Missing Outrage- The Death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Missing Outrage- The Death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Missing Outrage- The Death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Sick f*cks. Beginning nearly a year ago, Hamas wounded, kidnapped, starved, tortured, and finally, murdered Hersh Goldberg-Polin by shooting him in the back of the head, yet there is no outrage. Oh, forgive me. I left out the part where the Hamas forced him to make a hostage tape before they shot him in the back of the head. Outraged? Yes, but I am heartbroken for his family and our once formidable country.

I am furious that the media covered this outrage for about 2.5 current news cycles before going back to not covering the magical, mystical Kamala Harris. Kamala “the last one in the room” Harris, is as culpable as Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, who directly aided Hamas:

President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have “known for years” that the US aid is providing “material support” for Hamas’ “tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure,” among other terror structures, an amended complaint filed March 25 states.

But since taking office, Biden and his officials have still pushed for the funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and other groups in the West Bank and Gaza — despite internal warnings about the “high risk” of the cash falling into the hands of terror groups in direct violation of the Taylor Force Act, signed into law in 2018 by President Donald Trump.

How have the hostages been held for eleven months, those still alive, and Joe, Kamala and Antony are still sitting on their thumbs? Or worse. Beyond aid Hamas. They are actively working against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

On Monday, US President Joe Biden expressed his concern that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal for the release of hostages held by Hamas. Speaking to reporters upon his arrival at the White House, Biden suggested that Netanyahu’s efforts have been insufficient and indicated that a final agreement for the release of hostages might be “very close.” This statement reflects ongoing frustration with the slow progress in the negotiations.

What the bloody Hell have Joe, Kamala, and Antony done, besides aid the captors, to rescue the seven Americans still held hostage in Gaza. Although only four are still believed alive. Where is the outrage? Does another Russia Collusion story memory hole the October 7 massacre.

Don’t get me wrong. I love Gutfeld and we could all use a few yuks! We need the outrage too. Remember that Mr. Goldberg-Polin was kidnapped from Re’im Music Festival on October7, 2023. His arm was shot off by Hamas:

Outrage? The media has wiped this from their collective memory banks. From Breitbart’s Joel Pollack:

The family of murdered American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin has released a Hamas propaganda video filmed by the terrorists before they executed the 23-year-old last week in cold blood as Israeli soldiers approached.

In the video, Goldberg-Polin speaks in English, and addresses President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and “my own fellow American citizens.”

He talks frankly about his mistreatment by his captors: “Since I arrived in Gaza, I’ve survived with almost no medical care, little food, and little water. I can’t remember the last time I saw the sun or took a breath of fresh air.”

Hamas evidently sought to advertise the proof of its own atrocities to amplify a sense of desperation about the fate of the hostages, and to put additional pressure on the Israeli government.Hamas evidently sought to advertise the proof of its own atrocities to amplify a sense of desperation about the fate of the hostages, and to put additional pressure on the Israeli government.

Here is the hostage tape that Hamas made of Hersh Goldberg-Polin before the sick fucks shot him in the back of the head:

I want outrage. I want anger. I don’t want this memory-holed. This is what I want our enemies to hear:

I don’t want this namby-pamby stuff. I want our enemies told that we will put a missile up their backside if they touch a hair on an American’s head. I don’t want our enemies harming our friends either. I want a loud a clear message. I want outrage.

Vote Trump/Vance 2024.

Featured Image: Nizzan Cohen/wikimedia commons.org/cropped/Creative Commons 4.0

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