Sarah Palin IS sexy. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Sarah Palin IS sexy. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

I never can quite grasp what exactly it is feminists seem to have against women being attractive. I don’t get why they get so angry if a man thinks a woman is hot. I just don’t get it. I know I’m just a tool of the male patriarchy and all, but personally I’m not the least bit offended if a man thinks I’m sexy. It’s a compliment!! And it doesn’t bother me any to hear people talk about how hot Sarah Palin is, either. You know why? Because she is hot. But for whatever reason, feminists decry this as sexism. They’re so, so against women being seen as attractive. And one of the things they’ve slammed Sarah Palin for over and over again is her attractiveness. She wears skirts! But… but… but… Hillary wore pantsuits! The horror! And not to mention she likes her husband… she didn’t abort her disabled baby… she even (gasp!!) supports her teenage daughter’s pregnancy!! And, worst of all, women like her.

The feminists’ collective heads are spinning.

At, we’ve got a couple of examples of feminists getting their panties in a wad over Sarah Palin’s sexiness. Hey, don’t be hatin’!

First, we have Cintra Wilson, with a really good one.

McCain’s running mate is a Christian Stepford wife in a sexy librarian costume. Women, it’s time to get furious.

Sarah Palin may be a lady, but she ain’t no woman.

I confess, it was pretty riveting when John McCain trotted out Sarah Palin for the first time. Like many people, I thought, “Damn, a hyperconservative, fuckable, Type A, antiabortion, Christian Stepford wife in a ‘sexy librarian’ costume — as a vice president? That’s a brilliant stroke of horrifyingly cynical pandering to the Christian right. Karl Rove must be behind it.”

Palin may have been a boost of political Viagra for the limp, bloodless GOP (and according to an ABC/Washington Post poll she has created a boost in McCain’s standing among white women to a 53 over Obama’s 41). But ideologically, she is their hardcore pornographic centerfold spread, revealing the ugliest underside of Republican ambitions — their insanely zealous and cynical drive to win power by any means necessary, even at the cost of actual leadership.

Sarah Palin, in this light, makes so little sense that she makes perfect sense. She speciously represents a new power paradigm of the Nice Mommy: the opposite of Hillary (the Mean Mommy), the opposite of Oprah (black, and therefore foreign), the opposite of Martha Stewart (another Mean Mommy). In her support for women on women’s issues, she has done everything but volunteer for her own circumcision. She tacitly promises a roll backward into old-fashioned sexual roles — like Old Testament-style old. Her morality is fixed, predictable and inflexible. There are those who will find comfort in the fact that they will know exactly what can be expected from Palin: Free will subordinated to obedience of an airtight, evangelical interpretation of the demands of God, country and Republican men.

It is a kind of eerie coincidence that Sarah Palin is being sprung on the public at the same time as the bimbo/frat-boy titty comedy “House Bunny,” which features a poster of a beautiful young lady with Playmate-style bunny ears, big, stupid eyes and her mouth hanging open like someone just punched her.

Sarah Palin is the White House bunny — the most nauseating novelty confection of the evangelical mind-set since Southern “chastity balls,” wherein teen girls pledge abstinence from premarital sex by ceremonially faux-marrying their own fathers.

You see? This brilliant woman figured it all out. The insipid movie The House Bunny was really Karl Rove pulling the strings behind the curtain. It was a subliminal message. And sure enough, right after it came out, BAM! Sarah Palin. Mmm-hmm. That’s right.

Next up, we have Rebecca Traister.

Palin’s femininity is one that is recognizable to most women: She’s the kind of broad who speaks on behalf of other broads but appears not to like them very much. The kind of woman who, as Jessica Grose at Jezebel has eloquently noted, achieves her power by doing everything modern women believed they did not have to do: presenting herself as maternal and sexual, sucking up to men, evincing an absolute lack of native ambition, instead emphasizing her luck as the recipient of strong male support and approval. It works because these stances do not upset antiquated gender norms. So when the moment comes, when tolerance for and interest in female power have been forcibly expanded by Clinton, a woman more willing to throw elbows and defy gender expectations but who falls short of the goal, Palin is there, tapped as a supposedly perfect substitute by powerful men who appreciate her charms.

But while the Republicans would have us believe that Palin can simply stand in for Hillary Clinton, there is nothing interchangeable about these politicians. We began this history-making election with one kind of woman and have ended up being asked to accept her polar opposite. Clinton’s brand of femininity is the kind that remains slightly unpalatable in America. It is based on competence, political confidence and an assumption of authority that upends comfortable roles for men and women. It’s a kind of power that has nothing to do with the flirtatious or the girly, nothing to do with the traditionally feminine. It is authority that is threatening because it so closely and calmly resembles the kind of power that the rest of the guys on a presidential stage never question their right to wield.

The pro-woman rhetoric surrounding Sarah Palin’s nomination is a grotesque bastardization of everything feminism has stood for, and in my mind, more than any of the intergenerational pro- or anti-Hillary crap that people wrung their hands over during the primaries, Palin’s candidacy and the faux-feminism in which it has been wrapped are the first development that I fear will actually imperil feminism. Because if adopted as a narrative by this nation and its women, it could not only subvert but erase the meaning of what real progress for women means, what real gender bias consists of, what real discrimination looks like.


I love how feminists automatically assume that, if a woman is not 100% in line with their sacred beliefs, it must be that she’s a whore for the patriarchy, a tool for men to use and play with. Diverse thinking for me, not for thee. They know all. The rest of us women need to just shut up and get with the program.


Also interesting is how quickly they over-sexualize Sarah Palin. There’s a big — huge — leap from, “Wow, that Palin chick is hot!” to “fuckable, Type A, Christian Stepford wife in a ‘sexy librarian’ costume”. Everything Sarah Palin does is on behalf of men, and really, she’s not even the one doing anything, according to these women. She’s just the face of the movement, there to smile and look pretty for the drooling Republican men (and women — even I drool over Sarah Palin). She couldn’t possibly come up with any of this on her own merit, could she? She couldn’t possibly have been chosen because she is a smart, successful, gutsy woman. Nope… she’s just a pretty face who’s memorized GOP talking points.

It just floors me how quickly feminists dumb down any women who disagree with them… and then just as quickly turn around and claim they’re fighting for women. So women only count if they agree with radical feminists 100% of the time? Jeez. No wonder so many women eschew modern feminism.

Melissa Clouthier has a great take on hyper-offended feminists:

Sarah Palin represents a “real” woman. She clearly likes men and fraternizes regularly with one hot one, her husband. She embraces the life-growing ability of her uterus and has used it for its intended purpose often in her twenty years of marriage. Far from being a freak of nature, she’s pretty normal for us fly-over folks. Sex, kids, men–conservative women tend to like these things. A lot. Two neighbors within yards of my house have five kids each. Don’t mess with these women. They are tough. And sexy. And smart (college educated). And, yes, Christian.

Newsflash feminists: You do realize that this plays to a serious stereotype about women, right? Far from the sisterhood, feminists like to talk about, women are known for eating their own (pardon the pun). Territorial and catty, petty and jealous, heaven help the woman who is more beautiful, younger, smarter and gets the hot guy. And what have the feminists done? Displayed venom about their infringed territory, taken to disparaging Palins form and style, and generally degraded her. They sound jealous and threatened. And all women are diminished by their shameful behavior. Camille Paglia has been a notable exception.

And Maxed Out Mama is just hilarious. And also right on the money. How very, very right she is.

They are, believe me, they are. When we flyover women dress you, you like to be dressed, if you know what I mean. Wink, wink. Believe me, hon, most American men remain slaves to their pocket rockets right through life. It is our job to make sure that they enjoy their time in service and to lengthen their service life. Pun intended.

So this is our platform, if it must be about sex:
Join us in the great sexual debauchery of Flyoverland. We, the women of flyover country, ask NYC and Boston and DC and even perhaps SF to send us your hordes of tired, huddled, feminist-taunted and feminist-daunted men. Because we like men, and we like sex, and that, my little puzzled denizens of Metrosexualdom, is and always has been a winning cultural and political platform.

Let’s not kid ourselves – the only people who won’t vote for lots of enjoyable sex are proctologists, due to the impaired profits.

Feminists are just such walking contradictions these days. They get so offended if a woman is sexualized… yet if it’s a female who has different ideals than they do, they automatically sexualize her and demean her. They decry abstinence and love the idea of constant guilt-free sex with whoever a woman wants to have sex with (if it feels good, do it!). Yet a woman who really truly does love sex, with the same man, over and over again, resulting in a new life, is a hideous notion to them. They say women are the intellectual equals of men, yet women aren’t allowed to have diverse opinions on hot-button topics like abortion.

I think it all comes down to serious insecurity and self-loathing. Living with such misery every day can be draining. And when a woman comes along who is attractive, who loves her husband and is devoted to him, who is not afraid to reproduce, who is pro-life, who has principles and sticks to them, who is opposite of everything they believe in… well, it’s like holding up a giant mirror. All of their shortcomings are reflected in Sarah Palin. And so they attack her.

And notice they don’t attack her policies. It’s all vitriol and hyperbole.

Cintra Wilson doesn’t understand why women aren’t furious about Sarah Palin. It’s because the average American woman has very, very little in common with feminism anymore. Most feminists don’t speak for the American woman. They speak for themselves and never entertain the notion that there are other points of view which have just as much merit as their own do. Sarah Palin resonates with so many women because they see themselves in her. Sarah Palin is an everywoman. And she speaks to them. Yet feminists can do nothing but shriek in outrage because Sarah Palin is — gasp!! — attractive and pro-life.

I just can’t help pitying these women. It must be so exhausting and sad to live your life with such a narrow, negative view of the world. And I know I say it all the time, but I’ll say it again.

Men are not the enemy.

Just because Sarah Palin does not toe the feminist line, it doesn’t mean that women don’t have anything in common with her, and feminists need to learn that lesson, and quick. They’re losing relevance faster and faster. Women in flyover country, the bulk of the United States, have a lot in common with Sarah Palin. Belittling and insulting anyone who doesn’t agree with your point of view, all with a gigantic dollop of condescension piled on top, will not endear anyone to your side.

But, what does it matter? These types of attacks will only make Sarah Palin more attractive to the American woman. Feminists don’t seem to get it. Every attack they make on Sarah Palin is an attack on every day women and the values they hold. It might not hurt feminists to open their eyes a little and realize that their viewpoint is not infallible.

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  • Andrew says:

    Right on Cassy about men not being the enemy. We can take it a step further and say conservative men are not the enemy. In fact, conservative men generally there to protect and defend women a lot more than liberals. I noticed in almost every rant against Sarah, the feminazis, are quick to take a shot at conservative men especially Evangelical Christians.

    But they never give a reason why those men are so bad. What is wrong about a man who wants to commit himself to one women, love her, and raise a family with her. It sure beats the guy who uses women, sleeps around, and thanks whatever the hell he believes in for Roe vs. Wade in case of an “accident”. Which is what most liberal guys are.

    In fact, I think most men who consider themselves “allies of feminism” (who aren’t gay, of course) are usually just sexual predators who are looking for good odds even if the quailty of the women is awful. Its like how Chris Rock once made the joke to go to abortion rallies top pick up women, because you know they’re putting out” (clean term for what he actually used. And these feminazis think they are the good men while conservatives are evil. Its completely bass ackwards.

    2008 will go down in history as the election the liberal media gave to the Republicans because Americans are smart enough to see through thier horribles smears and sterotypes.

  • [From one of the 10 September postings on my blog:]

    Am I the only one who has this impression? It seems that ever since Sarah Palin was chosen by John McCain to be his running mate, the women on the street seem to be more into wearing skirts and/or pantyhose. While Hillary Rodham Clinton and Michelle Obama were the leading ladies in the news media, it seemed that more women followed Hillary’s cue and wore pantsuits, and Michelle’s point blank statement that she abhors wearing pantyhose.

    Now, I seem to see more skirts and pantyhose on women. Including the college campus where I teach (and college campuses are among the last place one would expect to find an increase in skirts or pantyhose these days).

    Is it just the cooling weather? [Not likely.]. The seasonal shift of the calendar to September? Or is Sarah Palin actually exerting a subconscious influence upon so many women in America?

    My family hasn’t been in the apparel business since my grandfather retired from Gimbels in the early 1970’s (he went there after trying his hand in a failed clothing store and a bankrupt garment manufacturing shop). Does anyone out there have any data on the latest women’s apparel sales trends for the past few weeks?

  • docjim505 says:

    Let me start with a self-evident truth: Rush is right! 😉

    He says that feminism exists to give unattractive women social acceptability, or something like that. The women who tear down Sarah Palin for being attractive… What sort of women are they? Ugly, grumpy, bitter b****es is my guess. Either because they are so hideous that no decent man would even think about asking them out or because they’ve somehow managed to convince themselves that being attractive to men is just WRONG, they are insanely jealous of an attractive woman who is comfortable in her own skin.

    But here’s the thing: Michelle Obama is an attractive woman. Why does she get a pass – nay, fawning adulation – while Sarah Palin is derided as a bimbo, a sell-out, and even a whore?

    I think the (R) behind her name has something to do with it.

    It’s not PDS. It’s CDS.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    The rest of us women need to just shut up…

    Sorry, that line just begged for a little Dowdification…

    even I drool over Sarah Palin

    Now, now, don’t go all thespian on us.

  • Modgi says:

    “even I drool over Sarah Palin”

    I’ll be in my bunk.

  • Joe says:

    Suddenly the women in the Democrat party are starting to realize that their foundational philosophical belief, that women should be able to do anything that men can do — emphasis on the “should be able” — requires the assumption that women *cannot* do anything that men can do. They *need* women to be oppressed, or they don’t make any sense. Poor Hillary found that out the hard way. If only Senator Clinton had stuck to what Cintra Wilson wrote above, “support for women on women’s issues”, instead of talking about economics and war and things. Maybe if Hillary had spent more time dedicating children’s hospitals and meeting with breast cancer survivors, her party would have nominated her.

    Sarah boggles them because she acts as if nobody ever told her she wasn’t allowed to be beautiful, have a big family, love who she is, and be the Governor of a state all at the same time. So she just goes out and does it, oblivious to the “rules” that the Democratic Party needs enforced for its very survival.

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