Remember The Alamo – Abbott Moves National Guard To Border

Remember The Alamo – Abbott Moves National Guard To Border

Remember The Alamo – Abbott Moves National Guard To Border

The State of Texas is essential to our Republic because her grit and independence are so symbolic of what we consider OUR birthright. That’s why it’s been so painful to watch her overrun, trampled on and disrespected for the last three plus years. No mas. Governor Greg Abbott has unleashed the Texas National Guard to protect the border. The Federal Border Agents have been removed from this part of the border. We don’t blame the agents. It was Biden, Mayorkas and the Open Border groups who did this. But, finally, Texas takes positive action to protect her sovereign rights and we say “Remember the Alamo”.

You’ve all seen the floods of humans ignoring our border and crossing into Texas. Yes, other states are involved, but the destruction of Texas as a Red/Independent entity is the goal of the Open Borders cretins. Destroying schools, ranches, hospitals, private property and breaking the infrastructure were running apace. Abbott nibbled around the edges by busing the illegal aliens to sanctuary cities up North and putting bright orange, buoy barriers in the Rio Grande. The Texas legislature passed SB4 to stop illegal crossers and the Feds are suing. It’s not like the whole State isn’t trying, but it is hard when the full weight of the Federal Leviathan is against you.

This week, Abbott took bold action that might inspire a “Remember the Alamo” rally in his state. It started with a little 50 acre area called Shelby Park:

Washington — Texas state officials this week abruptly blocked federal U.S. Border Patrol agents from entering and patrolling a public area in the border town of Eagle Pass where they typically first encounter migrants who cross the Rio Grande illegally, two U.S. officials told CBS News on Thursday.

After seizing control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas National Guard units deployed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott have prevented Border Patrol agents from entering the area, the federal officials said. Border Patrol has used the park in recent weeks to hold migrants in an outdoor staging area before they are transported for further processing, including last month, when illegal crossings soared to record levels. Earlier Thursday, Texas state officials prevented Border Patrol boats from patrolling that area, one of the officials added, requesting anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press.

“They are denying entry to Border Patrol agents to conduct our duties,” the official said, noting they are not sure “what authority (Texas officials) have over the federal government.”

Well how about there is no place in the U.S. Constitution where it says that states have to be the Federal Government’s Bitches.

The people of Texas withstood this onslaught against their good and generous natures for three solid years. This video made me think of this portion of the Declaration of Independence:

But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Swamp in Washington D.C. believes that they are our overlords. We are the serfs to bend the knee. The D.C. Leviathan immediately strikes back:

I just learned a phrase yesterday that is perfect for the Feds in this situation: Offity piss.

Yes the men at the Alamo lost and died, including Tennessee’s own Davy (David) Crockett. But, they inspired grit and independence in generations of Texans and Americans. Remember the Alamo.

Featured Image: John Koetsier/ Commons

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  • Bobsandiego says:

    Yeeeha! And we’ll soon see if the SCOTUS remembers any of the US Constitution!

    • GWB says:

      If they stick to legal pedantics, then they won’t.
      IFF they remember upon what the Constitution is founded, it’s an easy kill for them. The fact that it’s a compact between the states, and that governments are formed to protect their citizens from invasion, places the feds in the position of NOT doing those things, and therefore Texas must take up the slack (since it’s a sovereign state, unto itself).

  • Gregory Brou says:

    yesterday, return crossing the Progresso Mexico bridge to US, I encountered about 100 illegals camped out on the bridge before midstream. They were not poor refugees from Haiti, Central/South America, or Africa. These folks were predominantly blonde, blue eyed, 30 years old, wearing North Face outdoor gear, speaking an Eastern European language. Several of them had multiple gang tattoos on their necks. I asked the border agent where they were from and was told he could not comment. I can only guess they could be Ukrainian Nazi’s being exit facilitated as the war winds down

  • Cameron says:

    More states need to do this. Yes, even New York. Refuse illegal aliens entry and send them back. And I am quietly hopeful that the Supreme Court will crack down on the Feds over this.

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