Pride Parade Vs. Pro-Palestine Parade – Intersectional Clashes

Pride Parade Vs. Pro-Palestine Parade – Intersectional Clashes

Pride Parade Vs. Pro-Palestine Parade – Intersectional Clashes

For decades, the Democrats have cobbled together disparate groups with competing agendas in order to keep their hold on power. The Democrat allies and partners both in the traditional media and social media gave airtime to these groups. Many of these groups are not natural partners. Some of these groups want to unalive other groups. They have had a thin veneer of societal grace until recently when the masks dropped. This gave us the Intersectional Clash of the Titans this weekend when the Pride Parade met the Pro-Palestine Parade.

If you read Lisa’s post about PTSD confused with Pride month, you know how confused bureaucracies get when trying to tick multiples boxes at one time. If you haven’t read her post, read it here. Confusion can be dangerous.

Many of us were disturbed and confused by the “Queers for Palestine” we have seen lately. Deadly confused. Billy Binion wrote in Reason Magazine right after the “Queers for Palestine” started showing up:

The Israel-Hamas war has made political allies out of some unusual bedfellows. Yet the strangest pairing on display thus far is probably “Queers for Palestine,” most notably because those protesters would risk summary execution should they take their demonstration to the Gaza Strip.

The movement isn’t new. But following the terrorist attacks launched against Israel by Hamas, the Palestinian group that controls Gaza, it has seen a sort of reemergence at various protests. “Queer rights! Trans rights!” protesters are heard chanting in a video taken in New York City. “We say no to genocide!”

That protesters appear to be blaming Israel for those attacks—which have included, among other things, Hamas militants murdering people, filming those acts, and putting the videos on social media for the victims’ families and friends to see—is perverse. But to marry that cause to LGBT rights is simply unhinged from reality.

When reality meets the Intersectionality Fantasy, you get this weekend’s Pro-Palestine clash with the local Pride Parades. Take the Pride Parade in Philly (the City of Brotherly Love). It looks like the BDSM guy and the motorcycle Village People guy are trying to guide the LGBTQIA Drumline around the “Free, Free Palestine” marchers.

The Democrats did this by making everyone’s fetish cause equal. Here is how the New York Post wrote of the dizzying event(s):

The showdown took place at the intersection of 11th Street and Locust Street after the Philly Pride March and Festival kicked off around 10:30 a.m. at Washington Square and headed to the city’s Gayborhood section.

At one point, the anti-Israel crowd screamed, “PPP, KKK, IOF they are all the same!” while cops corralled them on one side of the junction and the pride marchers looked on with perplexed and dampened expressions, according to another video posted to X at 12:20 p.m.

While it was not immediately clear if the “PPP” chant referred to the Philly Pride Parade, “KKK” and “IOF” were apparent references to the Ku Klux Klan and the Israel Occupation Forces.

Poor Gay people, you are the new Black People on the Democrat Plantation: The Dems love the Pro-Palestinian types more. The Daily Mail UK had this today:

Reports of the disrupted Philly parade indicate that the protestors were chanting, ‘The more you try to silence us, the louder we will be!’ in addition to the more standard ‘From the River to the Sea’ phrases.

One protest leader, who wore a very short crop top, cargo pants that exposed his undergarments, and a keffiyeh, said to the crowd: ‘Pride as we know it cannot be separated from our current political and economic climate. Pride celebrations have merely become a public relations instrument.’

A relatively common question hurled at the queer pro-Palestinian protestors is why they so loudly voice support for a culture and people who reject their ways of life entirely.

LGBTQ+ people and sexual activity between men remain criminalized in Gaza.

Observers of these protests, especially ones that have seemingly pitted various members of one community against one another, are always quick to question the logic of LGBTQ+ support for the Palestinian cause.

It’s the Intersectional Clash of the Titans. I love Decoy Voice:

The Left always eats itself. Chew faster, please.

Featured Image: Ian Miles Cheong/X/Cropped/Widely Distributed

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