obamacare not quite d.o.a.

obamacare not quite d.o.a.

obamacare not quite d.o.a.

it’s a heartache to be sure! people across america are waking up to the fact that barack obama is not the moderate, post-partisan, post-racial, rainbows and unicorn messiah he told the country he was.

the polls are reporting today that 54% of the american people say no health care reform at all would be better than passing HR 3200 now making its way through congress. yet still the tone deaf democrats bluster that they plan to boldly ‘go it alone’ on the boondoggle also known as obamacare even without one single republican vote. but really now, does that surprise anyone?

yes, it’s true that if you put The One in front of a teleprompter, he’ll make himself appear the most reasonable person in the room — he’s been trying to do that with his manufactured townhalls.

but if you look beyond the smooth speeches and hyper-media spin, you see a president who has great difficulty admitting error, who can’t discuss the position of his opponents without resorting to mockery of the citizenry, and who adopts an air of self-righteousness.

yet with this over-inflated ego comes a series of thug tactics that thankfully are backfiring: name calling of fellow americans who voice dissent, stacking town hall meetings with bused in supporters, a white house spamming americans with email propaganda, the snitch site, organizing union mobs, cozy relationship with the drug lobby, and the chronic lies told by this administration.

but be careful. it’s not time to do the snoopy dance yet over the demise of obamacare.

the dems still have solid majorities in congress and a very determined president who says he’s willing to be a one termer in order to get this done. i seriously doubt obama’s declaration of that because to date he has not seemed to be a very ‘live or die by my principles’ kind of guy – his flip flops are legion.

but remember, obama’s words are almost always sweet and soothing. he can be quite eloquent and persuasive and completely wrong. he can be melifluous and yet dangerous in his national security naivete and his socialistic impulses.

look to his actions, look to their results and be vigilant.


and now, something fun from planet crazy…

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  • Jane says:

    I think the Democratic leadership have underestimated the support from the progressives in this country for the public option. Some of us have waited 50 years to have it in this country. We’re not going to let a bunch of misinformed miscreants ruin it for the entire country. Stand strong Barack!

  • PenniePan says:

    “but be careful. it’s not time to do the snoopy dance yet over the demise of obamacare.”

    Damn straight! As Jane has said, we are not going to allow a rightwing campaign to scare old people railroad health insurance reform or the presidency of Barack Obama. When we elect people to congress we expect them to do what we want them to. That’s the way it works. So quite spreading lies with your teabaggerisms.

  • Tony says:

    “CO-OP = Public Option”

    Don’t believe the latest lies of the democrats and Obama. Its only repackaging the same dangerous socialized medicine.

  • Jane says:

    Barack is Michael Jordon on a really terrible team. He’s getting lousy work out of his staff who should have anticipated the fights the neo-cons and the teabaggers would bring on health reform. Completely unacceptable given these high stakes.

  • Jane says:

    That Michael Jordon comparison was from Jon Stewart BTW.

  • Scott says:

    To Kate:
    Is it too much to expect the Government to provide it’s citizens with public services like basic healthcare??? You write like sh*t too.

  • lisab says:

    “Is it too much to expect the Government to provide it’s citizens with public services like basic healthcare???”

    yup. it is that pesky constitution again, you know the same document that prevents you from siezing my Barrett M99 rifle

  • Ken says:

    Oh I never thought it was dead. The neo-socialists will do whatever they must do to wreck the economy and health care at the same time. They will skip along in their world of unicorns and rainbows without a second thought to the damage it will do. We all see how successful the cash for clunkers was. The government underestimated it be $2 billion and car dealerships are not getting their money because of the BUREAUCRACY that is involved. I’m sure health care will be much easier.

    Scott, yes it is too much to expect the government to provide health care, that’s not why it exists, please see the Constitution. Very mature comment at the end, but I would expect nothing less from the mindless Obamazombies of today.

  • Ken says:

    “That Michael Jordon comparison was from Jon Stewart BTW.”

    Well, of course it was.

  • PenniePan says:

    Oh stuff it! The only things Republicans do proactively is cut taxes and start wars. Fix a massive problem with Health Care and you’re called a Commie!

  • micky says:

    ” for the public option. Some of us have waited 50 years to have it in this country. We’re not going to let a bunch of misinformed miscreants ruin it for the entire country.”

    Gee, isnt it too bad that after 50 years the majority of the country “doesnt want it “.
    As far as “the entire country” goes. That statement right there is the epitome of being “misinformed” Its actually only 47 million who dont have it. A good part of them either dont want it or arent even citizens.
    So I’ll tell you what. Why dont you give insurance to that small portion that are entitled to it and leave the rest of us the hell alone ?
    Michael Jordan ?
    Michael Jordan doesnt pick and choose the players on his team, Obama does.
    So I suggest you point you finger at the idiot who hired the other idiots
    “When we elect people to congress we expect them to do what we want them to. ”

    OMG, I think I busted a rib laughing at that one.
    Are you talking about the 111th congress ? The one with the worst approval of any congress in our countrys history ?.
    You go right on expecting, okay ?
    Lies ? Please, enlighten me, I’ll bet you cant.
    Health care is not a public service that the government is obligated to provide.
    “Fix a massive problem with Health Care and you’re called a Commie!”

    This countrys massive problem was never health care. The dems would only have us believe that.
    Its the economy stupid

  • Marsha says:

    Obamacare = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVGSKVkkyhc

    Scott if you didn’t like the writing, why did you read it? Someone needs to remind you that you’re a guest in someone else’s house.

  • kate says:

    pennie and jane

    6 months in office and ‘barack’ is completely out of touch with his base (that would be you, girls!). he and his people are all over the map on public options and have managed to alienate just about everyone with their own stupidity and lack of experience.

  • kate says:

    oh and girls? if you’re gonna come in on a platform of ‘hope and change’ you gotta have a PLAN.

  • kate says:

    scott you said:

    ‘Is it too much to expect the Government to provide it’s citizens with public services like basic healthcare???’


  • Peg says:

    I don’t have a lot to say about ObamaCare except that I don’t want it. But that video of the cat massage ROCKS!!!! So hilarious!!! My cat, Roger, would scratch that loon’s eyes out if she tried that stuff with him.

  • Jilly says:

    You mention the town hall meetings…I see a slew of retired folks, what looks like housewives/stay-at-home moms, younger folks who might be in college and the self-employed. What I don’t see, for the most part, are people who work a day to day job.

    We are working, we can’t go to town hall meetings unless they are in the evening or on the weekend. I also do not see much diversity at these meetings so they do not represent the American public.

    Though you say you aren’t celebrating, it seems to me you are. Almost 50 million people need help. You fiddle, Rome burns.

  • Len Sacks says:

    To all you right wing reactionaries who cry and moan about somebody just trying to make sure we have a level playing field in the health insurance area. Every independent health care study for years has stated that the health insurance industry drastically needs reform, or it will go broke in 10 to 15rs. And it needs reform due to the private insurance industry [remember them] sucking the blood out of everyday Americans hard earning incomes through high premiums, fraud, corruption, and especially greedy CEOs who are raking in billions and billions of dollars. Yes you narrow minded simpletons, the health care industry could very well go broke and it will have nothing to do with socialism. WAKE UP MORONS!

  • Ken says:

    Very dramatic Len, except that the polls are completely AGAINST Obama’s plan. Nobody argues that health care doesn’t need fixing, but putting it in governments hands is not what they had in mind.

    Please, neo-socialists, stop with the ranting and raving and post something intelligent. Argue a point, supported with FACTS. Not the ramblings that you see here.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Very good Ken, but have you heard the old saying, ;any jack-ass can tear apart a barn, but it takes a skilled farmer to build one’, and thats what your ilk remind me of. Calling someone a socialist, and all the name calling, you all say that oh yea we also want reform, but not government reform, thats just a cop out to do nothing, but preserve the status-quo, if real reform means socialism, so be it!

  • Ken says:

    Hmmm, name calling? Would that be like calling someone a Moron, Len, or perhaps a neoson? Does this ring any bells? You didn’t seem to have any problems when those names were being thrown around. You’re such a hypocrite, but then that’s nothing new for people like you. You want your “feel good” society, no matter what it does to society, so you can pat yourself on the back.

    Truly pathetic. Someday you’ll grow up and see how things work in reality.

  • Len Sacks says:

    No Ken the pathetic ones are the ones that can’t see the forest through the trees. They don’t believe and can’t handle the facts when it runs counter to their dogma or ideology. The reality is that the private health insurance industry is already wrecking society and your people want to keep on protecting it. As far as polls go, they go up and down, so don’t be surprised when they go the other way. Please don’t go cry’in when the scare tactics wear off and the real truth comes out.

  • micky says:

    What are you talking about ?
    The simplest solution which the left seems to ignore with a passion is that its alot easier to fix whats in place rather than install this monstrosity that without a doubt is only designed only to establish control of the masses in concert with all the other government controld recently put into play. These people dont give a rats a$$ about your health care or mine. Its all about power.
    Would you rather the fed have that power or a private organization that you could electively not pay if you felt necessary ?
    After watching our government regardless of whos in charge do you really believe that they will not be blood sucking or corrupt once they can control the very means of our well being ?
    I bef to differ. With medicade/care both broke those that want a government solution are the ones who are copping out. Its so much easier to just have someone else pay for it, raise taxes and say you’ve accomplished something
    True responsibility would be to get everyone working again and at the same time clamo down on the private sector.
    So be it socialism ?
    You need to study.

    Those people have worked their whole lives for what they have and so yeah, they’re retired, on fixed incomes, and worried to death that what they’ve got now will be either diminished drastically or gone all together. They are as much a part of the American public as anyone if not more. As a matter of fact they are the ones that paid their due for the last 50 60 years just we could have what we have today.
    With Obamas plan, your kids kids will be paying for what you want today. A good part of those seniors are also dems that voted for Obama.

  • BikerDan says:

    Hey Len! You sound a bit grumpy there! Could it be because your Messiah and the leadership of your party is hanging all of you lefties out to dry on the public option?

    Don’t get me wrong. The bill is still a piece of crap whether it’s in there or not, but what’s really fun to watch is all of you lefties pretending that the PO is not that important to you and it’s all about “the overall plan to reform big insurance”. What a crock! Thanks for the laugh!

  • Ken says:

    “Please don’t go cry’in when the scare tactics wear off and the real truth comes out.”

    Len and resemblance between the truth and your posts, or Obamas ramblings for that matter, are completely coincidental.

    People like you never have the truth or facts on your side, that’s why you can’t quote any. The people in this country are AGAINST the crap Obama is trying to sell, it will easily add another $1 trillion to our already record deficit, and it will bring DOWN the quality of health care. What can you possibly like about it?

    Try thinking for yourself for once Len, you might like it.

  • It is funny when the Democrats say they are going to “go it alone” – like they are a bunch rebels fighting the tide.

    When they have a fillibuster-proof Congress and their pet in the White House, I question their “courage”.

  • micky says:

    “hey don’t believe and can’t handle the facts when it runs counter to their dogma or ideology. ”

    Hey, you said it.

    Try to deal with the facts, please.
    The majority of the country doesnt want this. Those numbers are growing everyday.
    No one can say how this is going to be paid for.
    The government has never done anything beter than the private sector.
    More people distrust the government more than they do the private sector.
    Of the few who’ve read the bill thay say it makes no sense.
    It will raise everyones taxes.
    Obama has been caught lying trying to promote this more than once now.
    Most people like the insurance they have.
    According to most constitutional scholars the bill being passed would be unconstitutional.

    lets go from there Len

  • Rope says:

    Exactly Micky. 47 million without insurance of those 22% live at more than 300% of the poverty level, around 21% are non-citizens, 23% qualify for for medicaid, 11% are childless adults, and 23% choose not to be insured at all. So the target population is about 10 million. Just doesn’t seem like spending $1.6 trillion for government take over in the name of covering around 3% of americans truly without coverage makes sense.

    Oh and before all you b.o. cheerleaders jump Rope (now that’s funny) Im not saying healthcare doesn’t need to be fixed or that every person doesn’t deserve healthcare. So fix healthcare, don’t cram a trillion dollar bill down our throats that will only serve a small precentage of citizens. Fix the tens of billion in fraud, most of which is in government programs. Change the medical liability laws which encourage defensive medicine.

  • Len Sacks says:

    All you guys are the ones that need to be thinking for yourselves, if that’s possible. When will you stop believing all the disinformation and the right wing propaganda that’s been coming out from the likes of idiots, such as LIMBAUGH and company. They too need a reality check. Yes death panels is a nice catchy phrase, but no substitute for real policy. And oh yes Ken. I’ve stated my facts from my first posting , didn’t you notice, or are you suffering from ADD, much like most of the people on this website.

  • Ken says:

    Awww, don’t get mad, Len. Your arguments are the ones we see every night on this site. Please link to the “independent studies” that you mentioned.

    “And it needs reform due to the private insurance industry [remember them] sucking the blood out of everyday Americans hard earning incomes through high premiums, fraud, corruption, and especially greedy CEOs who are raking in billions and billions of dollars.”

    That’s not a fact, Len, its an Obama talking point. If I didn’t know better I’d swear it came from the head propagandist, Gibbs. Seriously, can you do anything other then regurgitate what you hear on Daily Kos or Huffington Post?

  • Len Sacks says:

    Oh Ken pleeeeeese! Health insurance industry not screwing people over by the billions? Now kid’o you’ve really lost me on that one! Than how do the CEO’s of those companies make all that money? An Obama talking point? Anybody even living under a rock knows that to be true. Please do me a favor and brush up on your credebility, its really needs it!

  • micky says:

    Its become pretty obvious that as much as you say you want to you really dont want to discuss the facts, do you ? Or could it be there simply arent any to supprt your position ?
    The only thing in your first posting that came close to a fact was that “maybe” the private sector will go broke in 10 to 15 years. I’m in a gracious mood so I would call that more of a prediction/opinion than I would a fact. But, since its all the substance you’ve really offered to deal with I can safely say I’d rather the private insurance sector go broke than our entire country. Secondly, being a free market I doubt that it would go broke into oblivion as if the threat existed they would simply adjust their rates according to demand. The fed will have no such luxury but to simply discontinue services leaving an entire nation with no health care whatsoever since the private sector would of already been eliminated by them.
    Try again.

  • micky says:

    “Health insurance industry not screwing people over by the billions? ”

    The fact is that more people trust the private sector more than they do the government.
    Do you remember me stating that bove ? Or are you suffering from ADD ?

  • Ken says:

    I take it by that, Len, you cant provide any links to your “independent” study? I didn’t think you could.

    As I’ve said, the health care system does need to be fixed, but putting it into the hands of the government is not the answer.

    “Now kid’o you’ve really lost me on that one!”

    Judging by your previous posts, I never thought I had you.

    “Please do me a favor and brush up on your credebility, its really needs it!”

    Actually no it doesn’t, since everything I’ve said is true. Observe (I’ll type extra slow so you can keep up):

    I said the people don’t support this plan:


    “In mid-June, respondents were evenly divided when asked whether they thought Mr. Obama’s health plan was a good or bad idea. In the new poll, conducted July 24-27, 42% called it a bad idea while 36% said it was a good idea.”

    (Source: Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll -http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124890178435291341.html)

    You see, Len, when more people disagree with it than agree with it, that means they don’t want it. Get it?

    Then I said, it will easily cost another $1 trillion:


    “We believe that the Democratic bills currently under consideration in the House and Senate would cost $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion, respectively—much higher than CBO’s figures.”

    Where is that money going to come from, Len? Please, enlighten us all.

    As far as lowering quality, try this:


    “The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association says this country’s health-care system is sick and doctors need to develop a plan to cure it. …”

    Yes, its working so wonderfully, Len.

  • Len Sacks says:

    No mickey I wouln’t say that’s accurate [ more people trust the private sector than the government] We just don’t hear of all those people that don’t trust the private sector, because of all the propaganda coming out against reform. If the spotlight was on the private insurance industry, you would I believe see the polling data that supports this. But I do know this. It’s helluva lot easier to be against something than for something. Nothing is perfect. Yes believe it or not, I do agree with you on the point of the defecit, and the spending. But I believe real reform would bring that down since health costs do eat alot of the GNP, and it will continue to get worse. And no the Fed Reserve can’t prop up a broken system—Its not realistic.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Yes Ken I see your never ending propaganda polling data, but hotair.com is anti-Obama anyway so that’s a wash, but I’ll be nice and give your other poll http://www.wral some consideration, and why I don’t know. 42-36 against it is not exactly a landslide vote, which means only 6% more are against it than for it. Those numbers I believe will catch up with each other as things settle down. If they don’t and I’m wrong 3 months from now I’ll admit I’m wrong. Fair enough?

  • Ken says:

    “Yes Ken I see your never ending propaganda polling data”

    Ah yes. We see, once again, that when dems quote polls it is “the will of the people”, but when Conservatives do it, it’s “propaganda”. You don’t disappoint, Len.

    “Hotair.com is anti-Obama anyway so that’s a wash”

    So when you can’t argue the points, attack the source. Typical liberal tactics. In case you hadn’t noticed, Len, those HotAir storied quoted the CBO, hardly a right wing attack group, and then they quoted an actual Canadian story about their health care. Weird, huh? That’s ok, I’d try to live in denial if I were you, too.

    I don’t care if you give the other poll any consideration or not. See, just because you fail to acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it does not exist.

    “Those numbers I believe will catch up with each other as things settle down.”

    By “settle down” do you mean Obama has more union thugs attack anti-Obamacare protesters???

  • micky says:

    “No mickey I wouln’t say that’s accurate [ more people trust the private sector than the government] We just don’t hear of all those people that don’t trust the private sector, because of all the propaganda coming out against reform.”

    You got something to back that up with besides your own propaganda ?

    From rasmussen
    Just 17% of Americans say the government is more likely to spend its money “wisely and carefully than a private business, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. ”

    “Sixty-two percent (62%) say a private business is more likely to spend its money carefully, but 21% are not sure which would do better. ”

    “:and it will continue to get worse. And no the Fed Reserve can’t prop up a broken system—Its not realistic.”

    Then why are they controlling everything else, or attempting to ?
    Its not that hard.
    We have Wall street and many other large institutions regulated by the fed so as to maintain a level of honesty with the public.
    Thats one of the selling points behind the public plan. It will keep the private sector honest ? The only problem is that when something is percieved as free, or of no cost to you, the people will swarm till it goes broke. Theres no incentive to be a little discreat than if you were actually paying into a private plan. Second of all, this swarm, as the cash for clunkers embargp made evident will squeeze the private sector out of business, which is the actual intention. The private sector has to be fiscally responsible simply because they have profit as an incentive, The fed has no incentivising factors in its operation other than to use this bill as a segway to many other violations of our rights and constitution. Whats their incentive ? Compassion ? You buy that ?
    We can fix the system in place. its alot simpler than bringing in this monstrous 31 flavors bill of crap thats really only designed to trap people into entitlements so that they can garner more votes in 2012, or even as soon as 2010.
    Its about control, not your health

  • Len Sacks says:

    Well Ken why can’t you answer my earlier question as to how all those Industry CEO’s are making all that money instead of hiding behind polling data that at the moment is meaningless. I really don’t think you guys can or will ever get over the fact that Obama won the election by as you would say ‘the will of the people’

  • Ken says:

    “Well Ken why can’t you answer my earlier question as to how all those Industry CEO’s are making all that money”

    Hmmm, how about “capitalism”?

    “I really don’t think you guys can or will ever get over the fact that Obama won the election by as you would say ‘the will of the people’”

    Ah, yes, change the subject, I don’t blame you. However, since you previously noted that a 42% to 36% disparity was “not exactly a landslide vote” I would hardly call Obamas 53% to 46% victory over McCain a “landslide vote” so I guess we can both play that game.

  • Ginnys_Mom says:

    I bet that cat lady is a liberal. I can just tell.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Mickey you keep saying lets fix the system in place. OK than how do you do that and bring health care costs down? Everything you just said goes against that, its just that you may not realize it. Where is the competition for these private health insurance companies going to come from? I’m not against profit, but I am against monopolies, as I was taught from a young age competition is the engine of American ingenuity.

  • Ken says:

    “as I was taught from a young age competition is the engine of American ingenuity.”

    Yet Obama’s plan would ultimately end all competition. You do know this, don’t you? It’s frightening how uninformed the left is.

  • micky says:

    “Mickey you keep saying lets fix the system in place. OK than how do you do that and bring health care costs down?”

    I exlained that already in my last post refering to regulations.

    ” Everything you just said goes against that, its just that you may not realize it. Where is the competition for these private health insurance companies going to come from?

    Each other, as it is now bro. Geez.

    “I’m not against profit, but I am against monopolies, as I was taught from a young age competition is the engine of American ingenuity.”

    Yes, and I presented the point that no one can compete with the fed having no incentives that involve profit.

    They tried a smaller version of this in my state of Hawaii.
    Government so far has ruined any healthcare system its ever instituted. Medicare, Medicaid and then theres the SCHIP.
    We tried it here in Hawaii. Everyone with kids dropped their private plan, went public, the private suffered, it was chaos for the private sector, hundreds of jobs were lost, the public option also went broke in record time.

    10/17/08 | MARK NIESSE HONOLULU – Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched. Gov. Linda Lingle’s administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.

    “People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free,”

    And this was offered to kids only. Imagine the repurcussions if offered to everyone in the union ?
    You cant give something away under the premise/impression that its free.
    People become greedy and abusive.
    It’ll never work.

  • micky says:

    “I’m not against profit, but I am against monopolies, as I was taught from a young age competition is the engine of American ingenuity.”

    And you believe for one second that the government will not be monopolizing health care ?
    Man, you must own a lot of Brooklyn bridges.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Ah but Ken did you not say the system does need to be fixed, or was that just a play on words. So my belief is then you like many of your status-quo friends, just give lip service to any kind of reform. It’s pretty much what I thought. That’s ok though you probably have that ADD playing with you again.

  • micky says:

    “I really don’t think you guys can or will ever get over the fact that Obama won the election by as you would say ‘the will of the people’”

    Does the “will of the people” not apply in this case where the majority of the country says it doesnt want this ?
    You say those numbers can change ? You were right. They keep growing in favor of the majority that doesnt want it

  • Ken says:

    LOL!!! Len, keep ’em coming, you’re quite amusing. You once again provide NOTHING in the way of facts. Of course the system needs fixing, but destroying it is not the answer. It’s not perfect, but its far better than most of what is out there, get it? Of course you don’t. Much like the rest of the dems, you’re in complete denial about what this overhaul will do. Just continue being an Obama cheerleader, it seems to be what you’re best at.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Way to go Mickey. you can’t answer my question, so you answer it by asking one. I sure don’t own as many bridges as you probably do. So much for trying to have a rational dialogue with a wing nut.

  • Len Sacks says:

    Ken. the only thing you can say is Government will destroy the system, that seems to be your whole thesis, but none of us can say that with a 100 percent certainty. It is only a stated opinion with no basis of fact. I’m still trying vehemently to get you to state how would you fix the system that any intelligent person on the planet will tell you is going broke. All you can come up with is Republican talking points. So in retrospect the only one here that is truly amusing is yourself. I’ve had a real blast!

  • micky says:

    I’m trying to have a productive debate with you here and all you keep doing is obfuscating to pedantic trivialness and calling people names, including me, which I hae not done to you yet
    Of course I answered your question. Would you like me to explain it once again ?

    “Mickey you keep saying lets fix the system in place. OK than how do you do that and bring health care costs down? ”

    ” exlained that already in my last post refering to regulations.”
    “Its not that hard.
    We have Wall street and many other large institutions regulated by the fed so as to maintain a level of honesty with the public.”

    The government regulates many many industries, does it not ?
    Why couldnt it regulate the health care industry ? ( I told you why)
    Reducing costs would be inclusive in maintaining the level of honesty Len.
    By regulating the field by such measures as limiting frivilous law suits so doctors dont have to pass their hikes in insurance on to us would be one measure. Tort reform would be another measure to help reduce costs. Cutting down on redundancy and preventative/defensive testing.
    Much like the way we regulate other forms of insurance len.
    Its really quite simple so please stop with the imaginary arguments that we arent answering your questions.
    Weve given you the facts and even examples of the same system in play and what the results are but you chose to pretend it never got mentioned
    I’m not the one whos willing to place my faith in the federal goernment which as a fact has the most dismal record of ever trying to compete with or do anything half as good as the private sector than any other institution there is.
    I’m not the one making a false argument for the whole country while the fact being its only really about 10% of the country that qualifies for what you’re subscribing to.
    I’m not the one with no explanation as to how its going to be paid for.
    I’m not the one that cant explain how the bill reads while trying to sell it.
    I’m not the one who keeps trying to chage the subject.
    I’m not the one void of any examples or relative facts.
    I’m not the one calling people names, although I can be very good at it.
    You by the way, have not answered one of my questions.

    Now go count your bridges

  • micky says:

    “how would you fix the system that any intelligent person on the planet will tell you is going broke.”

    No, only you have said that so far, and its just a guess on your part. Whereas I offered the rational stage of events that would take place should anything so come close to happening.

    ” All you can come up with is Republican talking points. So in retrospect the only one here that is truly amusing is yourself. I’ve had a real blast!”

    No, not true. Now you’re just making sh*t up.
    Ken has presented you with non partisan facts that are common knowledge.

  • gene says:

    well look at that. a liberal, LEN SACKS, takes on 2 conservatives, KEN and MICKY, who are the most sanctimonious whiners about no one debating them on this CONSERVATIVE blog. Toe 2 Toe. And look, LEN wipes their asses like a mother with a newborn baby!

    Gó back to school Ken and Micky. You aren’t as good as ya think.

  • micky says:

    Yeah right Gene.
    Maybe you’d care to point out just where in this debate Ken or myself got our a$$es wiped. I doubt you’re even capable of that.

  • PenniePan says:


    Oh this is yummy! Who is this Len Sacks? I have seen him comment maybe only once or twice but in reading back this exchange between him and Ken the Cop and Micky the… well, you know, he is spot on!

    It’s so nice to see someone who actually can stand debating these two robo-cons clean the floor with them patiently without resorting to sputtering and cursing like well, you know who.

  • gene says:

    truth hurts huh micky?

  • micky says:

    Gene and Pennie, lost as usual. Your worlds and minds are so void of any relative facts or truths you have to go and make up little victories to pacify yourselves.
    Once again, and I’ll ask you both.
    Please identify the “truth” or where or what part of that debate in which Len had any upper hand or “wiped our a$$es”?
    I’ll be waiting.

    Of course the real test would be to see either one of you even attempt half the argument Len put out, At least the man tried, which is way more than anyone say for you two drive by turd tossers

  • PenniePan says:

    “Turd tossers” Micky? That’s just like you. You lost the debate. The collective debate. The whole thing Micky. That is your evidence. Read it. You had your ass handed to you on a platter. You blustered and bullied and bossed your way through it like you normally do to try to shut any conversation down but Len Sacks did not blink an eye. He won. You lost. Now, lick his boots and quit trying to re-write history (like you always do).

  • micky says:

    You cant point out where or how I supposedly lost anything, can you ?
    I guess you’d have to actually know how to carry a debate in order to point that out so right away anything you say is discounted/trash.

    Please, please, just once make an intelligent point and show me where Len handed me my a$$. On what topic, what question, what point did he drive home that bolstered his position ?
    When you’re done with that you can go back to your little imaginary planet full of rainbows and unicorns and whatever other crap you manage to pull out your rump.
    In all my years blogging I have to say, you are quite possibly the most useless commentor I’ve ever come across. You really are a joke.

  • PenniePan says:

    Pathetic. Don’t beg Micky. It makes me howl. READ BACK THE DEBATE. All you did was bluster over and over.

  • Jane says:

    Needy men are really so very unattractive.

  • Ken says:

    Whoa!!! Somebody shook the troll tree and look what fell out, Pennie and gene!!!

    Hey gene, I take it that sanctimonious means “informed” in liberal speak because, as usual, you, Pennie, or Jane have anything productive to add. Why? Because you can’t. All you can do is belittle people and insult. Truly sad.

    It’s the same reason Jane, Pennie, and gene are jokes on this site. The same reason the dems are tanking in the polls, because people are waking up.

    If you think Len getting beaten down time after time with facts and truth is some how a victory for him, so be it. Whatever you have to tell yourselves. Honestly, I can’t tell the difference between any of your posts, they all consist of the same boring mantra.

    Keep it up, guys!! You’re doing the Republicans work for them, thanks!!!!

  • micky says:

    And obviously dont care how dumb they make themselves look.

  • micky says:

    “Needy men are really so very unattractive.”

    Well, I would say Obama needs about more of anything than any man on the planet right now

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