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so what’s your super power?

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so what’s your super power?

what would your super power be if you had one?  i took an online quiz and here are my results:

Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity

You’re highly reactive, energetic, and super charged.
If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second.
But you don’t harness your energy unless you truly need to.
And because of this, people are often surprised by what you are capable of.

Why you would be a good superhero: You have the stamina to fight enemies for days

Your biggest problem as a superhero: As with your normal life, people would continue to underestimate you

you can take the quiz too!  check out this website :  What Should Your Superpower Be?   and um, we already know what our presidential candidates’ superpowers are.  yep.

h/t for the wonderhill pic to my friend flora at flora’s life .  hillary’s never looked so good!   😛

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