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Well, it happened just like we all thought it would and hoped it wouldn’t. I did not end up going to the victory party with the Duval County Republicans, as the flu bug I’ve been fighting for three days reared its ugly head and made me its prisoner. So I was dealing with the flu while I watched Obama win. It was a FUN night. Some notables from yesterday:
Intimidation, you think?
For the last seven years we have had the highest corporate profit ever in American history. . . But it hasn’t been shared, and that’s the problem, because we have been guided by a Republican Administration who believes in the simplistic notion that people who have wealth are entitled to keep it. They have an antipathy toward the means of redistributing wealth. And they may be able to sustain that for a while, but it doesn’t work in the long run.
Like they always do, hardcore liberal voters have placed all their hopes and dreams into one, terribly flawed, terribly human basket. And without doubt they will be terribly disappointed, especially when they learn they’ve still got to pay their own mortgage and buy their own gas.
Their Messiah, ain’t one, which will become painfully apparent to them soon enough.
Meanwhile, here on the right, we have low expectations of human nature and even lower expectations of government. It’s hard to disappoint us.
And unlike the liberals, all of our hopes and dreams are in exactly the same place they were yesterday, in our family, our friends, our local community, in our work, in our religious faith, and in our country. Those are the great constants, always there for us even when we suffer the greatest of setbacks.
Yep, tough times are ahead, and we’re going to have to fight like somsabitches to keep Obama and the Congress from screwing things up too much in the next two years. But, we’ve been there before, and we’ve prevailed before.
…Don’t give the fucktards on the left the satisfaction of seeing you all act like a bunch of hysterical schoolgirls. They’re the ones who can’t take defeat. We can take our lumps, get up, and keep fighting. We should be Happy Warriors. whose proper response to this is mockery, good humor, and hard work. We lost an election, but we’re still right, and they’re still wrong.
Anyway, it’s time to cowboy up, and get ready for the next go round.
Last night, I was getting pretty despondent as the reality of the situation became more evident. The landscape of our entire country will change; come January, we will have a President who sees our Constitution as a major flaw. I told myself last night, though, to stop being a whiny liberal bitch and to suck it up. I’m a conservative and I’m a fighter, just like all of you are, and we will get through this with our principles and our integrity in tact. Or, as Michelle more eloquently puts it:
We stand up for our principles, as we always have — through Democrat administrations and Republican administrations, in bear markets or bull markets, in peacetime and wartime.
We stay positive and focused.
We keep the faith.
We do not apologize for our beliefs. We do not re-brand them, re-form them, or relinquish them. We defend them.
We pay respect to the office of the presidency. We count our blessings and recommit ourselves to our constitutional republic.
We gird our loins, to borrow a phrase from our Vice President-elect.
We lock and load our ideological ammunition.
We fight.
The good news is that perhaps this will be the death of the McCain Republicans and reclaim the party for conservative principles. A message was sent to the GOP, and I hope they got it. Also, can this finally be the end of the AmeriKKKa crap? A black man just broke the highest ceiling in the country. Any person, regardless of age, sex, or gender, can do anything they want to in this country if they’re willing to work hard enough for it. Barack Obama just proved that. So let’s close that racism chapter, hmm? Finally, let’s keep in mind that McCain won almost 50% of the popular vote in an extremely anti-Republican political climate. His campaign wasn’t the best run campaign in election history, but I think it goes to show that the entire country has not gone mad, and conservative principles are still alive and kicking in the United States. We’re not going anywhere. And with an Obama victory in 2008, we’re more likely to have a Palin/Jindal ticket in 2012. (Please please please please!)
We’re at the end of a long election, and I want to offer my congratulations to Barack Obama on a historic victory. I may disagree with him 99.9% of the time, but he is still my President and I will continue to respect the office that he holds. Congratulations, Barack Obama.
You don’t really think that this will be the end of the left wing of the Republican party? The party took the wrong lesson from the last election two years ago and they will take the wrong lesson from this one too. ’twas ever thus-at least in my voting lifetime.
He quite before even 20% of the vote was counted. Loser.
Remember folks. This is an opportunity. We’ve had 8 years of lessons on how to snipe and complain. Now we can sit back and do the same thing.
Most importantly: next election is in 2 years. Time to take the break to rebuild on solid foundations.
My manifesto on what has happened is here
President Obama (get used to it) made far too many promises during his campaign to be able to keep them all. It must be the mission of the loyal opposition to make sure that he and the Democrat congress get blamed for failing to do so. When his vague, ridiculous, Oprah-like psychobabble ideas come a cropper, we must make sure that the right story gets told about them. Additionally, every biographical gap, every bad associate, and every questionable former activity that was intentionally overlooked, ignored, and/or swept under the rug by the MSM during the campaign must now be relentlessly tracked down and exposed to the light of day. It’s only fair – and it’s a job our side of the blogosphere is uniquely qualified to do.
So, we have a lot to do, and it will take the kind of enthusiasm we all felt when John picked Sarah to succeed. On the bright side, history shows that we are good at being in the loyal opposition. It’s a good thing, too, for I believe that only patriotic, intelligent, working-from-the-inside efforts to change the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans can now save our country from ultimate ruin.
I think the one thing many people are overlooking is that you’re all assuming that the left will adhere to the same principles as the conservatives. History shows that the left plays for keeps and fights like it’s a war. The right, for some odd reason, keeps thinking that elections are just that. “No big deal, we’ll get them next election.” Sorry, but I don’t see it that way.
I don’t congradulate Obama on his victory (I accept it as inevitable, which is not the same thing). The people willingly voted for a guy who essentially pulled the wool over their eyes (with a huge assist from the media). Granted, the Republicans also had a big assist by acting stupidly for eight years. As far as I’m concerned, the people who voted for him can go screw themselves when things go bad (and I can assure you, they will).
This election win was a total vindication for leftist principles spanning back to the baby boomers. Obama’s victory was their victory. It was the culmination of 40+ years struggle to remake the country into the leftist image that they desire. Look around and you will see the inroads that they have made into this country. While the conservatives worried about electoral results, the left patiently and methodically took over the schools, the media and the Democratic Party. They now have the dominant views in all three of these categories.
The left has brainwashed Generation Y into their ideology (I see it every day when I’m at work on campus) and they are doing the same to the other generations coming up through the school system. That’s one hell of a steep hole we need to dig ourselves out of. The conservatives have to start thinking as long term as the left did after the 60’s. There needs to be a blueprint to retake, well, everything. Simply “fighting” the good fight will not do the trick.
This will not close the chapter on racism. On the contrary, anybody that opposes Obama will be labeled a racist. Racial tensions will increase.
What has happened to Philly? When Rizzo was mayor his cops would have beat the shit out of the thugs with the billyclubs. Their trip to jail would have been by way of the emergency room. He may have been a corrupt democrat but he wouldn’t have put up with idiots like these two.
Actually I would love to see Huckabee on a 2012 ticket with either, but would be thrilled with a Palin/Jindal ticket.
But, it is waaaaaaay too early to speculate on that.