Chris Christie has become a conservative rock star since becoming governor of New Jersey, beloved for his common sense style of governing. He’s particularly liked for his willingness to take the teachers unions on, which is what is spotlighted in the video below. We have yet another smug, self-righteous teacher trying to trash Christie for not caving in to every single union demand made upon him. Not giving teachers yearly raises, of course, equals putting teachers on the street and destroying New Jersey schools. Fortunately, Chris Christie doesn’t go for the hype and fights back — not with hysterics or rhetoric, but with things called facts.
It’s frustrating having to deal with these self-righteous teachers who act as if they are owed the world, just by virtue of being teachers. It’s an attitude fostered and nurtured by teachers unions. Since Christie has become governor, he’s made a regular habit of taking on the unions and the self-righteous teachers that are members (see previous examples here and here). The attitude is ridiculous, and it’s even worse considering the state of schools in this country today. Our children are getting a worse and worse education, yet teachers are demanding more, more, more. More money. More benefits. More of everything. And it never seems to matter whether a teacher is a good teacher or not. A teacher can routinely churn out students who can barely read, write, or add, but they’ll still expect a raise each and every year. It’s why so many people advocate for merit-based pay, something the unions will never let happen. And for some odd reason, despite the fact that teachers routinely make more than the average white-collar worker, the myth of the poor, struggling, underpaid teacher persists.
Only as a teacher can you expect a raise and a guaranteed job for life no matter how good or bad a job you do.
In Chris Christie’s case, he asked teachers unions to make a very simple compromise: a pay freeze for one year, and to contribute 1.5% towards their benefits. (Most New Jersey teachers apparently have the luxury of paying nothing for their benefits.) This was deemed unacceptable, and teachers are on the rampage against Chris Christie yet again. What Christie is asking for is not unreasonable, especially considering the economic climate we’re in today. And that’s another problem with these spoiled rotten teachers. Our economy is in shambles, unemployment is through the roof, and all around the country people are tightening their belts and making sacrifices. But heaven forbid that a teacher do the same! They’re teachers! They deserve raises every single year, no matter how bad the economy or how awful a teacher they are!
It’s disgusting. Someone needs to take these spoiled, selfish teachers down a peg. And I’m glad to see that someone, at least, isn’t cowed by the despicable unions.
A few years back the town I lived in at the time had something of a debate about increasing school taxes. The town newspaper, which was very sympathetic to the teachers union, printed an article saying that the teachers had only had 2 pay raises in the last 5 years. Wow, sounded like they were in tough straights, right? Well, it turns out that the truth behind that was this: The teachers had a contract that gave them annual pay raises. Twice in the last 5 years they had changes to the contract that increased their pay on top of the annual pay raises. That is, the teachers had really gotten 7 pay raises in the last 5 years! How many people in the private sector get that? But it’s typical of the word-games that teachers unions play.
Christie wins. The end.
Merit pay should be the answer the keeps everybody happy. It also should be easier to fire completely incompetant teachers (which means more money for the ones who are doing thier jobs.) The biggest problem with public employee unions is that seems to be always the most incompetant employees the are in positions of union leadership. Also, many of these people spend thier days taking care of union business at the expense of their actual jobs.