Panel Recommends Transexuals Be Allowed To Serve….

Panel Recommends Transexuals Be Allowed To Serve….

And I am not talking about drinks at a drag bar….

The report said Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.

Great.  Another day, another assault by the pink mafia.  So now we are talking about letting those that can’t figure out who they are and need someone to fix it for them to serve openly.  Is trite and hateful to point out that the reason our military looks for people who are mentally stable is so that when they doing things like driving Predator drones or handling nuclear weapons that they have someone who isn’t trying to decide who they really are at the time?  Anyone remember Bradley Manning? The military likes as many mentally stable people as they can get because they do things like fly jets, move nuclear missiles and carry guns; all of which require someone who isn’t suffering from any kind of mental disorder.

Questions abound for me.  Where do the trannies live, shower, use the bath room, and change while under going the “change?”  I mean, when Private Jimmy has decided to live his/her life as a woman named Jane now, and started treatment, grown his/her hair, nails etc. hit the mani-pedi spa down the street and starting wearing women’s clothes, and may have even gone and gotten some C-cups already installed, but still has Jimmy’s plumbing downstairs; which barracks does he/she live in?  Which physical training standards would Jimmy/Jane fall under?  The standards for men and women are very different, so during physical training, how would you judge Jimmy’s/Jane’s performance?  Which set of grooming standards would Jimmy/Jane be required to follow?  What would be the room-mate policy in the barracks for which gender can live with Jimmy/Jane?

“We determined not only that there is no compelling medical reason for the ban, but also that the ban itself is an expensive, damaging and unfair barrier to health care access for the approximately 15,450 transgender personnel who serve currently in the active, Guard and reserve components,” said the commission led by Dr. Joycelyn Elders, who served as surgeon general during Bill Clinton’s first term as president, and Rear Adm. Alan Steinman, a former chief health and safety director for the Coast Guard.

The ban also appears based on the assumption that providing hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgeries would be too difficult, disruptive and expensive.

Umm…  So now I am forced to type things into my search engine that if my husband sees is going to result in at least a couple strange looks…

In the year before surgery, counseling can cost $50 to $200 per session, and letters from two therapists usually are needed for surgery; the total cost of the therapy and the letters can range from under $1,000 to more than $5,000 for that year. And hormone therapy could cost $300 to $2,400 for the year, depending on which hormones are prescribed. TSRoadmap.comoffers a detailed financial worksheets and estimates on the all the costs of transition, and estimates that it is typical to spend a total of $40,000 to $50,000 for a mid-range transition, including surgery.

I am not sure of your take home pay, but that sounds expensive to me.  And also remember that active duty service members are covered with their medical care by the money from taxpayers.  According to the commission, there are approximately 15,450 transgendered people in the force, so whip out your calculadora and start pressing in those numbers and tell me how many Apache helicopters are going without maintenance, how many parachute jumps are going to be cancelled, how many field exercises will be shortened and how many deployment cancelled because of “budget constraints” related to having to maintain the trannies.

Tranny maintenance.  This sounds as bad as it probably is.

Let’s take a gander at the difficult and disruptive…

For female-to-male patients, the most common surgeries are: elective bilateral mastectomy, which includes removing tissue and fat and sometimes grafting skin to make a more male-like nipple; metoidioplasty, which involves removing skin and extending the clitoris, usually already enlarged by prescribed hormones, to create a penis, and sometimes lengthening the urinary tract if the patient wants to be able to urinate while standing; or phalloplasty, an alternative to metoidioplasty that involves taking skin from the forearm to create a penis and using skin from the labia to create a scrotum; at least six months after a phallosplasty, testicular and penile implants can be inserted.

For male-to-female patients, the most common surgeries are: breast augmentation; elective bilateral orchiectomy, the removal of both testicles through an incision in the scrotum, which reduces the male hormones in the body and allows the patient to reduce doses of prescribed hormones; a tracheal shave, which involves carving away cartilage from the Adam’s apple to make it less prominent; and vaginoplasty, using skin and tissue from the penis to create a vagina, clitoris, clitoral hood and labia.

Wow…  That sounds incredibly invasive, difficult and disruptive (especially to the schedule of training, operations and deployments) Looks to me like there was some sound reasoning by folks in the past in saying that this is difficult, disruptive and expensive.

So, no Dr. Elders.  You are dead wrong that there isn’t a compelling medical reason.  There are a ton of them that you and the commission didn’t even bother looking at.

For instance, how are the transgendered soldiers going to get their medications in combat zones?  So now, among the other pallets of supplies like food, water, ammunition, repair parts and mail that are going to be heading out to remote fire-bases in Ass-Crackistan on helicopters, there are going to be bottles of Jimmy/Jane’s hormones and supplies?  Whether you are changing from Jimmy to Jane or vice versa, your life is going to be nothing but hormones and medications to maintain your current “gender” because the one you started as will always want to come back.  What about when the supplies guys forget to send it?  What about living arrangements in small firebases?  What about counseling and medical care on mountain tops and during patrols?

Something the medical community is not saying for the male to female transgendered folks is that they have a medical device they have to use to keep their hand-made va-jay jay “open” as part of their treatment (unlike an actual one made by God that works as intended)  Where exactly in the operational or training schedule will time be scheduled for this private time?  Long patrols and little privacy (according to my man) afford Jimmy/Jane little opportunity to do this little bit of personal stuff.  There is much to do when deployed and sometimes, according to my husband, the “to do” list of things you need to get done to stay alive in combat often leaves little time for things like sleep, for instance.; so I am not sure how they plan on ensuring this private time is on the agenda.

BTW, it isn’t like those of us who have a brain and use it don’t know where this is headed though…

The commission recommends the president issue an executive order instructing the Department of Defense to amend its regulations so transgender people are no longer automatically barred. The Pentagon then would need to develop rules for assigning service members who are transitioning, said Palm Center Executive Director Aaron Belkin, whose San Francisco State-based think tank commissioned the report.

Go ahead and issue all the executive orders you want Barry.  You cannot force people to accept the abnormal as normal, nor can you legitimately call them bigots or hate-mongers for doing so.  Last time I checked (and I do very often) humans were entitled to their own opinions and thought and feelings regarding these kinds of issues, and that is something you won’t ever change.  Who could have thought this was a great idea?

The Palm Center, which previously researched “don’t ask, don’t tell,” is funded in part by a $1.3 million grant from Jennifer Pritzker, a billionaire former Army lieutenant colonel who came out as transgender last year.

Oh…  Now I get it.

This is not only the worst idea ever (this week at least), and we are talking about .61 percent of the total force that would cause the other 99.39 percent of the total force be affected by a change in this policy.  Unless you are Barack Obama, who evidently delights in destroying the the core values and ideals along with the readiness of the US Military.  I swear they make these commissions to just push my buttons.

So no, in the annals of terrible ideas, this one is just after the table of contents and about a third of the way down the page….  My husband told me this “Army of One” thing was going to be the death of our military.

Sounds to me like he was right.

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  • GWB says:

    that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service

    No. That is a falsehood, pure and simple.

  • Piroko says:

    We need to make our military more like Heinlein’s vision.

    “The rifles used to simulate aimed weapons were loaded with blanks except one in five hundred rounds at random, which was a real bullet. Dangerous? Yes and no. It’s dangerous just to be alive. .. and a nonexplosive bullet probably won’t kill you unless it hits you in the head or the heart and maybe not then. What that one-in-five-hundred ‘for real’ did was to give us a deep interest in taking cover, especially as we knew that some of the rifles were being fired by instructors who were crack shots and actually trying their best to hit you—if the round happened not to be a blank. They assured us that they would not intentionally shoot a man in the head. .. but accidents do happen. This friendly assurance wasn’t very reassuring. That 500th bullet turned tedious exercises into large-scale Russian roulette; you stop being bored the very first time you hear a slug go wheet! past your ear before you hear the crack of the rifle.”
    -Starship Troopers

  • VALman says:

    So, we can see how well this administrations words, policies, and regulations have instilled inspiration, cohesiveness, and camaraderie among the general public. We’re so delighted that though there is diversity, there is so much tolerance and goodwill from all sides. Thus, we expect that this will, of course, manifest itself in our new, proud, transformed military. The esprit de corps will have never been so glorious!

  • Jen says:

    Someone explain to me how this kind of surgery doesn’t violate the hippocratic oath?

    This is mutilation in order to assauge a mental illness. It is not treatment.

  • Dana says:

    Jen asked:

    Someone explain to me how this kind of surgery doesn’t violate the hippocratic oath?

    Might as well call it the Hypocritic, because man doctors who take it perform elective abortions.

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