Pro-Palestine Protests At Biden Obama Event, “Genocide Joe Has Got To Go”

Pro-Palestine Protests At Biden Obama Event, “Genocide Joe Has Got To Go”

Pro-Palestine Protests At Biden Obama Event, “Genocide Joe Has Got To Go”

Pro-Palestine protestors are not fans of Joe Biden. Last night there were protests on the streets outside Radio City Music Hall screaming about “Genocide Joe” while Joe, Barak Obama, and Bill Clinton held court.

This was supposed to the grand poo bah of all fundraisers for Joe. $25 million raised and people forking over thousands for an Annie Leibowitz photo of them with the three Presidents Stooges. This event was geared towards getting the Democrat base excited about Joe shuffling to the finish line in November. 

Except for the fact that there were pro-Palestine protesters outside the venue, and they aren’t pleased that Joe won’t kick Israel to the curb. 

The “Abandon Biden” campaign is calling for protesters to descend upon President Biden’s star-studded fundraising event Thursday at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

The group, which formed to protest Biden’s “reluctance to call for a ceasefire in Gaza,” told its supporters that the protest will consist of a rally and a march and is a “critical call to action” that is “set against the backdrop” of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Yes, they want Israel obliterated. They don’t care about the hostages whatsoever. Moreover, they don’t care if Hamas is a terrorist group masquerading as the government of Palestine. They just want Israel gone, and Joe, according to them, must give in to their demands.

#AbandonBiden seeks to empower Muslim Americans to leverage their vote for the US presidency, and consequently, effect moral change in the United States and around the world. The campaign seeks to unite and mobilize Muslim to forge a national movement built around grassroots organizing, political lobbying, public advocacy, and voter mobilization, to effectively transform Muslim Americans into a powerful voting block that cannot be ignored.

The #AbandonBiden campaign was initiated when Joe Biden refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Due to Joe Biden’s immoral position on the Israel-Gaza conflict, Muslim American leaders in pivotal swing states – Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina – have pledged to rally their communities against President Biden’s bid for re-election. Across the nation, Muslim Americans and their allies have committed not to vote for Biden and to actively campaign against him. The #AbandonBiden campaign’s goal is to establish the institutional infrastructure to ensure that Biden loses the swing states.

The protestors were making themselves heard loud and clear last night. 

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters descended on Radio City Music Hall Thursday night ahead of President Biden’s star-studded campaign fundraiser as part of a “Flood Manhattan for Gaza” demonstration.

The droves of angry demonstrators surrounded the iconic venue on Sixth Avenue, where former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will join Biden for the fundraiser that includes a discussion moderated by CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert.

“Free, free Palestine!” the group chanted as they were closely watched by a line of NYPD officers who stood at the ready behind barricades placed outside the theater.

Others yelled “F—k Joe Biden” and “Genocide Joe has got to go!” over the sounds of drums pounding.

Quite a few others denounced Biden and the Democrat party as war criminals. Given Clinton and Obama are members of the Democrat Party, that would include them as well. 

That’s a pretty blunt way of stating that the Pro-Palestine protestors want Israel to disappear off the face of the earth isn’t it?

As it turns out, protests not only happened outside the event, several bought tickets, got in and protested during the fundraiser. 

One demonstrator, blowing a whistle and warning of “nuclear war with Russia,” was removed from the lavish New York City event, dubbed by the 81-year-old president as a “grassroots fundraiser.”

The first interruption was quickly followed by booing and whistling and two other waves of protests related to Biden’s support for Israel’s war against Hamas.

The president asked for the demonstrators being ushered out by security to be “let go.”

“You can’t just talk and not listen,” Obama said, addressing the interlopers.

Obama has evidently not been paying attention since October 7. Those who are advocating for Gaza, Hamas, and Palestine aren’t interested in listening. They want their demands met NOW, are emboldened to call for Joe’s extermination, and zero discussion is permitted. 

The problem for the Biden campaign, is that these protestors are current or potential voters. Voters who typically vote the Democrat way. If Biden refuses to bow to their demands, how many more votes will he lose? I hope a lot. 

Feature Photo Credit: Joe Flood/ Commons/DarleenClick for Victory Girls

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  • Scott says:

    It’s not that Obama isn’t listening, he’s just talking out both sides of his mouth. As the first mulsim pResident, he helped initiate this crap. This is what happens when you import hundreds of thousands of people who subscribe to a religion that is not compatible with civilized society. Abd it will only get worse. Dearboristan is a perfect example. From a productive manufacturing area to a third=world shithole in less than two generations…

    • John Shepherd says:

      Dearborn’s decline started long before there was a Muslim problem. The cause was the decline in the Auto industry. Muslims settling there is more effect than cause. Cheap real estate attracts newcomers.

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