Megan Rapinoe, TransCult Handmaid

Megan Rapinoe, TransCult Handmaid

Megan Rapinoe, TransCult Handmaid

The pastel-haired, loudmouth, anti-woman Megan Rapinoe is this year’s shining example of why extraordinary talent at kicking a ball down a field should never be the trait that defines a “hero(ine)”.

Megan as a moral role model for girls is failing miserably as she advocates for males to supplant them in the locker room and on the field.

now on the eve of her final Women’s World Cup, Rapinoe has taken aim at recent policies that aim to ban transgender women (sic) from competing in women’s sports. (snip)

“‘You’re taking a “real” woman’s place,’ that’s the part of the argument that’s still extremely transphobic,” Rapinoe told Time. “I see trans women as real women. What you’re saying automatically in the argument – you’re sort of telling on yourself already – is you don’t believe these people are women. Therefore, they’re taking the other spot. I don’t feel that way.”

Megan has spoken. She feels that males can turn into women. She feels that there is such things as chestfeeding and the female penis.

Rapinoe’s feelings are more important than the reality of males taking women’s spaces and erasing their sex-based rights.

Rapinoe advocates a more inclusive approach to sports, saying that she would “absolutely” welcome a transgender woman (sic) onto the USWNT.

Rapinoe is retiring from soccer after the World Cup this year, so how wonderfully convenient this “Sure, men are, like, totally welcome on the women’s team, dudes!” statement. I’m sure Megan doesn’t want people to remember 2017 … the year her team lost to a team of 15 y/o boys.

Megan Rapinoe’s feelings can’t change basic human biology. There is no woman athlete at the top of her sport that can, or will ever, beat a similarly situated man. From Rapinoe’s own loss to teenaged boys to both Serna and Venus Williams losing matches to a 200th ranked male player, real honest-to-God science demonstrates you no more put a male on a women’s team than you allow a 25-year-old man play on a Little League team just because he identifies as an 11 year old.

If we don’t have inclusion across ages, why one across sex?

As Martina Navratilova said when she heard about Rapinoe’s latest anti-woman screed …


And while Rapinoe sniffles that jokes about men who pretend to be women are “violence”, Riley Gaines who experienced actual violence from Rapinoe’s masters, is offering Rapinoe a chance to back up her anti-woman claims:

Rapinoe has already cost her team any of the good will that usually accompanies American sports teams when they compete abroad. Her complete abandonment of women and girls to the Transgender cult may, hopefully, result in her becoming the same toxic brand as cosplayer Dylan Mulvaney.

Males and females are not fungible and women’s sports are not a consolation prize for mediocre male athletes.

You’re retiring, Rapinoe. Go away before you hurt more girls.

featured image original artwork by Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    Rapinoe advocates a more inclusive approach to sports
    No, she advocates for a religiously progressive approach to sports.

    challenged Megan Rapinoe to a debate
    I think she needs to challenge her to a face-off with a star male HS soccer player.

    I think we should push for full acceptance of fundamentalist Progressivism in sports: men and women are absolutely equal, and there should be zero barriers to entry for women into traditionally male sports. Women have always wanted to play pro football – let’s let ’em, and without requiring them to be strong or agile or able to take a hit. Let them enter pro baseball. Heck, let ’em play in men’s hockey and track and field and everything.
    The first dozen women/girls severely maimed or killed by a 300lb linebacker running them over or a 95mph fastball to the bean or a concussion from hitting the boards on the ice, and we’ll see the screeching reaching to new heights about “stop the violence!” Then we can tell those women, “See? Now shut up, sit down and take up knitting or something and let men do most of this sports stuff.”

    Hey, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette, right?

    • NTSOG says:

      ‘The first dozen women/girls severely maimed or killed by a 300lb linebacker running them over or a 95mph fastball to the bean or a concussion from hitting the boards on the ice, and we’ll see the screeching reaching to new heights about “stop the violence!”’

      When I was teaching co-ed primary physical education there were little differences in aptitude/ability between boys and girls in the lower grades, but from grade 3 on the boys became more assertive and increasingly aggressive in their games playing. In upper primary grades the physical differences became more marked. Stricter supervision and care was required of me so that competitive games remained fair and girls were not overwhelmed and, especially, hurt by the more physically capable boys. There were some very skillful girls who could match the boys into early puberty, but they were soon unable to keep up with the boys.

      Notwithstanding the bleating of the modern gender identity/equality folks there was a duty of care owed [by me] to female students to keep them safe in certain competitive sporting activities where their natural physical attributes left them vulnerable to injury from stronger, faster and more heavily muscled/built boys. Had I allowed the boys freedom to play as they would, girls would been hurt and/or would have quickly quit participating.

      Duty-of-care seems a concept with which that the ‘caring and sharing’ progressives seem ignorant – until there is injury to someone. Then the blame-game begins.

      • GWB says:

        Duty-of-care seems a concept with which that the ‘caring and sharing’ progressives seem ignorant
        Often, it seems, because they don’t want to be “cared for.” Because it implies they’re weak, in their eyes. And they resent it.
        With my sarcastic proposal, I would hope to shock some large portion of them into acknowledging reality as you describe it.

  • NTSOG says:

    “…she advocates for males to supplant them in the locker room and on the field.”

    Rapinoe, who is presently ‘blessing’ Australia with her wonderful presence at the WOMEN’S [soccer] World Cup, has obviously forgotten how an under-age team of teenage boys beat the US national team [5-2] some years ago. A similar fate occurred to the Australian National [women’s] soccer team who were beaten by an Under 15 boys team 7-0. To allow mature MEN to play on a women’s team would make a travesty of the notion of fair competition in relation to any opposing team of [real] women.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    I don’t understand their proposed end-game for all of this nonsense. The logical outcome of claiming to be true the obvious falsehood that men aren’t bigger and stronger than women must ultimately result in the elimination of separate men’s and women’s sporting events, followed pretty much immediately by the almost-complete elimination of women from competitive sports in its entirety. There is simply no way that the overwhelming majority of women can compete directly with men in most of these sports (there are a very few exceptions like gymnastics, which is now dominated by very small teenage girls).

    Is this what women athletes actually WANT? I find that impossible to believe, but then I see nonsense like this coming from (what I believe is) a minuscule number of them, amplified by the media/government complex, and given out as a divine revelation, where anyone who dares to question it becomes a heretic and apostate to be sacrificed to the gods of collectivism.

    Remember that anything “politically correct” is “factually incorrect”.

    • NTSOG says:

      “There is simply no way that the overwhelming majority of women can compete directly with men in most of these sports (there are a very few exceptions like gymnastics, which is now dominated by very small teenage girls).”

      You’ve made an interesting point about women’s ‘artistic’ gymnastics: I consider the last ‘woman’ to win the Olympic gold medal for women’s gymnastics was Ludmilla Tourischeva in 1968. After her came the ‘pixies’ like Olga Korbut and Nadia Comaneci. Because of their physiques, less womanly and more prepubescent female, their power-weight ratios allowed more difficult stunts as we see especially on the floor and in vault. To me their performances, while amazing, are more ‘circus’ than ‘artistic’ to the point I have wondered if there could be two classes of women’s gymnastics: one for the ‘pixies’ and one for older Women whose mature bodies don’t allow performance of the fantastic stunts performed by the young/petite girls. I wonder how many older women gymnasts have found themselves prematurely [even unfairly] rejected and retired due to the fact of their own bodily maturation yet still wanted to keep competing.

      A sport that does allow equal performance between men and women, with women often winning, is the range of equestrian sports which require sensitivity between human and horse in which strength and power is generally not effective. There are other sports that allow equal participation, e.g. sailing.

    • GWB says:

      given out as a divine revelation
      Yes. Because Progressivism is a religion. Not “like” one, but it is one.

  • Scott says:

    “extraordinary talent at kicking a ball down a field should never be the trait that defines a “hero(ine)”.”… I promise, I will read the rest of the post, but I couldn’t get past this line… this is the same team that got their asses handed to them multiple time by BOYS HIGH-SCHOOL teams… beyond all the other issues with this scrunt, I cannot bring myself to call this “extraordinary talent”,,,

  • SFC D says:

    Megan would be singing a different tune had she been pushed off the team by a biological male. That won’t happen, as she’s retiring at the end of the season. She’s got no skin in the game and is therefore free to run her mouth. She’s nothing but an indoctrinated puppet, a fraud that history will soon forget.

  • Cameron says:

    Facts are not only racist, they’re now sexist. What a world.

  • NTSOG says:

    A number of news reports here in Australia concern the inability or unwillingness of the US women’s soccer team to sing their own national anthem just before playing against Vietnam. They’re getting quite a bit of attention for their sour attitude. Perhaps they were worried that the Vietnam women were better than those under 15 boys teams who tend to beat professional women players?

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