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December 29, 2024
One would think Michelle Obama and her husband have enough wealth and influence that they would fade into the woodwork and be happy living their best lives as career grifters.
One would think. But Barack and Michelle are both narcissists. And narcissists cannot help themselves to resist the temptation of the sanctimonious, faux-virtue-laden, social media post during the holiday season. They want you to know they are thinking about you. They want you to know they care about you. They want you to know that they will continue to “fight” for you.
In fact, Michelle Obama, Saint Michelle to some liberals, wants to provide a beacon of hope this holiday season, providing a (snort) “much needed message” in this time of doom-and-gloom of what is to come.
Michelle took to her Instagram to say the token “Happy Holidays” and make a play for more Obama Presidential Center donations.
Happy holidays, everyone. I know it’s been a difficult few months for so many of us, and that folks are feeling a little bit anxious and uncertain.
But even during these tough times, there are plenty of reasons to stay hopeful.”-Michelle Obama
The Instagram video opens up to a black man and a what they would call “body positive”, blue-haired woman (who may actually be a they/them and I may have “misgendered” here) on a subway platform. So much anxiety and uncertainty. Who knows if, God forbid, this man or this woman will run into a psychopath who jumped the border fence illegally and set them on fire?
Have no fear, good lockstep liberals. The construction on their legacy project, The Obama Presidential Center on the Southside of Chicago continues. The center construction held a massive $830 million price tag in 2021. (Wonder how inflation is impacting this?) Still construction continues. That’s right, over the past few years of Joe Biden and overpriced gas, groceries and Bidenflation as a whole, construction on the Obama’s pet project continued. While YOU were struggling to put food on the table, the Obamas were getting donations from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Oprah. While violent crime increased in Chicago and the South Side neighborhoods remained dangerous, the Obamas were commissioning artwork for stained=glass windows to evoke a feeling of “promise” from the building.
If this is not tone-deaf, than I don’t know what is. Still, some Americans stand by Barack and Michelle Obama who so want to make America (sorta Socialist) Again. But, what Michelle Obama did not expect was the onslaught of backlash:
Anxiety and tough times over the past few months? What are you referring to? The election race and results? You and the Democrats never miss an opportunity to sow division. That’s why you all lost in a resounding fashion. Get the memo.”
Can I get an AMEN in the house?
Most of the comments on X were in reaction to Michelle Obama’s “Happy Holidays” greeting instead of “Merry Christmas”. I do cringe when someone says this in lieu of “Merry Christmas” but, the big devil in more in the details of Michelle Obama’s solicitation for more donations to build the Obama Presidential Center on Chicago’s Southside.
Where was Michelle Obama when a New York real estate company was trying to push Southside residents out of their homes and into foreclosures to seize the land near the center? Was she prepping for the DNC Convention at Kalorama? Vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard? Or was she hiding in her Hyde Park, Chicago home? They call Chicago’s Southside “home“, according to the “professional organizers”, the Obamas. It’s where they had their (not-so) humble beginnings.
In truth, Michelle Obama wouldn’t know anxiety or uncertainty if it struck her straight across her smug, anti-American mug. In fact, some don’t have a clue of what “anxiety” and “uncertainty” she is referring to:
What are you talking about? I have never been more hopeful about our future. You will be just fine in one of your multi-million dollar homes.”
Anxiety and uncertainty is so 2020/2021, Michelle. But Michelle and Barack Obama cannot help themselves but to keep pushing the agenda of Socialist collectivism and pluralism instead of pure, unadulterated American individuality. Michelle Obama has been on the public dole for years and when some of that support slips away, she might actually have to work for a living. It’s all good. There will be enough sycophants that will bankroll new ventures for the Obamas. They are, and will continue to be, set for life.
At least now, some of the people Michelle Obama pretends to champion actually have a better shot at life in America, too.
Photo Credit: Featured Image: Tim Pierce/ Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
The first DEI First Lady. May she and The Lightworker™ fade into obscurity.
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