Obama Accuses Wealthy Of Ignoring the Poor, Yet Sends Daughters to Private School (VIDEO)

Obama Accuses Wealthy Of Ignoring the Poor, Yet Sends Daughters to Private School (VIDEO)

Obama Accuses Wealthy Of Ignoring the Poor, Yet Sends Daughters to Private School (VIDEO)

The hypocrisy meter has overloaded on this one.

Georgetown University hosted a Catholic-Evangelical Leadership Summit on Overcoming Poverty, and President Obama spoke there today.

“Part of what’s happened is, is that elites in a very mobile, globalized world are able to live together, away from folks who are not as wealthy, and so they feel less of a commitment to making those investments,” he explained during a panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University today.

Obama criticized the free-market system in America for allowing higher concentrations of wealth to exist among the rich while the bottom percentage was being left behind and receiving a smaller portion of that wealth.

“Those who are doing better and better, more skilled, more educated, – luckier – having greater advantages are withdrawing from the commons,” he said. “Kids start going to private schools, kids start working out at private clubs instead of the public parks, an anti-government ideology then disinvests from those common goods and those things that draw us together.”

Insert record scratch sound here. Let’s go to the videotape.

Now, wait just a minute. The Obamas may not have started out with wealth, but they have certainly acquired it. And the proof of that is the money they are pouring into their daughters’ private school education at Sidwell Friends (where Chelsea Clinton also attended while her father was president). Currently, tuition at Sidwell Friends is listed at $37,750 for the 2015-2016 school year – per student. That does NOT include a host of annual fees for textbooks and transportation, either. And Obama himself attended an elite private school in Hawaii as well. He has completely forgotten that he’s consistently attempted to gut the Washington DC school voucher program, which allows poor children living within the federally-controlled school district vouchers to attend private schools instead of the public ones. You know, those same public school he won’t send his own girls to.

And lets not even think about how many rounds of golf the president has played on private courses.

To have President Country Club Golf lecture about elites not rubbing shoulders with the poor in education or in “common” environments is shockingly tone-deaf, considering how he lives and how he educates his children. But, after all, the rules apply to “other” people, not to presidents who fancy themselves in touch with the poor and downtrodden.

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  • Xavier says:

    They don’t eat Michelle’s mandated lunches, either.
    Well no one actually eats them, but you know what I mean.

  • Chris in N.Va. says:

    I’m just guessing — a totally unfounded wild hunch, mind you — that these “offensive” families take lots of vacations, too. I don’t know for sure, but I have this nagging feeling (no relation to the nagging recently coming from the First Harpy).


    …..they pay for their own vacations, not mooch off someone else’s bank account.

    Let’s hear another round of applause for the world’s smallest violin.

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