Mayor Schools LGBTQ+ Activist Over POW/MIA Flag

Mayor Schools LGBTQ+ Activist Over POW/MIA Flag

Mayor Schools LGBTQ+ Activist Over POW/MIA Flag

This glorious first day of spring, we touch down in rainy western Washington state, where a Newcastle mayor sat through a three-hour ordeal of a hearing.

What was this hearing about? Well, some residents of the city of Newcastle (a suburb of Seattle), were very upset with Newcastle Mayor Robert Clark. Why? Because he did not fly the Pride Flag at City Hall during Pride month last year but flew the POW/MIA flag.

Jen McAleer is upset. So upset.

Speaking specifically about veterans, POWs and MIAs, I want to say I’m very much in support of them and I have absolutely no problem with a POW/MIA flag. But, umm, flying it for 100 days a year is a political stunt, um, you know, you talk a lot about special interest? My research shows that there’s been 82,000 Americans who are registered a POWs or MIAs, which is atrocious and horrible, and it should never happen to any American. But there’s 20 million, minimum, American, LGBTQ members. So, when we’re talking about special interest, let’s just have some intellectual integrity. I’ve talked before about some of the hypocrisy of some of the people up on that dais, and I think that your approach to trying to trick people of having to fly the Pride flag in June by making sure that the POW/MIA flag was flown is really disgusting. And, again, it’s not impartial in any way and I think that you should be ashamed. I definitely am. Thank you.”-Jen McAleer

According to Jen’s loosey goosey “reasoning” and “research”, Mayor Clark should have totally flown the Pride flag in the month of June last year because the LGBTQ+ masses outnumber the POWs/MIAs. I mean, Mayor Robert Clark needs to have some intellectual (there’s that word again) integrity. Which makes Robert Clarks response to Jen absolutely freaking glorious:

It’s not common that I respond to public comment, but I will not sit here and have somebody tell me that veterans are a political stunt. How dare you. This country was founded because veterans lost their lives. Hundreds of thousands of people died so that you can fly your pride flag. And man, I am pissed. I’m sorry. This is out of line, and perhaps my council members will censure me for this, but do not ever disparage veterans in my presence. Those 82,000 people who never came home will never have a chance to have a family or grow up, while you can fly your pride flag. They sacrifice their lives all over the world for America and for freedom around the world. I tolerate your comments, which are always on the attack and all in (SIC) your libelous comments on Facebook. I tolerate it, because, you know, you probably can’t help yourself. But, don’t ever disparage veterans in front of me. And we’re done.”-Mayor Robert Clark

Dayum. Mic drop.

Comments always on the attack. The POW/MIA flag is a now “political stunt”. These are the same individuals who will argue the American flag is a “political stunt” rooted in systemic prejudice and oppression and racism. But the Pride flag and all of its variants of sexual orientation flags that go along with it? Not a political stunt at all. Pride month with topless trans people on The White House lawn? No stunting there. Just tolerance, acceptance, feel-good vibes of fake funbags and rainbows everywhere. A great place to bring the kids!

I, for one, loved the “you can’t help yourself” remark from Mayor Clark. But…

This is how closed-off and clueless these people are. They cannot see the forest for the evergreen trees in this damn state. My guess is Jen is the proud owner of a Subaru with stickers plastered all over her bumper, telling everyone traveling on the 405 commute and paying a ridiculous $15 bucks for the toll lane during rush hour how they should feel. Or, at the very least, what her political leanings are because she feels superior and that her ideologies, way of life and thinking, should be everyone’s ethos. Have some virtue and intellectual integrity, oh minivan with the Jesus fishy! Take THAT, you Tesla-driving “nazi”, Marine-Corps vet. Jen says there are 20 million LGBTQ+ Americans and ONLY 82,000 registered POWs and MIAs. How DARE Americans don’t give equal respect to the LGBTQ crowd and POWs/MIAs.

On the left-hand side of this state, the common sense is rare. We’ll take what we can get, though.

Adam S. Keck,

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  • draigh says:

    You must remember that residents call this the Socialist State of Washington. Now more than ever. Most who live on the dry, Eastern side of the State want out because they are held captive by the leftist loons on the Western side. It is too bad that Eastern Oregon wants to join Idaho. A better solution would be that both Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon become their own sovereign States!

  • Wfjag says:

    Wondering where she got her numbers?

    Most population statistics estimate the U.S. LGBTQ population at somewhere from about 5.5% to a little over 9%. The figure on 20% is no where found.
    To put this in perspective, the 5.5 to 9% estimates are roughly equal, or possibly a little less than the estimated number of “undocumented aliens” (e.g., people here unlawfully), unlike LGBTQ persons, “undocumented aliens” are included in the census for the purposes of determining U.S. House of Representatives (and so, some of the states’ Electoral College votes), states’ federal funding of Medicaid, food stamps, and many other federal and federally funded programs, including funding for various school and local programs and meals.

    There’s no additional US Representatives, Electoral College votes or funding for LGBTQ. Using her reasoning the La Raza flag should be flown over the Pride flag.

  • Uchuck the Tuchuck says:

    I’m still trying to figure out what they are proud of.

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