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April 16, 2009
while our federal government stands by their published report, considering us the peace-loving, law abiding, tax-paying center-right to be a serious threat to national security, liberal media – like this person posing as a journalist – would like to brand the tea party events as ‘right-wing extremists’ and tie it with hate groups.
why is it the lamestream media finds it so easy to sneer at a group of peaceful protestors, when you’ve never seen them do the same with the thugs, anarchists, and paid protestors who destructively march on global warming, animal testing, the WTO or civilization as we know it?
the only explanation can be that the media doesn’t like the message. don’t question, don’t mock, and don’t obstruct the messiah!
yesterday’s tea party protestors know wealth distribution when they see it, and they’re calling it out – because the media cannot bring themselves to do it for them. after all, if they did, that would hurt The One’s feelings — look! a rainbow and a unicorn!
one only has to study this crowd — from portland, oregon one of the most liberal places in the country — and it is clear that we who protest the hijacking of our liberties by this administration come from all walks of life and represent good, hard-working americans.
is this the face of extremism?
the numbers at the tea parties around the country are still be assessed but it was easily a million+. this is only the start of a movement that will most certainly spell the end of The One and his soft tyranny. to say this is a left vs. right thing is just wrong. there were many moderate democrats and independents at the rally in portland and i suspect it was the same at other tea parties, especially those in more predominate liberal areas. all were there, bound by the common thread of liberty compromised by this feckless administration.
and just because i feel so inspired, more braveheart… i love this scene. watch it. it’s short.
rout the pirates. next tea party date is july 4th, independence day.
UPDATE: hey i was just over at jeff’s blog, sweet tea and liver mush, and his post today is incredible. it’s about his ‘tea party of 1’ and he explains things in ways i wish i could. go there now and read it. his photo of submission to The One is pretty good too. leave a comment and let him know you were there.
No way a million! There were only hundreds even in the biggest of cities! You can continue to delude yourselves but really this will be to no avail and is highly unpreductive as far as fixing our country’s considerable problems. I think it is completely sad that you bring out your children to see this kind of sham. Really this is disgusting and very unpatriotic. I am disappointed in you Kate.
I was in LV on the corner of Sunset and Eastern from 12-7. There wasn’t more then 1-150 people there all afternoon. There was another 40 or so folks down by the post office where my friend was. And another 100 or so at a 3rd location. We kept a close count. Yet rightwinger blogs say the crowd was 1,000. Lies.
In fact, people were complaining all day about it being the “media’s fault” that no one was there! When I mentioned it took a 2 second google search to find out there were 4 different events (3 within 2 miles of each other), the typical response was ‘I don’t need no internet, just my Winchester.’ Are you kidding? Maybe attitudes like this are why you conservatives are feeling so lost, helpless, and scared right now. I was sure to point out it was their OWN fault for choosing the remain uninformed or being too lazy to do a little research.
The tea parties was a bust and a sham no matter what the right wingers would like to say.
Well in Tampa we had thousands. THOUSANDS. The official count from the police department will be out soon. It was a wonderful experience and the crowd was electrified and energized. THAT is hope and change Pennie and Jane.
Jane and Pennie……………………………Snort! Thanks for the laugh this morning.
“You can continue to delude yourselves but really this will be to no avail and is highly unpreductive as far as fixing our country’s considerable problems.”
Let me get this right. Moonbats have been running in the streets for decades screaming their tiny brains out dressing up like three ring circuses, destroying property, blocking traffic and disturbing the peace but what we are doing is unproductive ?
The story in itself should not really be the protest but rather the fact that this group of Americans for the first time in a long time have hit the streets in anger. That alone is what has drawn so much attention to us but it was such an unusual sight it scared the crap out of anyone who thought they’d cornered the market on dissent.
What are the countrys “considerable problems “? Have to pay your own mortgage ? Someone else wont pay for your band aids ? Everyone doesnt think like you ? We actually go after our enemies ? I’m just curious.
“I think it is completely sad that you bring out your children to see this kind of sham. Really this is disgusting and very unpatriotic. I am disappointed in you Kate.”
You cant be serious ? I’m even going to bother telling you of all the little kids I’ve seen at liberal protests that have been subjected to nudity and violence in addition the level of hypocrisy it takes to say that our dissent is unpatriotic as if yours was any more patriotic than ours. Typical elite leftist marginalization of others rights. Pfft.
Were teaching our kids what it means to stand up for their country, whats left of it, instead of dancing around like court jesters all in the name of some obscure issue that nobody cares about.
“The tea parties was a bust and a sham no matter what the right wingers would like to say.”
I love it when liberals use that autocratic tone that discounts anything but what they want to believe.
Most of them see a successful rally as being led by one rabble rousing idiot community organizer or something like that where thousands all show up in one location.
This event was huge in its full context when you take into consideration that it was launched out of a grass roots sentiment that prevailed over the whole country and was spawned of individuals who all felt the same way without having one person or organization lead them all off cliffs like lemmings with their hair on fire.
The truth is that millions of voices were heard yesterday not only by those in the streets in which the counts vary anywhere from 800 to 2000 parties nationwide there was also the hiundreds of thousands of tea bags and pics of tea bags sent to the white house that represent one voice also. When you add it all up were talking well over a million, easy.
No, not a sham at all. Would we expect any honest person on the left to admit that this event was huge ? Of course not. First you have to take into account the bias minimization thats guaranteed to be put in play and second would be the intentional downplaying like we saw not only in posts from liberals like the ones above but even in the MSM as the author mentions. Throw in some ideological bigotry and you’ve got your explanation as to what they’re sounding like a bunch of sore losers.
This event was not born the way liberal protests have all been born. It wasnt driven by the media or one great leader, we didnt need anyone to hold our hands and show us the way. As a matter of fact it was done the same way the liberals won the election. On the internet, in the blogs, people talked and all exchanged the same ides and agreed because the sentiment was so strong it didnt need any one leader or organization to come to fruition. You guys lost the monopoly on that game, everyone is playing it now.
Be scared liberals, be very scared because we all just did what you did to win the election except we did it in just a matter of a few weeks and not over a 2 year period like you did leading up to the election.
Just think what we can do at the next election coming up in almost a year and in the presidential election in 3 1/2 years. So please, go ahead be complacent in your ignorance convincing yourselves that this event was a failure. You’ll only be doing us a favor, and the whole country.
With over 500 different locations around the country, 1 million would be 2,000 per event (on average) which was highly likely. (For you liberals, if one location had 9,000 and 7 locations had 1,000, that’s an average of 2,000 each.)
>>Jane said: I think it is completely sad that you bring out your children to see this kind of sham.
Do you say the same things about people who brought kids the the anti-war demonstrations, of which there are numerous pics you can view in just a few clicks of the mouse, or is your feigned “sadness” only one sided?
Back to kate’s comments. The CNN “reporter” was an absolute kook and gave to us another piece of documented evidence that the media is slated left. That she didn’t know when Lincoln said (paraphrased) that it’s morally wrong to tear down one person’s house in order to use the materials to build someone else’s house that he was talking about the transfer of wealth from one to another, something Jihaddy Jug-ears said he wants to do, is completely unprofessional on her part. I’d have asked her if she’d take $400 cash from me right now to sign away her liberty. I also remember a time, not too long ago, that reporters asked questions to get a story; not to answer them and be the story. At least she was openly oozing out her hatred and distain of anyone who would dare question her god, BHO, I’ll give her credit for that. But, they aren’t journalists that’s for sure and that wasn’t an interview, that was her pushing DNC talking points. And to claim these Tea Parties was anti-CNN, promoted by the “RW conservative network Fox” and wasn’t “family viewing” is something of which she should lose her job. Of course, this will only elevate her status in the liberal media because they aren’t interested in the truth, they’ve interested in shutting down any voices that don’t agree with them. We’ve had the local libs who post here admit that conservatives should have their Constitutuional right to freedom of speech stripped from us.
…very unpatriotic….
Jane – really? Then you would say that our country’s founding fathers were the most unpatriotic men who ever drew breath.
A patriot is someone who:
a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, esp. of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government
I’d say that what people did yesterday and will do again on July 4th is the pinnacle of patriotic actions.
“I think it is completely sad that you bring out your children to see this kind of sham.”
Sad to bring our children? Our children are going to be the ones paying for all this reckless spending.
Since when did our first amendment right start applying only to democrats?
Unpatriotic, are you kidding me? Have you ever read the first amendment? It goes something like this “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”
In our little town of 5000 we had over 700 participants. Now before you laugh and say only 700 remember this, on December 1, 1955 on a bus in Montogermy Alabama there was one little woman who refused to give up her right to a seat on the bus. ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen, Rope. On my lawn yesterday, there was a Tea Party in the spirit of Thoreau’s “majority of one”. Nobody can shout me down, or weaken my resolve. Swing by over at the ‘livermush’ place for my tea party photo. My revolt is not a single-day event, and not even merely a surging tide. It is ME surroundng them…US surrounding them. This country was hijacked and pirated by the counter-culture of peace-mongers and wealth-enviers, and their time is coming to an end. I am a million and they are right to fear us.
I think the one thing we should all realize is that this movement was brought about by people like us who did it just by talking back and forth like we are now.
I remember a couple people maybe a month or two ago hinting at doing something like this. It wasnt on the news or talk shows or anywhere else. Here on the blogs is where I heard it all first. What I just described happened thousands of times over until we have what we saw yesterday.
I thinks its pretty safe to say that this is how we will win the election. When the people are motivated as we all were and are without any one person or leader (or messiah) making that charge and that the moonbats are not the only ones anymore who can use the internet to make things happen.
Did anyone hear Nancy Pelosi saying this whole movement was driven by some rich right wing machine ?
You’re right Jeff, the heat is on, the party is energized, and whats really cool is that a good part of the base that elected Obama is starting to see just what a snake he is. Its the centrists and the moderates that always make the difference and they’re not happy.
Ratings from last night. Wow!
FOXNEWS 3,390,000
MSNBC 1,210,000
CNN 1,070,000
FOXNEWS BECK 2,740,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 2,185,000
CNNHN GRACE 1,336,000
CNN KING 1,292,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,149,000
CNN COOPER 1,021,000
“I think the one thing we should all realize is that this movement was brought about by people like us who did it just by talking back and forth like we are now.”
That’s hilarious. I know Micky you are not saying you went to a Teabagging party? I mean how could you? You obviously are on some sort of tax payer assistance to be able to sit all day on your A$$ blogging and fighting behind the safety of a computer screen.
You are a fraud. You sit all day long waiting for a liberal to breath your same air. You get called on sh!t all the time. You bluster your way out of it by bully tactics. Whatever. You are all frauds imo.
Amazing Ted and not once did Fox make some kind of attempt at childish bathroom humor with teabagging jokes.
Oh look Maria did though.
For any libs who are wondering why people took to the streets for Teabag parties, this is just a small part of it.
“Unwarranted secrecy regarding the largest disbursement of public funds in U.S. history continues in the executive branch. So Congress should finally exercise its oversight authority and find out where every last bailout dollar has been spent. Three major news organizations – Bloomberg News, Fox Business News, and The New York Times – had to file lawsuits against the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Board after they were refused bailout documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). All three were stiffed by an administration that failed to deliver on a promise of more government transparency and accountability. In response to its lawsuit seeking compensation agreements between the government and two of the largest bailout recipients, Fox finally received 10,096 pages of heavily redacted documents from Treasury showing that “virtually all the details of the bailout were worked out among a handful of lawyers.”
Not only is the Obama administration packed with crooks and tax cheats, it’s also filled with liars, starting at the top. Did we expect better out of a Chicago machine politician? No one with any sense did, but here’s yet another concrete example of how Obama snowed his followers. He promised transparency and has been less transparent than the so-called secret-loving Bush administration.
If you are not angry at this administration, my question to you is what is wrong with you? Either you are in on the scam, or you are willfully ignorant.
“You are a fraud. You sit all day long waiting for a liberal to breath your same air. You get called on sh!t all the time. You bluster your way out of it by bully tactics. Whatever. You are all frauds imo.”
Good for you, since you have absolutley nothing to back up your ignorant rhetoric at least you made sure you included that its only your opinion.
Face, it, you’re just a lame little person who thinks shes a patriot by running around dropping bombs only because you couldnt really argue a point with any intelligence if your life depended on it. Those who are like you are the ones who call driving a point home and arguing for what you believe being a “bully”.
Your thinking you know what my life consists of by what you read here is the first clue indicating just how clueless you are.
“You obviously are on some sort of tax payer assistance to be able to sit all day on your A$$ blogging and fighting behind the safety of a computer screen. ”
Hmm…, did I launch an attack on you while hiding behind the safety of my computer ? (nope)
Pot, meet kettle.
Ever heard of laptops ?
“You are a fraud. ”
And you my dear are certifiable.
You’re too funny.
maria NO personal attacks. consider this your one and only warning.
Katy: “rout the pirates.” I have a question for you. Do you see yourself as like a female Braveheart or something? LMFAO. You are ridiculously funny. Yeah all you women with strollers and old men and their budda bellies are quite the warriors.
Marsha: “THAT is hope and change Pennie and Jane. Marsha dear you are so crase. Repubs have no idea what hope or change is. THAT was and is the problem. But nice try.
Micky: “The story in itself should not really be the protest but rather the fact that this group of Americans for the first time in a long time have hit the streets in anger” Oh wow yep they look angry. Get glasses dude.
“I love it when liberals use that autocratic tone” That coming from the King of autocratic tones.
“The truth is that millions of voices were heard yesterday not only by those in the streets in which the counts vary anywhere from 800 to 2000 parties nationwide there was also the hiundreds of thousands of tea bags and pics of tea bags sent to the white house that represent one voice also. When you add it all up were talking well over a million, easy.”
Yeah those tea bags were a really strong message!!! Wowie! I am skeeeeerd. What a silly and weak response.
“Be scared liberals, be very scared because we all just did what you did to win the election except we did it in just a matter of a few weeks and not over a 2 year period like you did leading up to the election.”
Silly. Bad drama Micky. Have you seen just one picture of the crowds Obama drew at one event compared with the largest Tea Party? LMFAO. NO comparison.
Ted: “Not only is the Obama administration packed with crooks and tax cheats, it’s also filled with liars, starting at the top.” Oh really? How does this sound:
Not only was the Bush administration packed with crooks and torturers, it is also filled with liars, starting at the top.
Kris: “I’d say that what people did yesterday and will do again on July 4th is the pinnacle of patriotic actions.”
Wow hun. You need to adjust your expectations because that was seriously weak.
>>Jared said: Oh really?
Yes, really. So answer the question, since you are a cult follower of the Bower-In-Chief, the Origin-Challenged One, are you in on the scam or you are willfully ignorant? I would add to ask if you’re just stupid, but we’ve been requested not to personally attack, and besides you’d have to bother someone to inquire of them what it meant anyway.
Have y’all looked at the pictures on all the right wing blogs? Yer Tea bagging was just a Klan rally without the hoods.
To go crazy “anti-tax” a month AFTER the vast majority got tax CUTS and more money IN their paychecks is a smokescreen.
The vast whiteness of these klan rallies says it all.
>>James said: Have y’all looked at the pictures on all the right wing blogs? Yer Tea bagging was just a Klan rally without the hoods. The vast whiteness of these klan rallies says it all.
Is this the same James that said in another thread:
“You may disagree vehemently but that doesn’t make me a coward, or a jerk, or a subversive or any of those things. I am law abiding. I pay my taxes. I have a family that is thriving. I am educated and go to church. I served in the military and was honorably discharged. I consider myself a patriot.”
Wow, talk about proving the above to be just another lie in one quick swoop.
Honestly, you can’t make these libs out to be any more dumb than to compare their claims of who and what they say they are to their own words.
To go crazy “anti-tax” a month AFTER the vast majority got tax CUTS and more money IN their paychecks is a smokescreen.
Yea my employees hardly know what to do with their extra 13 bucks. Maybe they can apply it to their electric bills that went up 60 bucks.
The vast whiteness of these klan rallies says it all.
Can you really be this dense? Nevermind of course you can.
“You obviously are on some sort of tax payer assistance to be able to sit all day on your A$$ blogging and fighting behind the safety of a computer screen.”
Gosh, Maria, please tell us all how you are out on the front lines every day, we’d love to hear from you. You seem to accuse someone else of doing the same thing you are, that’s called “projection”.
“You bluster your way out of it by bully tactics. ”
This seems to be the standard accusation of the neo-socialists when they can’t come up with a point or an argument. You guys need a new line. Please.
“Not only was the Bush administration packed with crooks and torturers, it is also filled with liars, starting at the top.”
So do you have anything to say about Obama’s lies or are those ok with you since he’s “your” guy?
“Have y’all looked at the pictures on all the right wing blogs? Yer Tea bagging was just a Klan rally without the hoods.”
Interesting comment considering the Klan was started by democrats. Try reading a book sometime, James.
“The vast whiteness of these klan rallies says it all.”
The vast ignorance of your statements says it all as well, James.
“Oh wow yep they look angry. Get glasses dude.”
Yea, I guess the next intelligent assertion will be that they’re happy. Unlike liberals we can act on anger in positive constructive ways and not be the terrorists that Napolitano says we are.
Wait a minute ? Are we angry extremists/terrosists or milquetoast protestors ?
Get straight story dudes.
“That coming from the King of autocratic tones.”
Funny, you actually do believe you have an argument with this, dont you ?
Pathetic. Thats statement was to point out what was an example of an autocratic tone.
In the case you feign with me, you have no example to speak of.
Once again you’ve managed to a make a bunch of noise, say nothing and only show whats self evident in your case.
“Yeah those tea bags were a really strong message!!! Wowie! I am skeeeeerd. What a silly and weak response.”
One of those bags had more message in it than everything you’ve ever said on this blog. Even after being used a couple times.
“Silly. Bad drama Micky. Have you seen just one picture of the crowds Obama drew at one event compared with the largest Tea Party? LMFAO. NO comparison.”
Sure there was a comparison.
We didnt settle for 13.00 a week just to show up. We know you all needed the money. Another comparison would be that we didnt do it at the beck and call of some camel jocky in disguise as our president so we could ask him to buy us a house or get you outta McDonalds
Besides that, I think your biggest rally was full of Germans. Funny how a country that fell for Hitlers crap is so compelled to fall for Obamas.
“Not only was the Bush administration packed with crooks and torturers, it is also filled with liars, starting at the top. ”
Your only problem is that theres a few lies Obama has already been caught in, public funding, wire tapping, Wright, Ayers, Acorn, whereas all the ones against Bush you all dreamed up you could never prove.
Keep trying though, maintaining your consistent image is what we need.
“To go crazy “anti-tax” a month AFTER the vast majority got tax CUTS and more money IN their paychecks is a smokescreen.”
Yea, that 13.00 a week will cover the 9 trillion dollar deficit in no time, never mind the debt or the interest on it.
Jeez, where do these guys get their talking points ? Some brail high school newspaper ?
This is hillarious, these same guys come around every day and say these dumb things that take all of a second to think up and its all somehow supposed to shine a light on the brilliance of the left ? Or make me want to vote democratic ?
These guys are so predictable I could say that of all the protests across the nation yesterday there was not one episode of violence and I’ll bet these raxor sharp minds would say;
” there was so much violence no one wanted to risk going to catch it on tape, especially after Napolitano issued that warning”
or, “what do you expect from a bunch of whimpy conservatives ?”
Or some totally obscure and baseless accusation meant to inflame but really just makes you look like little boys pulling pig tails for attention.
Thanks for the chuckles. Seriously, thank you.
I don’t need no internet, just my Winchester.’
great line
however, there is a reason the media and the dems are going nuts over this …
and it is really not about the number of protesters as much as it is about the protest.
the thing that has them up in arms is that
obama has been president for only three months … THREE …
and there are already NATIONWIDE PROTESTS against him.
if it was not a big deal the trolls would not be here saying it is not a big deal. they would not even mention it at all.
organized nationwide protests after just THREE months … and look what is coming straight at obama …
GM’s bankruptcy. that would be hard for an experienced business person to negotiate … obama is completely out of his depth. if he props up GM … the stockholders win. if he allows it to go belly up … the UAW and michigan lose big time.
think how many suppliers will go down once GM folds. also, guess which state any new company that comes out of GM WON’T do business in — michigan. why? the UAW.
just to come clean … the UAW is part of the afl-cio. i am in the aft, also part of the afl-cio.
the uaw members are SCREWED in gm goes down.
finally … another indication of how big the rallies were (from drudge)
8-11 PM ET
FOXNEWS 3,390,000
MSNBC 1,210,000
CNN 1,070,000
FOXNEWS BECK 2,740,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 2,185,000
CNNHN GRACE 1,336,000
CNN KING 1,292,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,149,000
CNN COOPER 1,021,000 ”
the daily show and colbert beat cooper … that is a bad sign for dems. who the heck is baier?
Bret Baier hosts Special Report. Brit Hume did since its origin, I’m pretty sure.
The left is scared, its plain to see. Looking around after the HS report came out I keep coming to the conclusion that the only reason for that bomb was to put a lable on the protestors as extremists and radicals more than likely because they knew it wasnt going to like any liberal protest where we see the usuall insane displays of drama and violence so they had to cook up something that would give it a negative spin.
The game is on, this is not the last stunt like this were going to see, they know that Obamas screw ups are growing on this country and since theres no good argument to defend his screw ups their best course of action against the dissent is to cook up what they can that will make us all look worse than the problem.
Whats our next move folks ? I’m not waiting for Michael Steel to tell us.
How about this? Is this the face of extremism?
“We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that? But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.” –Governor Rick Perry, April 15, 2009, speaking at a tea-bagging party
Advocating secession and war upon the United States falls into a category of behavior that lawyers call “treason.” Strict constitutional constructionists might also note that the punishment for treason is an old favorite of Texans… namely, death.
Please Dade post me the link where our governor said anything about a war upon the United States.
Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.
So please post me the link to the war comment, Ive looked everywhere for it.
Treason my behind.
Libs are emotionally driven creatures, so they take simple statements like what Gov. Perry said and enhance it to mean things he never said. There are libs here who do the same thing with kate’s comments, like taking a simple agreement with what Patrick Henry said and turning it into “You want to raise an armed insurrection against the gov’t!!!!!!!!one1!!eleventy!!!!1!1!!11!!!!!”
They’re nuts.
Ted this just floors and frankly scares me. Why, because 9 times out of 10 these (and I love this thanks) emotionally driven creatures won’t try to verify exactly what was said they will just keep repeating it.
Here’s the Abraham Lincoln quote I was looking for yesterday, the one the CNN report was clueless about.
“Property is the fruit of labor…property is desirable…is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.”
It would serve liberals well to read up on what happened to our original settlers who were victims of a government that didnt allow any man to privately own property and all efforts in commerce were communal and to be divided evenly.
They starved to death.
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