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I guess the Obamamessiah decided that Old Glory just wasn’t good enough for his private campaign jet. He took that old and busted thing down and put up something really awesome: his own Obama symbol!
As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign airplane and was replaced with the presidential candidate’s trademark “O” symbol.
The refurbished 757 was unveiled to members of the news media today, 41 of whom boarded the craft and took off to meet Obama in Amman, Jordan, where the presidential candidate will stop as part of a Middle Eastern and European tour.
Obama traveled to the Mideast earlier this week on board a separate airplane.
Fox News blogger Bonny Kapp, traveling on Obama’s new airplane, reported:
“The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama ‘O.'”
Obama’s ‘O’ symbol is red, white and blue.
Most official U.S. government aircraft, including Air Force One, have U.S. flags on their tails.
Both Fox News and the Chicago Sun-Times posted pictures of the Obama campaign’s redressed airplane, which does not have an American flag or any other U.S. national symbols on the section that sports the airplane door from which Obama and his team will enter and exit.
The airplane boasts Obama’s anthem, “Change We Can Believe In” and the candidate’s website address.
Here are some pictures of the new wonder plane:
Most politicians are OK with flying around with an American flag on their private jets. But not the Obamamessiah, oh no. He’s special. He deserves his own special symbol. The American flag just wasn’t cutting it for him.
You know, this guy is so arrogant that I’m surprised he can fit his giant head onto that plane. It’s not about whether or not he should be allowed to do this; of course he’s allowed to. It just shows an amazing level of egotism and narcissism, which of course anyone with half a brain already knew that Obama possessed. What’s amazing is how much Obama flaunts it. He doesn’t even try to appear humble.
But, who cares about how egotistical and narcissistic he is? He stands for change, and that’s all you need to know.
Hat Tip: Ace
I pledge allegiance to the logo
of Barack Hussein Obama,
And to the Obamessiah for which it stands;
One Nation, under Allah, infinitely divisible,
With liberty for just us and justice not at all.
I was under the impression that any plane in US airspace had to have the flag of the nation from which it originated from? Just a guess here or am I just way, way out in left field?
Is it possible to hate this ego-manical fraud anymore then I already do?
As I noted in a comment on a previous post. I really do think this guy has narcissistic personality disorder. Just look at everything he does and it all seems to fit together. And if for no other reason I must vote for Mccain .
Intelligent people will remain mum and vote against this radical this Nov. and the left will wonder what went wrong and the experts will come up out of the earth and blame the right for stealing their election. Ho,,,huuummmmmm.
Quiet Man the left hasn’t figured it out in two elections I see no reason for them to change now.
I’m so mad I could spit. The man trashes our flag and our country on a daily basis and the idiots on the MSM just smile and say “Isn’t that wonderful?” This person has the most out of control ego I have ever seen. He really believes himself to be the “Obamamessiah.” Disgusting.
If only the media could stop fawning long enough to wipe the Obama juice off of their collective chin they might begin to see what’s wrong with the picture. Of course that would be as easy as their looking in the mirror. Can anyone remember a mainstream new story that used Obama’s middle name, Hussein? Probably not. It’s interesting that the group that benefits from the First Amendment most, hates the country that protects their rights under it. Change is a coming, but it’s not going to be Barack Hussein Obama’s brand!
Maybe it’s so other terrorists will not shoot him down.
Mind y’all:
It took a Jimmy Carter to have a Ronald Reagan come out. So, lets not even think that we may need another Carter or equivalent
We have to do everything in our power to keep this clown out of office.
He has NOTHING going for him; he knows nothing, and he has zero credibility ’cause he’s done nothing. It’s an embarrassment to have him on the ballot. He’s a Marxist!!!! Everything he utters is right out of the Karl Marx-Lenin play book.
America had better wake up. If you are planning on voting in November, make plans to vote against this guy! He will try to destroy our Republic.
Look, these leftist people – the media and the Obama types -hate America immensely -that’s why they always talk about change. It is the socialist, Godless utopia that they wish to “Change” it into that they have in mind. Just look at their attitude toward the Constitution – they want it turned into rubber so that they can stretch it into the opposite of what it is – the rules for protection of the citizenry from its government.
This does not look like an “O” symbol to me. Someone asked me what the symbol was and I thought it looked like a sun rising over the horizon, with the flag being the ground. Then I got to wondering why Obama had a symbol with a rising sun in it, and I ran across the following website. The picture on the front of their site is a sun rising over a horizon. There is a quote from the prophet Muhammad that says “In the latter days, the sun shall rise from the West.” If I wanted to graphically depict that statement, I don’t think I could come up with a better way to show that than the image that Obama has chosen. Of all the millions of images he could choose, why would he choose one that is so closely affiliated with the Muslim religion? (i.e an image of a rising sun) They pray every day at sunrise and sunset.
So now you can’t even re-paint your plane without being accused of being anti-American? Maybe if Obama wore a suit made from the American flag, an Uncle Sam top hat, a couple of six shooters strapped on with the stars and stripes painted on them and had flag pin ear rings and cuff links he would finally be “American enough” for you guys.
I’m fairly certain that most of the folks who have left comments here will not be voting for Senator Obama, but at least you could use some REAL and pertinent issue for the reason you’re not voting for him instead of juvenile irrelevant attacks like this.
Grow up, people.
There’s a bunch of ignorant people on this blog. When Bush was running he was just as arrogant as any other candidate. When Bush got re-elected he became even more arrogant. Now that Bush is going out of office, is this nation any better? Ok let’s say Barack is arrogant, but that’s the confidence you have to demand when you’re running a large campaign like this, this is what separates leaders and followers. Anybody is better than Bush in my opinion, let’s see what this guy can deliver.
This is a quote from a friend of mine, makes a lot of sense. I also believe this is what we can expect from a man who has ties with radical Muslims, Barack Obama. Remember we have built our Republic for over two hundred yrs, do we want it all changed ? “It seems unwise to now favor Barack Obama and the liberal fraction who seek to disarm the American citizens and revert to a welfare state. Their goal is to be supported by government funds at the expense of the working taxpayers.
Electing John McCain and Sarah Palin will maintain a system that has workie well in spite of the illegal elements in the past” He also wrote that ” The workin Americans who built this great country are finally achieving some justice. The big money interestwho have raped our ecomomy are being exposed and incarcerated, but there are still many more to be removed from society” Vote for MaCain and Sarah Palin.
The sun in obama’s campaign logo is no the rising sun. In fact it is the sunset. Meaning: A decline or final phase, the sunset of an empire. Will Obama be the sunset of our nation if elected? Do your homework people.
where was the flag on Mccains plane? It wasnt even there. Strange how no one noticed that. His quest for change is something that scares about 60% of the US and it scares me that we are still in that mind set. Why are we so focused on how black he is or how Muslim he might be? How bout we focus on what might be and just remember that he swept the election 3-1. Gotta be doing something right huh?
My Dearest Cassie,
You’re an idoit and the main reason I’m not a Republican.