Rebuilding America Is Not Destroying Democracy

Rebuilding America Is Not Destroying Democracy

Rebuilding America Is Not Destroying Democracy

The over-the-top alarmism in the latest opinion piece from The Hill about what America will look like in 2025 is so out of touch with reality that it’s almost laughable. The author paints this ridiculous dystopian picture of a Trump return, acting like American democracy will implode overnight.

Spoiler alert: democracy isn’t that fragile, and this doom-and-gloom prediction reads more like a political temper tantrum than a serious analysis.

The return of Trump’s always-on, Twitter-driven news cycle might play well, but it’s going to be a nightmare for an American public whose sense of cultural context is already in tatters. A recent Pew Research survey found Americans nearly evenly divided over whether the American dream still exists. Record numbers of Americans now distrust the media, to the point that many people now inhabit realities shaped more by their specific media browsing habits than by actual facts. – The Hill

Blaming Trump for America’s cultural chaos is a cop-out and, of course, the norm for the leftists.  Americans don’t distrust the media because of Trump—they distrust it because it’s earned their distrust. And if the American dream feels distant, maybe point the finger at the policies and institutions that have crushed opportunity, not at someone calling out the rot.

The past few years have been a masterclass in political mismanagement. The border crisis spiraled out of control with record crossings and no coherent strategy. Yet, the state media tried to tell us all was well, and the border was closed.

We will never forget the Afghanistan withdrawal—a humiliating disaster that abandoned allies and handed billions in equipment to the Taliban. And killed Americans. But Biden told us it was an extraordinary success.

But mister-writer-man over at The Hill wasn’t done. Here’s more of his ridiculousness.

Trump’s nine long years of decontextualized rants have played a leading role in destroying public trust in ideas and institutions most Americans once considered fundamental: Fact-based news. Democracy. Free and fair elections. Trump has succeeded enough to know that his toxic model of politics works on a sizable chunk of the American electorate. In his second term, expect Trump to push his personality cult as far as it can go — and for Democrats to once again underestimate their adversary. – The Hill

Trump didn’t destroy trust in institutions—the media, elites, and corrupt politicians did that long before he came along. People are fed up with being lied to, manipulated, and ignored. His “personality cult” is a direct result of the establishment’s failure to listen to everyday Americans. Instead of whining about Trump, maybe the real question is why so many people are rejecting the so-called “norms” that have failed them.

We are sick of it, and the author of The Hill article can’t seem to understand the frustration of regular, everyday, hard-working Americans from his high tower.

I take it that posts like this send writer-man into a tizzy.

The fact of the matter is this, Trump is right, and Mr. Burns (writer-man) has his underwear in a bunch because he’s just mad that he’s on the wrong side.

There’s one last bit in that Hill article that’s got me bent out of shape this morning and seriously questioning the author’s grasp on reality. And this is the laughable part.

Trump will lead a nation very different from the one that booted him from office four years ago. Since then, millions of Americans have told campaign pollsters that they place a personal allegiance to Trump above their belief in the Constitution. The number of people willing to consider alternatives to democracy is at a level last seen during the crises of the 1930s. – The Hill

First, like to see mister-writer-man’s sources and where he got these stats. Second, thank goodness Trump will lead differently from what the shriveled-up relic currently in the White House did to America over the last four years. Finally, no, sir, we don’t pledge allegiance to Trump over the Constitution; we voted for him because we believe he will uphold it.

18 more days, y’all, 18 more days.

Featured Image: Grok/X/Public Domain

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  • andy says:

    Who wrote this in the Hill, Jen Rubin? The Hill is supposed to be a non partisan paper. Yeah, right. This wasn’t written by a liberal, this was written by a lunatic lefty, frothing at the mouth, veins bulging, eyes popping out.

    Booted from office? Loyalty to Trump over the constitution? Alternatives to democracy? This person needs help.

    • Que says:

      How did you miss the disclaimer at the top of the article which reads, in boldface?


      Unless, of course, you didn’t bother to search out the original article.

  • NTSOG says:

    ” it’s going to be a nightmare for an American public whose sense of cultural context is already in tatters.”

    If the ‘sense of cultural context’ is in ‘tatters’, it’s to do with the policies and hypocrisy of the socialists and things such as legal theft in California under $1000, boys in girls’ teams and changing rooms, Gillette shaming men and other corporations and their ambitious managers showing no respect for their brands and their consumers. Disney and Anheuser-Busch come to mind as well. [What did happen to Alissa Heinerscheid of Bud Lite fame in the end?]

    This woke rot has gone around the world and its proponents have quite deliberately set out to destroy functional western cultures, but it’s clear that we deplorables [aka ‘garbage’] are increasingly angry and are trying to re-build our societies. We have nothing but contempt for proponents of Woke and their racism and hatred of us.

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