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While reading the news today, I found my journey strewn with OMG distractions – from pebble to boulder-sized in their facepalmery. I present another Victory Girls Roundup of particular Douchery.
It might be more easy to list things that do not offend Leftists.
Swedish furniture company IKEA transgressed against wokedness by adding jerk chicken to their cafe menu in the UK. Their version of the Caribbean dish featured white rice and green peas. This is racist, because when people in the Caribbean say “rice and peas,” they mean “rice and kidney beans.” IKEA found itself set upon by a Twitter mob for committing cultural appropriation:
This was as simple as Googling a pic, but pretending to be a diverse company was more important than getting it right.
— BeingBDub (@bebe4121) September 15, 2019
For how many years have we been lectured that the illegal alien/illegal immigrant/undocumented migrant/ person without proper documentation would never come here just to have a baby in order to secure citizenship? Indeed, the fingerwagging over the term “anchor baby” has been epic.
A Chinese woman living in Irvine pleaded guilty Tuesday to running a business that charged pregnant Chinese women upwards of $40,000 for coaching on getting into the U.S. to give birth and secure American citizenship for their children.
Dongyuan Li, 41, is the first to be convicted in the broad scheme in which 19 others are also accused, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Santa Ana said in a news release. […]
Prosecutors say You Win claimed to have served more than 500 customers, and Li received $3 million in international wire transfers over the course of the scheme.
Somewhere Orwell shouts “1984’s not a fucking instruction manual!”
Petition calls for Oxford English Dictionary to remove sexist terms for women. […]
Maria Beatrice Giovanardi, a London-based communications and marketing expert, typed the word “woman” into a search engine earlier this summer while looking up information on women’s earnings.
She said she was bombarded with results for synonymous of woman that included words like bitch, piece, bit, mare, baggage, wench, petticoat, frail and biddy. […]
“Our point is that sexism against someone is not acceptable and it is not okay to have definitions like these about women,” she said. “We also want them to remove the sentences that denote women being the property of men, and there’s a lot of them,and make it more inclusive.”
“I hope people ask themselves if are we doing enough to patrol sexism and see how widespread it is and ask if we are we taking it seriously enough,” she said. “Because it’s very embedded in every part of society.”
OOoo!Oooo! I have a suggestion! Let’s call these patrols of our speech “Guidance Patrols”!
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree there
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 20, 2019
Next thing we’ll be forbidden to actually call things by their real names. Oh. Wait.
I wanted to end this installment of Douchery Roundup with some good news:
featured image original artwork by Victory Girl Darleen Click
About #3 – Does Ms.Giovanardi know what a Thesaurus is? Should she ban that first?
She typed “woman” – does she think the results would be different if she typed “man”? I’m sure a lot of the results would be derogatory terms there, as well.
The scary part, though, is not that she’s stupid or* crazy, but that 30,000 people agreed with her stupidity / insanity. *That’s not an exclusive “or”.
You might also notice that when feminists alter the Bible and replace references to God with female terms, the feminists always overlook the Devil and fail to make her female too.
Feminists call that “equality”. Feminists are a bunch of wicked hypocrites. Femmunists too.
I’m waiting for the day they realize that most European languages are completely gendered, and demand that they change. There was a slight pushback against “Latinx” by one Spanish-speaking gentleman, who said that the word makes no sense and doesn’t exist in Spanish. That war will be glorious…
For the Ikea bit, I think they should have been chastised for screwing up something like that. Heck, a simple internet search for the recipe could have yielded the right answer. How did they come up with the recipe?
But, cancel culture over it is a bit much, indeed.
Next thing we’ll be forbidden to actually call things by their real names.
Heck, that’s been going on most of my life. I have a 1st or 2d edition copy of the The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook.
if they really want him back
Was he ever really there to begin with?
“How did they come up with the recipe?”
Well, they started by visualizing whirled peas…
Wikipedia informs us that the Swedish Caroleans received peas as part of their daily ration, so I think green peas and rice is a perfectly fine Swedification. Lingonberries on the chicken would complete it. Call it “Caribbean-Swedish fusion” and it might become trendy. Dine to calypso covers of ABBA and it will be complete.
calypso covers of ABBA
“A Chinese woman living in Irvine pleaded guilty Tuesday to running a business that charged pregnant Chinese women upwards of $40,000 for coaching on getting into the U.S. to give birth and secure American citizenship for their children.”
Yeah, we should put a stop to that, but . . . what did she do that was illegal?
– – – –
“Petition calls for Oxford English Dictionary to remove sexist terms for women.”
This was a British dictionary? They forgot ‘Bint.’
For ‘coaching’ read ‘explaining how to lie to immigration officials.’
At least if it’s a crime.
Regarding #2, I’ve read about this before. These aren’t Chinese peasants but rather people of some means. Are any Americans doing the same in China (most likely not, no other country conveys birthright citizenship.)
So why are these Chinese trying to secure American citizenship for their children? Seems like these parents have more confidence in America’s future than in China’s future. What do they know?
Up here in Canada, I was living and working in Vancouver in the 1980s. Many Hong Kong Chinese were coming to Canada, especially to the Vancouver area, to have babies, getting a Canadian birth certificate, and then going back to Hong Kong with their “anchor baby”.
There’s a huge Chinese population in Vancouver and Richmond (just south of Vancouver), and there’s the second biggest China-Town in N. America (after San Francisco).
If things do get bad in Hong Kong I’m sure many of those Chinese born-in-Canada will move “home”.
How many did this? I don’t know, but I’m quite sure it numbers in the thousands.
The idiot left and their PC garbage have both jumped the shark and passed the Rubicon, they’re utterly nuts, and I mean Brazil nuts, nuts.