New undercover Planned Parenthood video from Live Action: The Rosa Acuna Project

New undercover Planned Parenthood video from Live Action: The Rosa Acuna Project

Lila Rose, founder of Live Action Films, has done a lot of groundbreaking work doing undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood. From exposing Planned Parenthood’s cover-ups of sexual abuse to accepting donations targeting black babies, she’s uncovered it all. There were videos of Planned Parenthoods across the country, in multiple cities in multiple states, using similar tactics and techniques at each clinic.

Now, Lila Rose has unveiled a new project, the Rosa Acuna Project. This is designed to show how Planned Parenthood lies and manipulates women to coerce them into getting abortions. The first video, from Appleton, WI showcases just how far their “counselors” will go to get another sell.

New undercover footage from an Appleton, WI Planned Parenthood abortion clinic shows clinic staff, including the abortion doctor, lying to two young women about fetal development and encouraging the one who is pregnant to obtain an abortion because “women die having babies.”

In the undercover video, when the two women ask a Planned Parenthood counselor if the pregnant woman’s 10-week-old unborn child has a heartbeat, the counselor emphasizes “heart tones,” and answers, “Heart beat is when the fetus is active in the uterus–can survive–which is about seventeen or eighteen weeks.” On the contrary, embryologists agree that the heartbeat begins around 3 weeks. Wisconsin informed consent law requires that women receive medically accurate information before undergoing an abortion.

The counselor then says, “A fetus is what’s in the uterus right now. That is not a baby.” Dr. Prohaska, the abortion doctor, insists, “It’s not a baby at this stage or anything like that.” Prohaska also states that having an abortion will be “much safer than having a baby,” warning, “You know, women die having babies.”

The video comes one month after the widely reported resignation of Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson. Johnson left her leadership position at Planned Parenthood in Bryan, TX after watching a 13-week old fetus being aborted in her clinic on ultrasound. She said during a recent interview, “Planned Parenthood really tries to instill in their employees and the women that are coming in for abortions that this is not a baby.” In another interview, she noted, “They don’t want to talk about when your baby has a heartbeat,” because “they don’t want to give the woman information that could give her a connection with her baby.”

The investigation is organized by Live Action, a nonprofit student group. Lila Rose, the 21-year-old UCLA student and Live Action president, says medical lies and manipulative counseling are routine at Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain.

“They will do or say anything in order to sell more abortions to more women, whether it is covering up sexual abuse or lying to women about medical facts,” says Rose. “Our team has visited dozens of Planned Parenthood clinics undercover. Planned Parenthood, while claiming to support patient self-determination, operates with an ‘abortion-first mentality.'”

The video is the first in Live Action’s “Rosa Acuna Project,” a multi-state undercover audit documenting Planned Parenthood’s abortion counseling. Planned Parenthood has come under fire recently after Live Action’s investigations found them willing to conceal sexual abuse and accept donations targeted to abort African-Americans only. Videos of abuse cover-up prompted state investigations of Planned Parenthood and diversion of the abortion giant’s public subsidies.

“Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar organization with nearly $350 million of government funding, and stands to gain hundreds of millions more from national health care,” says Rose. “Do we really want to subsidize an organization that gives women in need atrocious misinformation and predatory abortion practices?”

It’s all about the money for Planned Parenthood. And, like most pro-choicers (especially the feminists), it isn’t really about choice. They want women to have abortions, so badly that they’ll lie and manipulate women to get them to have them. This is, of course, because the abortion business is a lucrative business. Planned Parenthood makes millions off of abortions. It doesn’t matter that a fetus baby actually does have its own DNA, separate from the mother’s, at the moment of conception. It doesn’t matter that the heart actually does begin beating at three weeks, and that there is no such thing as heart tones. Planned Parenthood wants to get abortions, and more importantly, they want to get the lucrative money from performing abortions. As for helping women make the right choice, to Planned Parenthood staffers there is only one right choice, and that’s abortion. They don’t want women to make their own choices, they want women to make the Planned Parenthood choice.

Meanwhile, feminists (who ardently defend Planned Parenthood and their abortion mill) have been silent about Lila Rose and all that she’s uncovered. Jessica Valenti, for example, seems to have no problem with covering up the sexual abuse of minors, as long as it leads to abortion, the sacred cow of feminism. Planned Parenthood must be defended and the taxpayer funding cannot be revoked. To feminists, “the right the choose” is more important than anything unethical or immoral that an abortionist may do. It can cover all manner of ills.

Lila Rose’s Rosa Acuna Project apparently has more videos to come. How much undercover investigation does Lila Rose have to do before people stop excusing the evil of Planned Parenthood?


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