Madonna The Primadonna Gets Sued

Madonna The Primadonna Gets Sued

Madonna The Primadonna Gets Sued

Pop icon, Madonna, is apparently not a favorite with the Brooklyn crowd anymore. In fact, two Brooklyn fan are filing a lawsuit against Madge for showing up late.

According to this, two concertgoers, Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden purchased tickets for Madonna’s Dec. 13 concert at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The ticket stub stated Madonna would take the stage at 8:45pm. The Material Old-Bag decided to grace her adoring public with her presence until 10:45pm:

The men claim that by the time they left the venue at 1 a.m., they were “stranded” due to limited public transportation options and had to pay more to order a ride-share, which was also experiencing surge pricing due to demand. The concert was held on a Wednesday, and are hung up over the fact that they “had to get up early to work” the next day.

Fellows and Hadden are suing Madonna and Live Nation for ‘unconscionable, unfair, and/or deceptive trade practices,’ claiming a breach of contract. Barclays Center is also listed as a defendant.”-NBC New York

A queen is never late.

The queen needs to get dressed up in Vetement’s Guram Gvasalia, Donatella Versace and Jean Paul Gaultier. This is hard work. The queen needs to squeeze her old body into some latex and her handlers need to assist in insuring there are no blow-outs on stage. This takes time. The queen needs to wait a couple of hours for that botox and those emergency fillers to settle into her face. The queen may also need time to sacrifice a young goat in some satanic ritual and drink its blood to get an emergency infusion of the fountain of youth. You whiny b#tches with eat cake and wait. It’s all good. You will pay $666 dollars for a ticket and like it.

Me, too. Yikes! Heh. This photo smells like Bengay and sequins to me.

Madonna is not the only pop star who shows up late on the regular. I knew a few coworkers who went to see Beyonce in Seattle a few months back and waited two hours for “Queen Bey” to show up to the party. This seems to be the en Vogue thing for these over-entitled, self-righteous women in the entertainment business to do. You pay your hard-earned coin to see them and they, in turn, reward you with a late night because they are too self-absorbed to consider their fans. This is not “fashionably” late. Entertaining is their job. If I show up two hours late for my job, like you, we would be fired in a heartbeat.

I know, “it’s only rock n’ roll”, right? Fellows and Hadden fight on, claiming Madonna’s tardiness caused them impaired ability to “take care of their family responsibilities the next day”.

Now, I know what some of you are saying as you read this. Who cares? “Stop supporting these fools,” right? I agree. No performance by any of these useless, dim-witted, America-hating fascist traitors like Madonna or Beyonce is worth any amount of lost sleep in my book. Sleep is a treasure as I age. But let’s not neglect to take a nod to these cats who had the cojones to sue Live Nation and Madonna for sauntering out on-stage two hours late. This whole scenario stinks to high heaven of sheer entitlement and opportunism all the way around. Madonna has been known to be late to her Celebrations. Anyone who purchases an overpriced concert ticket to see thus wretched, old hag knows this. And, what do MOST sensible people do when they KNOW a late night that may “impair their abilities to function” the next day do? They MAKE ALTERNATE PLANS. They get a hotel room close by the venue. They cover their work shift for the next day. They move around appointments the next day in anticipation of said late night. My guess is that these two made their co-workers also pay for their “late night” by calling in “sick” or “late”. I’ve seen the very same behavior before with Three-Day-Music-Festival Millennials and their days-long “festival flu” episodes post camping out in the desert and communing with like-minded idiots. Coming from a jaded Gen-Xer, this is also why I sleep. We, responsible peons are here to clean up their messes because their parents failed to teach them basic principles of responsibility. I sleep because I know, at some point, I’m going to have to cover someone who was dumb enough to buy an overpriced concert ticket and call out of their 6:30am show time the very next day. (You’re welcome, kiddies.)

Madonna is no queen. She is an over-rated, over-paid pig. Stop casting pearls upon the swine. As for Fellows and Hadden, more power to them if these two queens can afford to go to battle with Madonna’s lawyers and retire early. To all you true QUEENS who SHOW UP on time, who pick up the slack, who endure an 8-hour workday on 4 hours of sleep and take care of happy, well-adjusted children (cannot say the same for a certain self-centered bint named Madge), we salute you. Girl, wash your face, squirt out some anti-wrinkle serum on that neck, hold your head high and take a freaking bow!

Photo Credit: Original artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    “Listen to the stage manager and get on stage when they tell you to. No one has time for the rock star bullshit. None of the techs backstage care if you’re David Bowie or the milkman. When you act like a jerk, they are completely unimpressed with the infantile display that you might think comes with your dubious status. They were there hours before you building the stage, and they will be there hours after you leave tearing it down. They should get your salary, and you should get theirs.” -Henry Rollins

    Madonna carved an empire for herself in an industry dominated by men. To this day, she can still command high ticket prices. But she needs to remember that moments like this can have her tossed into the “whatever happened to?” category.

  • NTSOG says:

    “Madonna is no queen. She is an over-rated, over-paid pig.”

    You’re being too kind to her.

    • Scott says:

      Agreed! Boy and I went to Cheyenne Frontier days to see Papa Roach and Five Finger Death Punch. Outdoor concert in the rodeo arena. It rained until 20 minutes before showtime. The concert started 10 min late after the stage crews removed the tarps protecting the gear, and swept all the water off the stage.. Now that’s showing respect to your fans! ( was also probably the best concert we’d ever seen, unlike whatever that crap above was).. I do have slightly less sympathy for these two (while respecting them suing) because they were dumb enough to pay that kind of money to see that kind of trash to begin with… but to each his own I guess…

  • GWB says:

    I would have demanded a refund after watching this.
    Same. That was… sadistic. I mean, to inflict that on fans required some level of sadism, and some level of masochism on the part of those same fans. It was worse, in those 15 seconds, than any crappy, in-tour-face, have-to-be-so-freaky-it-MUST-be-alien bar scene in any scifi flick, ever.
    If she thinks she’s sexy doing that… well, I certainly wouldn’t be turned on if my wife did that. Or any other woman.
    “Do you need some painkillers? Because that looked like it really hurt to make you move like that.”

    Madonna’s tardiness caused them impaired ability to “take care of their family responsibilities the next day”.
    I would have said the performance itself would have impaired my “family responsibilities.” It would have negatively impacted me for a week. But I guess they’re talking about going to work.

    But, Lisa, don’t get so worked up about it. Just shake your head, say “Bless your heart,” and go back to all the good things to enjoy in the world. (BTW, I’ve never had a blues or rock performer show up that late. And anyone who did show up a little late apologized and then drove extra-hard into their performance.)

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