Meatball in Philly Wants Fans to Send Mo’ Money

Meatball in Philly Wants Fans to Send Mo’ Money

Meatball in Philly Wants Fans to Send Mo’ Money

When you think of Philadelphia, you might think of the Philadelphia Eagles. Or perhaps Philly sandwiches. But now the spotlight is on Meatball, aka Dayjia Blackwell, the social media influencer who gleefully recorded the flash mob looting in the city on Tuesday.

Here’s Meatball in action, who not only live-streamed the chaos, but also encouraged it. What’s that she’s yelling? Everybody must eat! Everybody must eat! 

The store sign reads backwards in the video, but with a little work you can see what it says: Fine Wine & Good Spirits. So she’s screaming that “everybody must eat” in front of a f***ing liquor store.

But documenting the sack and pillage of a city is hard work, so Meatball lifted a bottle of Hennessy for herself.


Screenshot: Instagram/Daily Mail.

Not only that, but she also shared videos of the looting on her Instagram account. The plundering didn’t just stop with the liquor store, either, it also included an Apple store, a Foot Locker, and a Lululemon.

During the ransacking of the Apple Store, she screamed “Free iPhones! Free iPhones!” — all while live-streaming. Then she shared it with her 181,000 followers.

Not the brightest crayon in the Crayola box, is she?


Philly’s Finest Threw Her in the Slammer

At one point in her insightful and profound videography, Meatball boasted:

Tell the police they’re either gonna lock me up tonight, or it’s gonna get lit, it’s gonna be a movie.

Well, the cops did indeed lock her up. They arrested her in a friend’s car, even thought she protested that she didn’t do nothin’ wrong:

We didn’t have anything to do with this!

But they took Meatball downtown, where they processed her and took her mugshot.

Police charged Meatball with causing/risking a catastrophe, criminal mischief, riot, and disorderly conduct. She spent the night in jail and was released the following day after posting $25,000 bond.

Poor Meatball. She looks so shamefaced in her mugshot, doesn’t she, with those crocodile tears streaming down her face. So did she learn her lesson?


Meatball is Not Contrite

After her release from the slammer, Meatball said she regretted her part in the looting and mayhem.

I’ve never been through nothing like that ever in my life, I don’t even know what happened. I need some sleep, I’m scared, I’m traumatized, never again in my life, like seriously.

I just prefer, you know, never loot again, stay out of trouble, never go to jail. 

Plus, she deeply embarrassed her family. Her grandmother, Vashti Fields, told a local TV network:

What goes through my mind, as a grandmother, is I’m very ashamed. I’m very ashamed to see my [grandchild] there, at that time. When I see someone of my blood, that has been there while this is happening … that hurts me deeply.

Welp, the contrite act didn’t last long. Meatball took to her social media account to ask her fans for “welcome home money.”

Not only that, but she’s selling Meatball merch, including hoodies with her mugshot on it.

This woman is totally shameless. She has no remorse or regret for celebrating the bedlam that looters brought to the businesses of Philadelphia. And why should she? She’s cheered on by her social media fanbase. They give her the clicks and follows, and she gives them outrageous videos celebrating the destruction of a once-great American city.

Don’t be surprised if we learn that Meatball ends up in the slammer again. But this time no one should fall for her phony expressions of repentance.


Featured image: “Money” by free pictures of money is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Cropped.

Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • therealguyfaux says:

    For some inexplicable reason, this reminds me of the definition of “chutzpah”: “Eric and Lyle Menendez pleading for mercy on account of being orphans.”

  • Scott says:

    It’s almost as if a segment of our population is not capable, or interested in living in a civil society..

  • GWB says:

    better known as ‘Meatball,’
    Someone nicknamed “meatball” is screaming “Everyone must eat!”?
    Why is my first thought that she probably hasn’t missed a meal in her lifetime?
    Can we get Morissette to add this to her Ironic song (as an actual example of irony)?

    We didn’t have anything to do with this!
    Who you gonna believe? Me, or your lyin’ eyes?!

    I’m scared, I’m traumatized
    Hmmm, maybe if someone had traumatized you earlier in your life, you wouldn’t have grown up to be a lowlife, worthless thug. Then you might have learned some actual shame and not have spent a night in jail.

    People who worked to eliminate the concept of shame from our society intended exactly this sort of result. Don’t let them off with “good intentions”. Smack them soundly in the nose.

  • GWB says:

    Don’t be surprised if we learn that Meatball ends up in the slammer again.
    Don’t be surprised if you hear that “Meatball” has been shot somewhere by some gang folks, possibly to take her tennis shoes liquor and phone.

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