SOTU Watch: How Far Will Biden Betray Israel

SOTU Watch: How Far Will Biden Betray Israel

SOTU Watch: How Far Will Biden Betray Israel

It’s no secret that the Hamas wing of the Democrats is pressuring Biden’s handlers to punish Israel for the temerity of acting in its national interest of refusing to be wiped off the map.

It is only an open question in how far Creepy Joe will go in open Jewhate in search of MOAR VOTES to defeat #OrangeManBad. We now know even America’s military conduct in WWII is up for Biden’s criticism in search of an angle to demonize Israel.

President Joe Biden slammed America’s conduct during the Second World War in a conversation with Israel’s war cabinet, arguing that the Allied bombings of Nazi Germany led to the “United Nations and all these rules” that preclude the use of such tactics today.

Say, what? Chew on that for a moment … not only is this a revision to the history of the founding of the United Nations, it takes the Allied efforts to destroy both Nazi Germany’s ability and will to continue the war it started and makes it an American “war crime”.

In an interview with the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos, Biden criticized the Jewish state’s leaders, saying they have become consumed with “rage” in their war against Hamas and have lost “the moral high ground.” Biden went on to detail a conversation he had with members of Israel’s war cabinet, who defended the war in Gaza by noting “that America had carpet-bombed Germany in the Second World War.” Biden responded by suggesting America should not have done so.

“That’s why we ended up with the United Nations and all these rules about not doing that again,” he said, according to Osnos.

We’ve certainly been here before with Biden and his Obama-staff-scripted remarks on an Israeli “pause”. No anti-Israel behavior is beyond the pale as long as you’re a Democrat. Behold:

Some Democrat in the Hamas Hallelujah Chorus let the terrorist-wanna-bes, Code Pink, into the Capitol Hill hallways to ambush representatives who still support Israel.

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) fired back at a group of Code Pink activists who ambushed him in a hallway on Capitol Hill and accused him of supporting “genocide” by supporting the State of Israel in its fight against Hamas terrorists.

“I will always support Israel,” Fleischmann retorted, as he rejected the activists’ claims and their false statistics.

Will BIden’s DOJ investigate how these “paraders” got into the hallway and tried to threaten and interfere with Congressional business? Will the FBI send SWAT teams to arrest Code Pink “insurrectionists” for public perp-walks? Will they be held in prison for months without trial?

Not holding my breath.

Add to all this that Biden’s remarks about the United Nations is pretty precious when we find out that UN staff of UNRWA supported and participated in the Hamas-lead barbarity of Oct 7.

As more information comes to light to expose the Palestinian propaganda war against Israel, in a rare move, Israel has chosen to release actual audio recordings of UNRWA staff who participated in the savage October 7 attacks, to further impress the truth about UNRWA upon a willfully blind world. (snip)

As more information comes to light to expose the Palestinian propaganda war against Israel, in a rare move, Israel has chosen to release actual audio recordings of UNRWA staff who participated in the savage October 7 attacks, to further impress the truth about UNRWA upon a willfully blind world. (snip)

“Sabaya” is a term in Islam that describes women and children as the property of a Muslim man. It also means slave and handmaiden. The most difficult use of “sabaya” was by ISIS terrorists, who called the captured Yazidi women this, Hagari says.

If our WWII vets and their actions to defeat Nazi Germany are now unworthy of support from Biden and the Democratic (sic) Party, what hope has Israel?

Biden might not fully betray Israel tonight, his team is still doing the math on how many pro-Hamas votes it can afford to lose, but the seeds – and the threat – will be there.

featured image, original artwork by Darleen Click

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