Michael Moore Is At It Again: “Guns Don’t Kill People, AMERICANS Kill People”

Michael Moore Is At It Again: “Guns Don’t Kill People, AMERICANS Kill People”

Michael Moore Is At It Again: “Guns Don’t Kill People, AMERICANS Kill People”

It seems as though Michael Moore, who was under the radar for a while, is again grasping at straws to get the attention of Americans this holiday-invading your news feed like a bad plague. Some are just scrolling past Moore in sheer protest of not giving this desperate individual the attention he craves. I will indulge him for but a few lines.

Last week, Moore posted himself outside of Trump tower in a form of protest with a large “We are all Muslims” sign. Yesterday, Moore decides to recycle a rant he made a little over two years ago:

Michael Moore tells The Hollywood Reporter that the NRA is “half right”…that they should change their slogan of “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” to “Guns don’t kill people, Americans kill people.”

“There is no question that fewer guns will result in fewer gun deaths. This has been proven in every country that has decided to decrease or remove guns from civilian ownership. In the 1980s and ’90s, Australia had a series of mass shootings, including an awful one at a school in Port Arthur. The conscience of the country was so moved by that slaughter — that’s right, “slaughter,” like the slaughter in Colorado Springs, the slaughter in San Bernardino, etc. — that Australia outlawed nearly all guns. Total number of school shootings since that law passed: zero.”

Moore goes on:

Unfortunately, even if we had stronger gun laws, we would still have a few thousand gun deaths in this country. That’s because we have a problem no law can solve. Canada has strict gun laws, but they also have an estimated five million hunting rifles and shotguns in their homes — and they don’t go and shoot each other on a daily basis like we do. In 2013, they had a total of 131 gun murders in a nation of 35 million people. We have nine times their population, but fifty-fives times their gun killings. How can this be?

Which brings us to Hollywood. I don’t think I’m making any big revelation here when I point out that the Canadian kids (and adults) are watching the same exact violent movies, playing the same exact violent video games and watching the same exact violent TV shows as their neighbors, the Americans. So why don’t their students — other than on the rare, rare occasion — continually walk into their high schools and colleges and start firing away? It’s not that the Canadians don’t get angry — have you even been to a hockey game? You cannot say that violent Hollywood movies somehow magically affect only American youth, but no one else. The Japanese cannot get enough of blood and gore in movies, ours and their own. Total number of gun murders in Japan in 2012: three.

So what is it about us? It’s clear that the NRA is actually half-right in their slogan, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” We just need to modify that to: “Guns don’t kill people — Americans kill people.”

Moore’s citing of Australia’s gun ban wasn’t the first time we saw figures manipulated to suit the anti-gun left’s agenda. And those kids in Canada playing violent video games? If only, our “punk” American children can be as good and as perfect as Canadian kiddos, eh? You want to talk Japan, Mr. Moore, let’s talk a completely different culture that just doesn’t “do” crime. Japan’s lack of gun crime I believe is not because of their gun laws but because of an overwhelming sense of responsibility instilled in Japanese nationals from birth and oh yeah, serious ramifications for obtaining a firearm and using it to shoot someone. Let’s face it, no one wants to go the way of the gallows.

Americans kill out of fear, he says. We cling to our guns out of fear, he says. We buy them because…fear, he says. Most of us fear for our family’s safety. We fear that one day, some crazy person will attempt to come into our home armed and we will not be able to defend ourselves or our family. We fear that one day, because of this rhetoric, that we will have no recourse in a situation where our lives and liberties as Americans are threatened. This is not about normal, every day, mentally stable American citizens purchasing firearms to protect their homes and the people in them nor should it be. Mentally stable Americans do not randomly go shooting up people out of “fear”. Mentally unstable Americans go shooting up people because they have no fear and because they think they will somehow not be held accountable by our justice system.

(Sigh.) If only our American kids were as good as those Canadian kids. If only we were not Americans. Of course, Moore did not cite Switzerland as one of those countries that fare better than us in terms of gun ownership and violence. And of course Moore covered for his violent film-making Hollywood buddies. Americans kill people. Last I checked, Moore is an American citizen and hasn’t yet tried to give up his rights and liberties in America. Moore also claimed to collectively be “Muslim” last week so does that mean that (radical) Muslims also kill people? Funny, I didn’t think liberal loonies were allowed to imply this because you know, Islamophobia. That Michael Moore! I’ve come to the conclusion that all the man wants for Christmas is some attention.

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  • Stacy0311 says:

    Speaking of grasping at straws, Mike needs to lay off the straws that connect to Big Gulps, Slurpees, milkshakes and crack pipes.

  • GWB says:

    He’s right up to a point. Of course, he fails to analyze where all that “American killing” is going on. It’s not in all those places in America where people “fearfully” cling to their guns and religion. It’s happening in all the places where the progressives hold sway, and have for decades. It’s happening all those places BLM is not protesting.

    Maybe if Mr Moore could figure that part out, he might have something intelligent and useful to say. But I won’t count on it.

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