the messiah sexed up
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pelosi eats a crap sandwich

pelosi eats a crap sandwich

or should i have said ‘bailout bill?’

nancy pelosi

the bill was defeated 228-205 and from the look on the czarina’s face, she’s not wild about crap sandwiches.

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  • chi says:

    LOL kate! bon apetite nancy girl!
    looks sort of like shes melting, and what is with that ear/earring?

  • Bill in TX says:

    Dang that was B R U T A L Zoey! I am still dying laughing. She looks like one more swallow and she’ll puke.

  • Kendra says:

    I think Nancy was totally humiliated today by this vote. But she brought it on herself by thinking of party first rather then the country with her ridiculous swipe at Bush and the republicans. I really can’t stand her. We need a speaker who is a thinking person, not one who can’t wait for the next congressional recess so that she can get more surgery. gads.

    By the way, I am a democrat and will be voting for Obama.

  • Justin says:

    Whoa. She doesn’t look happy. I guess when you are totally humiliated and ridiculed in front of the whole world you don’t feel like smiling. Or maybe she has had so many surgeries, she can’t.

    She needs to step down just like Paulsen needs too. Enough.

  • Marsha says:

    WOW. She looks like “heads will roll” in that picture. And what IS with her ears… ???? I think they make plastic surgery for that Nan.

  • chi says:

    should have stuck to the serious matter and not played politics, it was a matter of time til we all found out what really happened with that vote.
    tsk..tsk….will they ever learn?

  • Rope says:

    eeeeeek, as kate knows I think Pelosi is a dirty word. How sad that her only mission in life is to bring down the current administration. Focus on the country, do your job, and for the love of GOD quit trying to make it personal. Remember its not the United States of democrats and REPUBLICANS its the United States of America.

  • chi says:

    Right on Rope!!

  • Rope says:

    just reading an intresting article in the washington times.
    and they wonder whats wrong! here it is if you would like to read.,2933,431204,00.html

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