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to hear them tell it, the wh hadn’t a clue about election night returns – the narcissist-in-chief, barack obama was busy watching an HBO documentary about himself! wow.
well, what obama missed while admiring himself was that in local elections around the country (R)’s were winning, building a foundation for future elections in 2010 and 2012. red states are hardening, purple states are turning red, blue states in play.
the lefties like to say it was all about local issues – which is true however when the messiah himself comes to town to campaign for you, its no longer local. and losing nj?!? the bluest of blue? that is so huge. no matter how you spin it.
the truth is that obama has lost the magic. and i’m thinking obama may need to conference with president bush and vice president cheney on how real leadership is done.
obama owns both the house and senate, as well as the media, yet between all of those useful idiots, nothing gets done. president bush, who was chronically vilified, excoriated and mocked by the leftists in this country, was actually fairly good at working both with his own party and working the dems. W led a hostile democratic-led congress around by the hook in their nose to effect his own top agenda item which was prevailing in a war that the dems were convinced was lost, even as they were waving the white flag of surrender to terrorists.
yep. obama is an extreme leader of extreme leaders in congress who are leading the democratic party and this country down an unacceptable path. the american people don’t want any part of it, starting yesterday. yet no confetti or champagne please. hunker down and keep chipping away.
Yes, the re-strengthening of the country is not over yet. A sedate ‘work toward what is right and logical’ attitude is appropriate. “D”, “R”, “I”, whatever…
The votes last night are an indication of how Americans ascertain the current direction of the country – they’re tired of the over-reaching, tired of the double-speak and tired of being completely ignored by their representatives.
Even in the 23rd of NY. Hoffman, the no-nonsense candidate, went from an unknown to nearly WINNING despite running against TWO other mainstream candidates & then essentially having those two mainstream candidates COMBINE into one! AND… fighting against millions of dollars of ads against him – including ads by the “R’s”! Owens managed a win by only 4 points, without getting over 50% of the vote and with the 3rd candidate dragging in 5 points.
Imagine if the no-nonsense candidate had gotten due attention & support from the get go, then even this race would have gone the way of the NJ governorship, the VA governorship, VA LtGovernorship, the VA Att. General…
“barack obama was busy watching an HBO documentary about himself! wow.”
There’s a shock.
i think obamacare will pass the house this week
HA! No mention of your DEFEAT in NY23 I notice. Losers.
I guess you think the “angry mob” has spoken? Not hardly. NY-23 was much more significant. Conservatives couldn’t pull it off and the seat went blue after almost 150 years of being red.
Maybe you all should run Palin/Bachmann in 2012? /smirk
oh pleeeeze do that.
NY is not a shock – it’s a true blue state.
VA and NJ are quite the surprise … since Obama campaigned there quite a bit for his precious Dems. The Republican wins in those 2 states just show that Obama coattails aren’t that long after all.
“HA! No mention of your DEFEAT in NY23 I notice. Losers.”
Yes Pennie, Biden had to go to upstate NY to help a dem beat a complete unknown, and then only did it by the skin of their teeth. Congratulations.
I find it much more interesting that Obama himself campaigned for Corizine as well as the White House helping out his campaign and he LOST. I find that much more telling, but enjoy your little world.
“NY-23 was much more significant.”
Whatever you have to tell yourself, Scarlett. I understand.
the rep candidate lost in ny-23 for one reason
the reps were too stupid to pick hoffman in the first place
the political winds are definitely in favor of the reps …
however, you have a chaotic leadership
Ken, you’re correct. For Pennie to dive into the debate with a excoriating comment – (completely ignoring the two BIG losses by the D’s, BTW, Pennie Pen-Pen) – shows that she’s back in true healthful but (ignorant) form. No offense, Pen.
Like you noted, Ken, “Biden had to go to upstate NY to help a dem beat a complete unknown, and then only did it by the skin of their teeth. Congratulations.” Couldn’t have summed it up better, except to say that if Scozzafava hadn’t quit and thrown herself & her votes to the dem he likely wouldn’t have even won AT ALL. (Scozzafava got 5% of the count).
And as far as how “significant” the 23rd congressional district is to the whole scheme of things… uh… like they said on the radio today, it just means that the House will have an 80 vote lead instead of a 79 vote lead over the Rs until next year’s election. Then we’ll see how thing go, Pennie.
lisab, I hope you’re not right that the House will pass this monstrosity of a clusterf*** of a bill this weekend. I hope that all of the members realize that they’re NOT doing the will of the people if they pass this bill that is full of lies, deceit, taxpayer abortion funding, double-speak, illegal alien covering & other stuff that will bite Americans in the end bigtime.
You silly people. You all bash Newt Gingrich as being too moderate yesterday for supporting Scozzafava and today you are silent about all of it. When Gingrich is too moderate for you, you have a problem. Scary
“When Gingrich is too moderate for you, you have a problem.”
Not according to last night’s election!!!!! Good try, though.
Jane, we didn’t bash Newt for being too moderate. I bashed him for being a complete IDIOT.
lisab, just to set the record straight, the reps didn’t pick Hoffman. Hoffman was not an “R” candidate. He was an Independent.
(The reps were soooooo stupid that they picked Dede Scozzafava – a candidate who was FOR the “stimulus” bill, FOR gay “marriage”, FOR abortion, FOR wanton spending, FOR this healthcare “reform” bill that is before the House right now. It’s hard to come up with a position that she espoused that WASN’T already a classic position of the other party.)
i was saying the reps should have chosen hoffman from the beginning …
or someone who was more representative of their platform
had the rep leadership picked hoffman they very likely would have won all three races last night. yesterday shows that you have a chance to win in 2010 … iff your leadership does not screw up the election
it is very likely obamacare will be passed by the house this week. i would say 80% chance. pelosi knows she can pass it now. if the economy gets worse, which is likely, she may not be able to pass it after the new year.
Last night’s results were a mixed bag. Democrats lost governorships in two states that had Obama had won just a year earlier. That means democratic voters didn’t have a lot of enthusiasm this time around. Obama had better start delivering on his campaign promises!
On the other hand, high profile Republicans threw their lot behind Dick Armey and his thuggish FreedomWorks and got stuffed for their efforts. I think the voters in NY 23 resented a bunch of outsiders coming in to the district and telling them how they should vote. So they elected Owens, the first Democrat to represent the district in over 100 years, as a means of telling Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Rick Santorum, Fred Thompson, and Tim Pawlenty to shut the f**k up.
you would be right to conclude that if they had come in to support hoffman as the republican nominee against a dem nominee
however, the ballot was very screwed up. the republican candidate was still on the ballot and the votes she got would have put hoffman over the top.
therefore i would not conclude much from this election.
“I think the voters in NY 23 resented a bunch of outsiders coming in to the district and telling them how they should vote.”
I don’t see it that way. I think if the Republicans had threw their support behind Hoffman from the beginning, instead of Arlen Specter in a skirt, Hoffman would have easily taken that district. Dede siphoned off just enough votes, after endorsing the democrat to help the dem to win.
Hoffman was a nobody, but in just over a month made a run that almost unseated to politicians that were supported with millions of dollars. This was hardly a message of protest.
“So they elected Owens, the first Democrat to represent the district in over 100 years, as a means of telling Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Rick Santorum, Fred Thompson, and Tim Pawlenty to shut the f**k up.”
Rubbish. First off, you are incorrect. Michael R. McNulty, a democrat, represented NY-23 from 1989-1993. Secondly, as I have already pointed out, an unknown who was more of a Repubilcan than the Republican candidate came out of nowhere and almost pulled it off. Why? Because they are tired of RINO’s. This was a victory for conservatism, not a failure. Like I said, if Dede hadn’t shown her true colors and endorsed the democrat, Hoffman would have won.
In an unrelated topic…………….YANKEES WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Kate, I had to.
woot! congrats to the yankees ONLY because of ken and leeann! 🙂
but let me say there is NO better day in the world then to be sitting at chavez ravine in the cheap seats by centerfield, soaking up southern california sun, enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded fans, and eating dodger dogs steamed in beer. dodgers forever!
Ken, good research on your part and others there on McNulty. Perhaps we’ll forgive Dade for just repeating what he heard from Nancy Pelosi and other lefties (who were trying to make more out of the NY23 race for their side than is there.)
On another note, I hope (and BET) that those D’s who vote FOR government (f*** us up the *ss care) are going to be trembling until their next ‘election’ and even more so when the results come in, in 2010. …I think.
lisab, I agree with you that if Hoffman had been there from the beginning it he would likely have WON by 3%-5%, or more. It’s certainly a message to the R’s there in NY23, and Ken is accurate in saying that the voters rejected Scozzafava so much “because they are tired of RINO’s” and that “this was a victory for conservatism, not a failure. ” “If the Republicans had threw their support behind Hoffman from the beginning, instead of Arlen Specter in a skirt, Hoffman would have easily taken that district.”
Sorry for quoting so much from above but but those words earned repeating! : )
Awesome post! Keep up the superlative work!!!
ps. Link Exchange??
Well, I checked out the link about McNulty and he was indeed the US Rep for New York 23 for a time. Not sure why people (including some Republicans) are saying that the district had been in Republican hands for over a century. (Perhaps it has something to do with gerrymandering, I don’t know.)
However, I do think there was backlash within the district against “outsiders” coming in and trying to hijack the election.
I know that in my district, Oregon 3, which is as true blue liberal as they come, voters here would be totally pissed off if, say Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, and Keith Olbermann came in and started promoting some No Name from, say Salem, OR (outside our district), even if that No Name was a liberal/progressive right down the line.
I imagine that New Yorkers feel the same way.
Dade – probably true! And rightly so if that is the case : )
But maybe Nancy, Dick, Keith (D’s) or Sarah, Dick & Glenn (R’s) weren’t trying so much to “tell” the voters who to vote for, but rather those personalities wanted to use their popularity or strength in an effort to bring certain candidates to the light of day.
After all Doug Hoffman was pretty unknown to the rest of the country (though certainly more known within NY23rd) and many Americans outside of the 23rd wanted to ‘celebrate’ what Mr. Hoffman represented and what his election to the House might portend – both for the people of the 23rd and America as a whole. : )
Well, David, as I’m sure you know, in politics, perception is everything.
So, regardless of Sarah, Dick, Glenn’s motives, it may be that New York 23 voters perceived their actions as intruding on their turf.
And, who knows? The people in New York 23 may have liked DeeDee Scozzafava even if she was a “RINO.” Maybe they didn’t like the idea of a bunch of big name conservatives coming in and taking her down.
Maybe. Maybe not.
“Maybe they didn’t like the idea of a bunch of big name conservatives coming in and taking her down.”
Very well could be, but does that mean that Obama’s campaigning on Corzine’s part was the reason Corzine lost? Because the people of New Jersey didn’t like a big name like Obama telling them who to vote for?
Well, there’s no getting around the fact that Christie’s victory was, at the very least, an embarrassment for Obama. But Corzine had lots of problems. A gubernatorial race, especially of a big electoral state like New Jersey is going to attract a lot of big names.
An off-year congressional election in upstate New York, for a seat that will be up for grabs only one year later, in the mid-terms, would normally not be seen as a big deal. So when big names and out-of-district money starts pouring in and forcing the local candidate out of the race, the voters might resent it.
Just my theory.
How is it that Dede S. got “forced out” of the race? I need to know. I haven’t seen how she was forced out? Really.
“How is it that Dede S. got “forced out” of the race? I need to know. I haven’t seen how she was forced out? Really.”
That’s funny, isn’t it David? I also find it interesting that Hoffman’s loss is a direct result of being endorsed by the “right wing”, yet Corzine’s loss had nothing to do with Obama but with Corzine being a horrible candidate.
Mind boggling.
Still waiting… How is it that Dede S. got “forced out” of the race??
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