Say Goodbye To Broadway

Say Goodbye To Broadway

Say Goodbye To Broadway

We can all say goodbye to the Broadway district, which has become a migrant district. More and more hotels throughout New York City are turning into housing projects for illegals and doing it all for the federal money given out by Joe Biden.

The Square Hotel is located across from the Gershwin Theatre. It has been serving as a migrant shelter for over a year, staffed with the National Guard. One New York Post article reports a couple who showed up with their luggage ready to check in was escorted off the premises by a National Guardsman.

The public was unaware that the hotel was a migrant shelter until recently, and it was only recently announced that it would be closed in the foreseeable future. Getting that easy money from the federal government to transform its premises into a migrant housing project has sealed the deal.

The hotel site still boasts a Japanese restaurant and bar in its lobby and “Art Nouveau styled hotel rooms”  with “sophisticated furniture, plush beds with down comforters and deluxe linens, flat-screen televisions with cable and C.O. Bigelow toiletries.” – New York Post

The website is still available, but you cannot book a room. More and more hotels are deciding to take the government handout instead of operating a business providing a service. Just take the money and sit back. Lazy is right.

One critic said “lazy” hotel operators even in the Great White Way have concluded that it’s more profitable to take the easy money from the city to fully occupy their rooms with migrants rather than book tourists.

“These hotels could be doing a fine tourist business right now, but they are being lazy, and a sure-thing 100-percent occupancy on the city dime, and without having to provide traditional hotel services, is just too good a deal to pass up,” said Nicole Gelinas, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. – New York Post

FYI, the Great White Way isn’t some racist reference. It’s what they call a section of Broadway in Manhattan. I’m surprised that Al Sharpton and his ilk haven’t jumped all over that one by now.

Second Class

Some New York citizens have questions for Mayor Adams, who feel they have become second-class citizens in their community.

Boy, we’ve come a long way in a short time, going on 4 years after COVID and the mandates and the firing of people for not complying. But let an illegal enter, and they have free reign.

COVID-19 sure did have a lot in play here. First, the city paid hotels to house COVID-19 patients. Now, they are blaming COVID-19 for the hotels that need federal money. No sir. The truth is that once you get that handout from Big Daddy, it’s hard to get off of the big buck to stand on your own.

Once the government starts giving out the money, it’s nearly impossible to take it away. Welfare anyone?

More than 100 city hotels have agreed to convert into emergency shelters for migrant families and individuals who have flooded the city from the southern border.

It’s been a godsend for many hotels reeling from closures and lost business during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The city also paid hotels to provide temporary lodging to recovering COVID patients, and medical workers and homeless individuals.

The Post reported last September that the city extended contracts with the hotel association for three years at a staggering price tag of $1.3 billion — nearly five times the original $275 million deal — just to pay rental fees to the vast network of hotels converted into emergency shelters.

The head of the Hotel Association of New York City said hotels are helping the city address a migrant crisis.

New York Post

Meanwhile, according to one reporter, other nearby parts of NYC have become like the Wild West. In the video below, he talks about merchandise stolen from local retailers only to be sold on the streets.

Prostitution is also rampant, and no one cares.

The Square Hotel has served as a migrant shelter for a year, and keeping it quiet is part of why this is so upsetting.

And the fact that the National Guard is there? Makes me livid.

The National Guard being used to protect illegals who broke American law and who continue to break laws is infuriating. This is wrong. Dare I say something nefarious is at foot? Look around at any headline today, and you’ll agree.

Through all of this, we need to keep our heads straight and vote accordingly. After we vote, we also have to hold our elected people accountable, which is sometimes an uncomfortable affair.

Feature Image: Martin Dürrschnabel, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • John C. says:

    “Loot is never sold at a loss.”
    – Author Uncertain

  • Scott says:

    There is no question that this is all part of the plan to ensure there is only one party in this country moving forward. The democrats are behind this all, don’t believe their lies.
    Making these invaders “citizens” and allowing them to vote is the next step..

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