Salon’s Chauncey DeVega Goes Racist. So What Else is New?

Salon’s Chauncey DeVega Goes Racist. So What Else is New?

Salon’s Chauncey DeVega Goes Racist. So What Else is New?

Salon steps in it again by publishing hysterical aunty Chauncey DeVega. DeVega delivers, yet again, another racist screed in which wearing a MAGA hat is like wearing Klan robes.

Salon’s DeVega projects

I wouldn’t want to disappoint Salon or DeVega’s expectations. Sadly, here at casa Click, the Klan robes are out at the cleaners. In their stead I’ll offer a picture of our Trump Shrine. We light candles then fall to our knees to chant Orange Man Good, Orange Man Good at least twice a day.

We are so invigorated by such daily veneration we can’t wait to threaten a Native American or beat up a gay black actor.

Oh. Wait.

Was America great when there was racial segregation?

Who was it that created Jim Crow laws?

Was America great when we were interning Japanese-Americans?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the leader of which party?

These are questions that people wearing MAGA hats should be made to answer.

You’re welcome.

Trump’s MAGA hat and other regalia are a type of permission for bad behavior. They neuter any sense of personal responsibility for one’s own bad behavior.

I failed to spot the MAGA hat on this mob, or this guy, or this professor.

Salon’s Tolerance of Racism

I guess I shouldn’t been too hard on Salon. It’s not like they haven’t stepped on their own dick enough times that they are scraping bottom for writers. Giving space for 2600 word works of racism and casual lying to Chauncey at least allows those of us who ask “What, Salon is still around?” a chance to point and laugh.

Aunt Chauncey’s jealousy, too, is quite apparent.

Why is Jordan Peterson so compelling for a certain type of man with a very particular political and social worldview?

Someone get Chauncey the fainting couch and a reality check. Peterson would not be so successful unless those of us who buy his books and attend his lectures were more than the narrow demographic that triggers Chauncey into clutching his pearls and cupping his genitals.

Let’s be clear here. Chauncey wants you to see five fingers. He’ll do anything to convince you.

Believe your lying eyes that there are only four fingers and tell his racist ass to f**k off.

Welcome Instapundit readers!

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  • Brian Brandt says:

    Chauncey? Really? Chauncey. What’s his real name? Joe Jones?

  • Brent says:

    At some point, it will probably be necessary for him to learn to code.

  • GWB says:

    Was America great when there was racial segregation?
    Was America great when we were interning Japanese-Americans?
    Yes. Yes, it was.
    Was it as great as it could be? No.
    The religious fervor of progressives for perfection is overwhelming.

    Trump’s MAGA hat and other regalia are a type of permission for bad behavior. They neuter any sense of personal responsibility for one’s own bad behavior.
    So, what is your excuse?

    Why is Jordan Peterson so compelling for a certain type of man with a very particular political and social worldview?
    He isn’t actually. He is ‘compelling’* for everyone, except for “a certain type of man[/woman/whatsit] with a very particular political and social worldview”.

    (* He isn’t “compelling” for me. But that’s because I already know the sorts of things he espouses. Because I was actually raised with them. And, of course, most of them are wisdom you could discern for yourself – if you were trained to be a critical thinker.)

    Chauncey wants you to see five fingers.
    He wants you to see five fingers because he desperately needs to validate his belief that there are five fingers when his lyin’ eyes tell him there’s just four.

    Progressivism is a religion. Chauncey, sadly, is a true believer.

  • GWB says:

    BTW, this Chauncey is the same one, it seems who wrote a pre-Valentine’s screed about how Trump causes sexual disorder and pro-Trumpers have homoerotic feelings about the current president.

    This quote from that article* makes me ask “Does Chauncey have a fixation on “some” or “certain” men being afraid?”
    Why are some men — especially conservatives and other authoritarians –frightened and made angry by strong, independent, sexual confident women?
    Compare to this article:
    Why is Jordan Peterson so compelling for a certain type of man with a very particular political and social worldview?

    I think Chauncey has a fixation on men like me, and it’s creepy and very unhealthy for him.

    (* Lifted from Ace of Spades. I don’t go to Salon.)

  • […] and unleashes that drool onto anyone who reads the article. Devega told us that Trump voters are RACISTS and VIOLENT, but now he says that we are old and nostalgic for what never was. Oy […]

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