Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Here we are again to indulge in good food, good conversation and to review some of the insanity emanating from an evermore desperate portside who cannot cope with any loss of power. And they no longer care that you can see what they are doing — from the FBI’s own election interference to the Pravda media’s new schtick that Trump is exhausted — they continue to plumb the depths of anti-American shenanigans in order to drag Potemkin Kamala into the Oval Office. Chins up, dears! Let’s pour the champagne, toast our health, and get on with it. L’Chaim!


A step too far for even Gavin Newsom?

Whatever the outcome of this election cycle, Newsom has been busy trying to remake himself into a moderate Dem (good luck with that). Personally, it’s foolish to believe that cat has any intention of changing his spots. But that his eyes are now fixated on 2028, it makes for interesting Theater of the Absurd as Hairgel comes out in support of Elon Musk after the CA Coastal Commission refused to allow SpaceX to increase their launches at Vandenberg.



Oh Newsom is soooo running in 2028.


We were told these things don’t happen

And then they do

A transgender high school tennis coach who, despite complaints of inappropriate behavior, was rehired due to concerns of “transphobia,” has now resigned after a pair of videos surfaced of him engaged in vulgar behavior.

Coach David Yates — “Sasha” when donning a blonde wig and declaring his fetish his “identity” — was dismissed after a series of alarming behaviors towards minor girls in the girls’ locker and restrooms. But Trans-allies rushed to his defense, saying that refusing to rehire him was “transphobia” perpetuated by [wait for it] NAZIS! The trans-bullies did everything they could to keep Yates employed by the school district — but they’ve been strangely silent after Yates chose to resign after videos of him engaged in smoking meth and having sex have emerged.

Vouchers, please.



Text of post:

Here are my thoughts: I agree in principle that an anti-war movie is incongruous with promoting the idea of a tough non-woke US military and thus war itself – however – these are very dangerous and strange times and thus using this footage is doubtless pure expedience.

Because I’m sure the irony of using FMJ footage is not lost on Trump or his team – Trump is always seeking to end wars and use peaceful methods. However, that’s primarily what FMJ is about, the shocking and complicated paradoxes of human nature.

And thus, on this tooth and claw planet, you need a very strong military – so I’m going to stick with the idea that FMJ footage was used primarily because of its powerful, realistic portrayal of boot camp, juxtaposed with the entirely demoralizing and inappropriate injection of WOKE ideology into the USA military. Which I agree with myself and which I’m certain my father would have agreed with.

Truthfully, I believe my father (who supported Reagan), would very much approve of saving America, indeed the world, from the highly destructive Globalist forces threatening to take over this planet. And if that footage from FMJ helps Trump make the point that the US military needs properly trained, super tough, focused, dedicated warriors, and not introduce the demoralizing effects of woke-ism, and attracting people to join up simply to have their sexual reassignments paid for, then Trump has my blessing.

Finally, knowing my father very well, I can assure you he had a profound grasp of how paradoxical human nature is! Which accounts for how at the same time he made anti-war films, he had a great passion for guns (self-defense not hunting) and he had quite a few!

My father had a great respect for life – his movies being unimpeachable evidence of his love for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! So on that basis, I feel very confident he would be a Trump supporter and would forgive using FMJ incongruously, if it helps the cause of freedom!




Buildings can be racist, too

From the bowels of bedlam aka the modern, American university.

A CU Boulder Today article titled “Can buildings be racist? A CU Boulder architect explores” was published on Wednesday, featuring an interview with Shawhin Roudbari, a CU Boulder professor of Environmental Design.

When asked: “Can buildings and spaces actually be racist?” Roudbari answered that “architectural design often reflects social hierarchies, and those hierarchies are frequently tied to the history of Western colonization and racism.”

Roudbari went on to allege that classroom settings “like the auditorium-style lecture hall where students surround a professor” were “made mainstream by Western colonization, which eliminated enslaved or otherwise colonized Indigenous communities as part of attempts to extract wealth or advance supremacist projects like Manifest Destiny.”

The CU Boulder professor claimed that alternative “non-Western” teaching methods promote more “communal” learning in which “people sit around in a circle and share their expertise.”

Exactly what expertise can a seven-year-old share during the time the teacher is teaching the kids phonics?

These Leftwing loons are anti-Western-Civilization AND they are getting your tax dollars to screw with your kid’s head.

This has got to stop. Let’s start with the end of all federal subsidies (including federal student loans) to colleges and universities. End Jimmy Carter’s Dept of Education. And work on alumni to stop supporting these Leftcult madrassas.


Your Sunday palate cleanser

That’s going to leave a mark.


“Why is Gen Z the most depressed, anxious, and overly medicated generation in America?”

Well worth your time. This really speaks to stopping and reversing the Left’s stranglehold on culture. It’s killing our kids.


Your Sunday smile

See something, DO something …

A New York City MTA bus driver is being heralded as a hero after he saw a little girl walking the streets of Manhattan’s Upper West Side by herself and stopped his bus to investigate.

Thank you, Mr. Jimenez. One little girl’s family will be forever in your debt. May your kindness and protectiveness inspire others to act as heroically when the need arises.


Well, dears, it looks like our Sunday together has come to a close. Too soon, of course. And only three more Sundays to break bread — or some buttery croissants — prior to the Election. Take heart, make sure to vote and I’ll see you all next week. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • Cameron says:

    The CU Boulder professor claimed that alternative “non-Western” teaching methods promote more “communal” learning in which “people sit around in a circle and share their expertise.”

    Why do these people never give us examples of these non-Western cultures that are so superior? Start their own colleges, teach the way they think things should be an prove how good they are. Hell, I’ll be cheering them on.

    • Scott says:

      It used to be that people in Colorado referred to that area as “the Peoples Republic of Boulder”.. that term is rarely used anymore, NOT because people there rejected that failed ideology, but rather because our side-saddle governor, after buying the state government with the help of his millionaire accomplices, has imported enough californians and illegals to make other cities in the state just as delusional.

      We will NOT vote our way out of this…

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