Ron DeSantis Defies Ronna McDaniel

Ron DeSantis Defies Ronna McDaniel

Ron DeSantis Defies Ronna McDaniel

Ron DeSantis plans on defying Ronna McDaniel and the Republican National Committee (RNC) by attending Iowa’s Family Leader’s Thanksgiving forum.

According to the RNC, the Iowa event is deemed an “outsider” debate. Meaning it’s not approved, planned, or organized by the RNC. By attending, candidates are voiding their pledge not to participate in outside debates so they could be barred from future RNC-planned debates.

But is it really a debate? I don’t think so. It’s a discussion with potential leaders for our country. I believe we are still allowed those freedoms, right?

Why do we have a pledge like that anyway? And why on earth would you sign it? That’s just stupid. More indication that we are moving to a banana republic? I know, hyperbole.

So, Ron said he’ll be in attendance for The Family Leader Thanksgiving Forum. Good for him. And why not? Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds endorsed Ron already. He should definitely go.

From a political standpoint, this is absolutely the right move for DeSantis. His entire campaign hinges on winning Iowa and changing the dynamic of the race going into New Hampshire. If he loses the Iowa caucuses, I feel comfortable predicting that it would officially end any chance he has to win the nomination. –

It’s not just Ron, either.

Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy plan to also attend. So what are you going to, Ronna? Ban those three from the debate stage in Alabama as well? Well, okay, I can see why we really wouldn’t miss those last two, but still, are you gonna really ban Ron DeSantis? But we all know who the fix is for anyway: little miss teeth-clenched-6-inch-heels.

We also know she has it out for Vivek anyway. Here, she responds to Vivek’s spicy sermon from the last debate.

I think Vivek understands he won’t be the candidate, so why not come out swinging and kicking down doors?

In my view, Ron DeSantis is the only real viable candidate here. The neocons like Nikki. And I am confused about Trump. It will be interesting if Ronna and the RNC try to push DeSantis off the debate stage in Alabama.

The Family Leader is a conservative evangelical organization that hosts the Thanksgiving Family Forum. It will be held on November 17th. It is set as a roundtable-friendly and open discussion, which will be moderated, obviously. I am sure we’ll get some great clips from the event. Stay tuned.

Feature Image: DonkeyHotey/Flickr/Ronna McDaniel/Ron DeSantis/CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

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