Obama, despite all the evidence, stubbornly insists that the U.S. is still winning the fight against ISIS:
“No, I don’t think we’re losing,” Obama said in an interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg. “There’s no doubt there was a tactical setback.”
Lets think about that for a few minutes. The sitting President of the United States believes, against all facts to the contrary, that the moon is made of green cheese, he really did make a hole-in-one, and that the ISIS JV team continues to lose their games.
Never mind the fact that, two days before he spoke with Goldberg, ISIS took complete control of Ramadi. And, the day after his little chat, ISIS seized the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. I don’t know about you, but I’d say ISIS can chalk up two more wins in their column. The score for the U.S is… Zero. Oh wait! They are getting thank you tweets from ISIS! I kid you not:
Thanks to Obama’s lackluster approach to securing important cities in the war-torn Middle East, such as Ramadi, Islamic State militants were able to fully seize the western Iraqi city and began posting pictures on Twitter of what they gained in the form of weaponry — American equipment left behind by fleeing Iraqi forces.
Ramadi has fallen. Palmyra, a city filled with priceless ancient artifacts, lies in ruins. However, instead of reviewing and reworking a failed strategy, his Obstinance digs his heels in and laid the blame on the Iraqis:
The White House has indicated it won’t make wholesale changes to its plan to combat ISIS, but it will help the Iraqi government step up training of Sunni militias to launch a counteroffensive in Anbar Province, where Ramadi is located.
“Although Ramadi had been vulnerable for a very long time, primarily because these are not Iraqi security forces that we have trained or reinforced,” Obama said, “[t]he training of Iraqi security forces, the fortifications, the command-and-control systems are not happening fast enough in Anbar, in the Sunni parts of the country.”
Understandably many Americans who fought and shed blood in Iraq and Ramadi in particular are angry that their hard work and the lives lost are in vain.
Pete Hegseth, CEO of Concerned Veterans for America and a Fox News contributor, said veterans who fought and bled to free Ramadi from insurgents a decade ago have little reason for confidence in the current effort.
“It’s hard to watch and then be told that it’s all part of a successful plan,” Hegseth said. “Ramadi was a model success story and we continue to see all of the gains we made there be somewhat reversed.
“It’s a slap in the faces of families of soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice,” he added.
Soldiers spent days, weeks, and months in that city fighting to free it from the insurgents. They succeeded and the city was able to rebuild and thrive. Now Ramadi is overrun and the country faces a humanitarian crisis with over 25,000 fleeing to Baghdad for safety. Meanwhile the archeological community, given ISIS track record of destruction, fears the same fate will happen to Palmyra as has happen to other ancient cities:
The capture of the city and its ancient ruins “has sent shockwaves through the archaeological community, which fears for the fate of the remarkable antiquities of the site,” said Carol Meyers, professor emeritus of religion at Duke University, in an e-mailed statement. “At risk are the magnificent structures visible above ground and also the untold numbers of invaluable artifacts that lie unexcavated beneath the surface, ripe for plucking by plunderers who would sell them to fund [Islamic State] operations.”
Biblical texts refer to Palmyra in several places. The city was a major trade crossroad for centuries and at one time was ruled by the Romans. History from Persia to Rome can be found there.
Who we were, where we came from, and what we can learn from the history to be found in Palmyra will be forever lost if ISIS is allowed to keep control of that ancient city. ISIS has vividly demonstrated on numerous occasions since early 2014 that they will slaughter and destroy anything they determine is counter to the evil that they espouse.
So, Mr. President, do you really want to tell the world that ISIS is still the JV team? Do you really want to describe losing Ramadi and Palmyra as just a “setback?” Ramadi and Palmyra are being destroyed thanks in large part to your “overlearned” and ineffective bendy red line foreign policy. ISIS is gaining on numerous fronts while you spend time wringing your hands, acting like Baghdad Bob, and plotting your next visit to the golf course.
Obama, the fact is your ISIS strategy has failed, and you don’t have enough mulligans to fix it. The ISIS JV team will continue to chalk up more wins and the only thing you’ve “overlearned” is golf.
Well, to be fair, when they tried sneaking that stuff to ISIS through Benghazi it didn’t work out so well.
That’s John Cleese in that last picture, right?
Too bad it isn’t… heck Cleese would do a better job that the current Duffer in Chief is!