Olympics Watch: Leftwing “Masculinity” Applauds Men Who Beat Women

Olympics Watch: Leftwing “Masculinity” Applauds Men Who Beat Women

Olympics Watch: Leftwing “Masculinity” Applauds Men Who Beat Women

Democrats, especially the il-liberal, Queering-the-culture, Leftwing of America’s authoritarian party need to be confronted now that the world has watched a man physically beat up a woman at the Olympics.
We have been protesting the alphabet mafia’s cant, transwomen are women, for years, warning again and again the consequences of putting biological males in females spaces.

Imane Khelif‘s first fight will do nothing to calm the controversy around the boxer’s entrance into the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Khelif, an Algerian who failed gender eligibility tests at the 2023 World Championships, forced her (sic) Italian opponent, Angela Carini, to withdraw from their opening-round bout in 46 seconds Thursday.

For criminey’s sake. Can we now stop with the totally fraudulent use of a female pronoun to describe a biological male? Khelif is a male. Period. Someone who gets his fetish kicks by beating up women for entertainment.

If you didn’t catch the action live, watch it. Khelif may be wearing cornrows, but his body is totally male. There is no mistaking his sex. And while he progresses in the Olympics, Angela Carini is forced into humiliating herself to the world to protect her life …

… and yet she must still bend a knee to the neo-patriarchal TQ+ cult.

But speaking about Khelif, Carini told reporters: “I wish her to carry on until the end and that she can be happy.

“I am someone who doesn’t judge anyone. I am not here to give judgements.”

Not only was this young woman punched in the face by a male, she has to make excuses for him.

I hate to tell you, after working 18 years in a district attorney’s office, how many battered women showed up to try and get charges dropped against the males who beat them. Now we are to applaud it?

Let’s ignore, too, that Khelif and another male were disqualified to compete by the International Boxing Association at last year’s world championship.

There was already controversy ahead of the boxing match between Carini and Khelif as Khelif was disqualified from last year’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi.

She failed an unspecified gender eligibility test due to what the International Boxing Association claimed were elevated levels of testosterone.

Khelif failed due to the IBA eligibility rules prevent athletes with XY chromosomes from competing in women’s events, Reuters reported.

The International Olympics Committee (IOC) has been facing criticism for letting Khelif take part in the Games with her having failed required health tests previously. (snip)

Despite the backlash, Mark Adams, the IOC’s spokesman, feels like the committee made the right decision.

“These boxers are entirely eligible – they are women on their passports,” he said.

Oh!! They are women on their passports! Nothing to see, you icky MAGA people. Move on!

Because, you know, it is Trump/Vance who are weird. It is “MAGA” people who are weird, who have a twisted idea of masculinity, who are — according the Kamala’s handlers, out to destroy women’s rights. Transphobes, TERFS, the lot of them, from JK Rowling down.

Biden/Harris destroy Title IX, CA wants to impose a law to punish the thought that “only women give birth”, and now the Olympics is allowing males to beat up females for ratings.

Is there any real reporter left who will confront Kamala Harris on her record on Title IX?

How long are leftwing women going to accept this? Will a woman have to be killed on live tv in an Olympics event before Leftwing women stop wallowing in Marxist-based Queer Theory?

Stop this. Don’t deliver your daughters up to the cult. Don’t vote Democrat.

original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    The trans cult is at its heart misogynistic. They will applaud this outcome, and demand more, because people continue to give in to them. While I can appreciate your sympathy for Carini, she is part of the problem. As long as she bends the knee, and refers to this eunich as “her”, she condemns future female athletes to the same fate. Yes, speaking the truth has risks, but the alternative is for women to be erased from sports all together, so her and others need to stand up and choose their hill. Riley Gaines is a perfect example. There is no reason to fear being banned from womens sports when those same sports have been turned into a joke where men dominate.

    And yeah, where’s the supposed “feminists” on the subject??? MIA as usual, proving once again, they are fascist shills, not actually supporters of women.

    Stand by for kevin and reader to show up and wet their panties on this thread as well…

  • Mad Celt says:

    This is the result of 3rd wave Feminism being embraced widely. It created Women’s Boxing as well as transgenderism. The two ideals were bound to clash eventually. It left a bad taste in even the feminists mouths but this Pandoras Box is not going to be closed as a solution. More women are going to get wounded before common sense finally trumps political correctness. Until that day it’s open season.

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