MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Townsend QUITS!

MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Townsend QUITS!

MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Townsend QUITS!

An MSNBC host just made a dramatic declaration on live TV—well, sort of. No, unfortunately, Symone Sanders-Townsend didn’t quit her job. Instead, she made a far less interesting exit: she announced she’s no longer a Democrat as if that changes anything. And the reason for this grand proclamation? Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Symone Sanders-Townsend, former Kamala Harris advisor and professional Democratic cheerleader, made a big show of “quitting” the Democratic Party live on MSNBC—as if that means anything. She didn’t quit her job, she didn’t switch teams, and she indeed didn’t renounce politics. No, she just declared on national TV that she’s now an “independent,” which in Washington is basically the political version of saying, “I’m taking a break” while still crashing on your ex’s couch.

So, Symone’s an Independent now—big deal. What does that actually change? Is she going to vote any differently? Nope. Is she suddenly open to hearing out MAGA ideas? Not a chance. This wasn’t some grand political shift; it was just a glorified tantrum aimed at Chuck Schumer, nothing more.

“There’s actually little that the Senate minority leader can say, and the 10 Democrats that voted with the Republicans can say, to appease somebody like me,” she told panelists on her show, “The Weekend.”

“I’m about to change my registration to independent, first and foremost,” she told her shocked fellow panelists. – New York Post

Oh nooo, waaaah waaaah! And here’s another fun thought—does this mean she’s about to pivot into the Joy Reid Extended Universe? She did take over Reid’s old weekend slot, after all. Should we expect unhinged, arms-flailing, selfie-rant videos in our feeds soon? Maybe a few breathless monologues about how Schumer personally ruined democracy and is a racist? Stay tuned.

And what exactly does Symone mean when she says, “There’s actually little that the Senate minority leader can say, and the 10 Democrats that voted with the Republicans can say, to appease somebody like me.”

Somebody like you? You mean a political strategist who made a name for yourself working as the national press secretary on Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign? Or when you jumped onto Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign as a senior advisor? Or when you took on the role of spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris?

No shocker here—the left-leaning political donkey party is splintering faster than Joe Theismann’s leg in 1985, which ended his career on the spot. But with Symone, don’t hold your breath waiting for any dramatic downfall.

But Symone isn’t the only one hopping mad at her party.

Watching the Democratic Party tear itself apart is pure comedy. The infighting, the backstabbing, the public meltdowns—it’s like a reality show where everyone’s too self-important to realize they’re the entertainment. AOC is throwing a fit at Schumer, Jasmine Crockett and John Fetterman are trading cheap shots, and now Symone Sanders-Townsend is staging a dramatic “I quit” moment on live TV (from a party she was never going to leave in any meaningful way). The people who love to preach about unity can’t even stand each other, and it’s hilarious.

At this rate, they’ll be so caught up in their own slap fights that actual governing will be an afterthought. Sit back and enjoy the spectacle—this train wreck is only gaining speed.

Why couldn’t Symone quit her job instead of just her party? Now that would have been must-see TV.

Feature Image: SDS2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro, background added.

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1 Comment
  • Son of Rusty Shackleford says:

    Her MSNBC paymasters put her up to it to pump up the ratings; I’m sure she’ll change her mind next fall before the midterms.

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