Liquid Natural Gas Now In Biden’s Climate Change Crosshairs

Liquid Natural Gas Now In Biden’s Climate Change Crosshairs

Liquid Natural Gas Now In Biden’s Climate Change Crosshairs

The muppets who control Joe Biden hate everything about the United States of America. They don’t think America was ever great, which is why they have a bristle up their backsides about MAGA. Every pronouncement, in the name of the greater good, takes us one step closer to being under their total control.
Now, Joe Biden is squashing Liquid Natural Gas contracts in the name of climate change, our greatest existential threat. He’s so damn proud:

Well, what did you expect? On his first day in office:

Through an executive action, Biden revoked permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline and put a temporary moratorium on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, moves hailed by environmental and indigenous activists.

Fifteen months later, Pudding Joe and his Band of Democratic Socialists:

The Democrats hate the average American. On Thursday, the Democrats shut down H.R. 6858, the American Energy Independence From Russia Act for the fourth time. Because, um, why should we get clean, available energy from the United States when we can buy from Putin or one of the other autocrats putting out dirty energy. The Democrats don’t want to be green; they just want Americans to pay for not paying obeisance to their Dem overlords.

While Joe Biden was in his broadcast studio announcing his depletion of our Strategic Petroleum Oil Reserves, the Democrats were busy keeping us energy dependent and poor. As our Nina wrote, the Bidenites didn’t consult Europe and none of them are depleting their reserves. But, whatevs, it’s only your money and life.

And, now this, from Politico:

The Biden administration announced a freeze Friday on new export permits for natural gas while it studies their impact on climate change — despite those exports’ role in bolstering the U.S. economy and Washington’s influence in Europe.

The announcement, part of a review that POLITICO first reported two weeks ago, is the most sweeping step yet by President Joe Biden to clamp down on a fossil fuel industry that has prospered on his watch (despite Republican rhetoric to the contrary). It also shows the resurgence of environmental groups’ influence on the White House as Biden ramps up his political campaign ahead of November’s election.

That’s right. It’s time for donations. It’s time to coalesce the base. That’s how you know it’s not because Liquified Natural Gas is any part of any existential threat. This is about power, money and control. Biden and his merry muppets didn’t consult our allies who rely on Liquified Natural Gas.

This product is cleaner than many alternative energy forms and it’s really cool too:

Miralax Joe doesn’t care what’s right. He is beholden to his donors and the Climate Hoax crowd:

Once again, Texas leads the way.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls/All Rights Reserved

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  • […] Finally Transterrestrial Musings: Gay Science, Goodbye To Davos, and The LA Times Victory Girls: Liquid Natural Gas Now In Biden’s Climate Change Crosshairs, Biden Nominee Adeel Mangi: Kick This Radical To The Curb, and Chicago Mayor Calls for Gaza […]

  • Bucky says:

    If Brandon does this the message to out European allies will be that we are not a reliable trading partner for their energy needs. They may be pushed into the Russian orbit just to get the gas they need to keep from freezing in the winter and to power their industries. Nice one Brandon!

    • Cameron says:

      They don’t care. As long as normal people are destroyed because they don’t kowtow, then this is perfectly acceptable.

  • Scott says:

    They don’t even try to hide the fact that they hate us anymore

  • Roland Felix Hirsch says:

    It is actions like this that have made the United States government seem weak and confused.

    My view is that Russia attacked Ukraine because two of Biden’s actions said we would not do anything if they did.
    One was Biden signing an order ending the Keystone XL pipeline between Canada and the US. The pipeline would have delivered ~800,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada to the U.S. At that time Russia was sending ~600,000 barrels of oil a day to the U.S. So much of Russia’s exports of oil to the U.S. would have ended.
    Second was the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in summer 2021, which gave Russia a strong impression of incompetence in the Defense agencies in the Biden administration.
    If the Biden administration had not done these two things, Russia likely would not have attacked Ukraine.

  • draigh says:

    Washington State is looking to pass a law making installation of gas into new construction illegal. Nobody has upgraded the electric grid nor have they built any new dams or Nuclear Power Plants. Decisions have consequences, but not if you are a Democrat.

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