen that “healthcare is a human right.” Which, of course, Newscum underlined

“In California, we believe everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care coverage – regardless of income or immigration status,” Gov. Newsom’s office said in response to an ABC News request for comment.

There are only about 18 cities in the whole nation with populations of 700K and above.


Yet Gavin and the California commies are going to be giving health coverage to what is the equivalent of every single person in Denver, CO. And we know who will be paying the bill.


Sunday palate cleanser

This is the way you handle insufferable people.


Your Sunday smile

I’m not crying. You’re crying. Darned onion ninjas.


How short our time together has been this Sunday! Time to go enjoy the rest of our day and make ready to make merry again this evening. Think of all the Sundays we will share in 2024. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    Story #1: That is a good father and videos like this need to be the norm.

    Story #2: Whiteness [sic] is not actually normal for everyone “White” as in “skin tone” is only found in about 8% of the world population. Why does he hate minorities so much? Shame about that girl; I’d take her in and teach her not to be ashamed of being white.

    Story #3: On the one hand, this is horrible and the women who need that shelter are going to suffer. On the other, Canadians as a whole support this because they’d rather real women suffer than be seen as “intolerant.”

    Story #4: This makes me worry about my folks even more.

    Story #5: The ticket agent at Delta deserves a raise and a promotion. We have allowed troons to expect special treatment for far too long.

    Story #6: Must be some tear gas in the area because lordie, the tear ducts were opened up.

    Happy New Year, everyone! I wish you all the best.

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  • Anna A says:

    Thank you, for certain stories, my onion slicer went on overdrive.

    Political suggestion: That the busses, and airplanes that are taking illegal border crossers to NYC and Chicago, change final destination. I recommend Sacramento, Los Angeles or San Francisco CA

  • John C. says:

    I grew up in the South in the ’50s and ’60s, and I have seen racism. I remember thinking that the 2 water fountains on the side of the Dairy Queen were stupid, as everybody knew that if you didn’t want someone else’ germs, you didn’t put your mouth on the fountain. I remember the summer I stayed with my grandparents in Louisiana, when the Klan had a rally nearby (I was greatly daring, and stole one of their “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and Forever” leaflets off a telephone pole), when everyone, Black and White, walked on eggshells, for fear of someone in the Klan would notice us. I remember my grandfather, who was respected by everyone in town, Black and White, always referred to Blacks with the proverbial “N-word;” not to insult them, but it was what people had called Blacks all his life. And none of the Black people he knew in his long life ever corrected him, because they didn’t dare.

    Race relations in this country, at least in the South, had improved immeasurably, no matter how people in the Northeast and West Coast were fixated on the South as a racist wasteland, but things here are now as bad as they were when I was growing up; just in the other direction. And Dr. King’s dream is now considered racist. I worry for my children, and granddaughter.

    • Cameron says:

      This is my own thought on why things are going badly on this topic:

      The protesters read the history books. They saw the protests and the dramatic speeches. And they are upset at the fact that they didn’t get their moment in the spotlight. So instead of enjoying the fact that race relations had been improving, they stir things up so they can march and get a place in the books.

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