Rodgers Throws Kimmel Under The Pedo Island Bus

Rodgers Throws Kimmel Under The Pedo Island Bus

Rodgers Throws Kimmel Under The Pedo Island Bus

Anticipation looms about as a federal judge is expected to reveal the “list” of associates who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous island and The New York Jets, Aaron Rodgers had something to say about it.

Okay, so we’re pretty sure Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton will be on the list…but Jimmy Kimmel? Why Jimmy Kimmel? One might remember Kimmel, along with Howard Stern and Trevor Noah, were part of the vaccine mob who went after Rodgers for “hiding” his vaccination status.

For the record, Rodgers was not hiding behind anything, he was choosing what information to share and what not to share. He evidently did not think his vaccination status was anyone’s business. It’s really not anyone’s business. But Kimmel laid into Rodgers because of this:

The fact of the matter is the risk of dying from Covid is 11 times higher if you aren’t vaccinated. This is a dumb conversation, but you’ll never guess who this wack Packer has been getting his medical advice from.

Here’s the thing I don’t get: you won’t take the vaccine, but you will take ivermectin? Good ole ivermectin, there’s a product I can trust.”-Jimmy Kimmel

Rodgers was clearly poking the bear when mentioning Kimmel’s name. It was in jest. But, Jimmy Kimmel, like most woke liberals, cannot take a joke and is threatening litigation.

Oh, Jimmy. The Internet is forever, you schmuck.

Coincidence that Kimmel was also friends with Epstein’s private chef, Adam Perry Lang? Say, Jimmy? Didn’t you back the APL venture?

But Kimmel is butt-hurt that someone would even insinuate that he had any contact with the late Jeffrey Epstein. How dare someone like Aaron Rodgers pick on a “nice guy” like you. A “nice guy” who posed in blackface. A “nice guy” who thought, once upon a time, that unvaccinated people should be denied ICU beds should they be suffering from COVID-19.

Jimmy Kimmel, the paragon of virtue who hosted crackhead, Hunter Biden who lied through his teeth and called his laptop a “red herring” is mad, though. Aaron Rodgers insinuated he hung out on Pedo Island with Jeffrey Epstein. This could put his family in danger!

My vision of hell is a bunch of monitors with my old shows running on them.”-Jimmy Kimmel

Like The Man Show? Our version of hell would be watching both old and current shows. Now, Jimmy’s version of hell is also a Jets Quarterback, apparently.

We have reason to believe Bill Clinton was “Doe 36”. As in John Doe or Pe-Doe? Is Jimmy afraid he will be numbered as well?

Jimmy said Rodgers’ claim threatened his family. (How?) Kimmel has been echoing the sentiments of Steven Spielberg all along that the release of these names would “cause a media frenzy and ruin lives”. Funny how the (unfunny) comedian and his fellow leftists did not care about ruining lives with divisive political rhetoric and divisive, hateful rhetoric during COVID. And, excuse me? Whose lives will be ruined by the release of this list? Anyone who has been to this island to pleasure themselves with underage children deserves to have their lives completely ruined. Epstein got off easy. Let’s hope some of the others don’t.

I’ll tell you what, if that list comes out, I definitely will be popping some sort of bottle.”-Aaron Rodgers

Say what you will about Aaron Rodgers but, I, too, will be popping a bottle when that list comes out. Especially if the list contains some of the usual suspects such as Bill and Hillary, Barack and celebrities like Oprah, Madonna, Katy Perry, Meryl Streep, and yes, (we can loosely call him one), Jimmy Kimmel. I do hope their lives are ruined. Especially if they had any knowledge of the atrocities that happened there.

Photo Credit:original: Mike Morbeckderivative: Diddykong1130, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Lloyd says:

    Does anyone really care what Kimmel or Rodgers thinks or says? I surely do not!

  • Mad Celt says:

    Hey, Jimmy, do the ‘man’ thing. Meet Rodgers somewhere and kick his rear. Hope you bring your lunch, ya feeb, cause it’s going to take you all day.

  • His-Royal-Highness says:

    It is sad but true that no one whose name on that list is going to have their life ruined.

  • Kevin says:

    So after the fact … did we see Kimmel’s name on the list? No! Really! It’s shocking that Rodgers made up something. Just like he did when he inferred he had been vaccinated (in order to remain playing football) when he had not. The only scum bag with a history of lying in this scenario is Rodgers. Roger’s won’t utter this lie again because if he does, he’ll face a lawsuit for millions and he’ll lose.

    • Liz says:

      He didn’t lie, he said he’d been “immunized” and he had…from catching covid already.
      The reason he did not take the vaccine was that he had an allergy to the ingredients.
      There were no medical exemptions in the military (or apparently sports) for this particular vaccine (which is a fundamental difference from other vaccines for which exemptions are permitted).

    • Liz says:

      BTW, who did Richard Gere sue for that lie about the gerbil?
      And the word is “implied”, not “inferred”…he implied, others (possibly) inferred.
      Who can Trump sue for the lie about calling Nazis “fine people”? Or the hundreds of other lies?

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