LGBTQ Plus Americans Put Their Eyes On JD Vance

LGBTQ Plus Americans Put Their Eyes On JD Vance

LGBTQ Plus Americans Put Their Eyes On JD Vance

JD Vance appears to be the new punching bag for the LGBTQ Plus Americans since he was named as Trump’s Vice President. Get ready for a new barrage of fear-mongering from the TQPlus circle.

While everyone is talking about the news from this weekend, Biden is bailing on his campaign; there are other stories to get to as well. Let us continue to talk about Trump and Vance.

The TQ Plus people are hot under the collar when it comes to JD Vance.

Ash Orr, a transgender rights organizer in West Virginia, said Vance’s addition to Trump’s ticket should worry LGBTQ Americans, but it shouldn’t stop them from hoping for a better future.

“Right now is not the time to panic — this is the time for us to be organizing, getting to know our neighbors and figuring out what our community’s strengths are,” he said. “They want us to panic. They want us to feel isolated because, if we feel isolated, we’re easier to pick off.” – The Hill

Pick off? What in the world? Good heavens. Everyone calm down.

Welcome to the National Stage, JD Vance. I wonder how many lefty opinion writers had a bunch of anti-Vance pieces saved in their draft files. The claws are coming out now that JD is Trump’s Vice President pick.

The LGBTQPlus staff writer for The Hill typed the following:

The first-term senator has also repeated the false and inflammatory claim that LGBTQ people are “grooming” children to abuse them, and after a deadly shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, Tenn., last year, suggested the shooter’s gender identity may have been a motivating factor. – The Hill

False and inflammatory? Oh puddin, someone needs to get a grip on reality and check the facts. I wonder what the cub writer has to say about Gavin Newsom and Scott Wiener’s grooming practices?

JD Vance has made it very clear that there are only two genders. Finally, a man who is unafraid to stand up and tell facts. And the TQPlus crowd is running scared.

“It’s hurtful to see someone who has been so overt in their hatred and bigotry for trans people selected for Senate, let alone for potential vice president,” said Dara Adkison, executive director of TransOhio, a state transgender rights organization. – The Hill

You have the right to exist. Just keep your freakazoid kink fetish in the privacy of your own home instead of parading it proudly all over America’s streets. Nobody hates you. We simply do not want to be forced to be pulled into your fantasyland of delusion.

It appears the Republican Party is becoming more open to the rights of gays. Because I remember seeing this just days before the convention started – removing language opposing same-sex marriage from their platform.

Leading gay conservatives at this week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee largely brushed off concerns that a Trump-Vance administration would threaten or undermine LGBTQ rights, citing shifts including the removal of language explicitly opposing same-sex marriage from the GOP’s 2024 platform. – The Hill

And let us not forget that Melania Trump hosted fundraisers for lesbian and gay organizations at Mar-a-Lago. But you won’t see anyone from the left talking about that. Because they need to keep their base in the dark. So they keep shouting that Republicans hate the gays.

I can’t speak for all Republicans, but what I think people have a major problem with is the transcult and going after children. You can’t deny it is not happening. It is happening. Let us not forget that.

Pete Buttigieg went on the Bill Maher show to talk about JD and gay people.

Oh, that’s rich, Pete. He talks about rich men supporting the Republican party and how some men will say anything to get ahead. I wonder how Pete went from a can’t-fix-a-pothole Mayor to becoming the Secretary of Transportation? Never mind, I probably don’t want to know.

So what has JD Vance done to piss off the TQ Plus community?

In addition to a history of anti-LGBTQ statements, the Ohio Republican is the primary sponsor of at least two pieces of federal legislation threatening to sharply roll back transgender rights, including one proposal that aims to ban gender-affirming medical care for minors nationwide. –

Banning child abuse is a bad thing now? Because let’s tell the truth here. It is not gender-affirming medical care – it is outright child abuse.

So yes, I can get behind a man who wants to criminalize people wanting to harm children.

Vance has criticized the role that gender-affirming medical care plays and cast doubt on whether it helps transgender kids’ mental health, despite widespread mainstream medical consensus that it does. His bill would not only imprison health care providers who prescribe puberty blockers or hormone replacement therapy, but also calls for barring federal Medicaid programs and government-employed medical providers from providing gender-affirming care

In addition, the bill would expand anti-trans policies in novel ways: It would prohibit colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions from offering “instruction in gender-affirming care” for people of any age and would call for deporting immigrants who provide transition care to minors.

The legislation hasn’t moved since it was introduced last year. But if Trump were elected this fall, with Vance as his vice president, these policies would be more likely to become a reality. – Yahoo News

Sounds like Trump picked the right man for the job.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Cameron says:

    It’s funny how only the troons are the ones complaining about JD Vance. The gays don’t seem too bothered.

    So I would like to say the following to the members of Al Gayeda that are upset right now:

    1. Keep your hands off of children.
    2. Stop acting as if your rights are more important than anyone else’s.

  • DrSamHerman says:

    Buttygig has no credibility talking about anyone’s credentials or fitness for public office. He was a lousy mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He has been a colossal failure as Secretary of Transportation as evidenced by the blunders of his department during the multiple airline foul-ups, the rail disaster at East Palestine, Ohio (where he earned the ire of JD Vance’s constituency and rightly so), and the mishandling of the bridge disaster in Baltimore Harbor. Sit this one out Pete—you’re unqualified to run a lemonade stand.

  • Criticas says:

    “ Vance has criticized the role that gender-affirming medical care plays and cast doubt on whether it helps transgender kids’ mental health, despite widespread mainstream medical consensus that it does.”

    Widespread mainstream medical consensus, except for the American Pediatric Association, which called for a moratorium on gender transitioning for minors.

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