Left-Feminism Enables Trans Neo-Patriarchy & Erasure of Women

Left-Feminism Enables Trans Neo-Patriarchy & Erasure of Women

Left-Feminism Enables Trans Neo-Patriarchy & Erasure of Women

Women, as a distinct wing of the human race, are being erased in culture, career and law. And the Left’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Feminism™ Inc, has been notedly absent in response.

While the Left’s watchword has always been “The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the Revolution”, it is made its capture of American institutions dependent on issues of Who is the Biggest Victim. The hierarchy of oppressed changes often and today, one glaring example strips Left-feminism of any pretense of being for women’s rights. And that is the neo-patriarchy that goes under the rubric of Transgenderism.

The trans movement is in full bloom. Many are scratching their heads as to how we got here. (snip)

Feminism ushered in significant shifts in thinking about women, fundamentally changing the way Western civilization considers biology, language, and law.

The author goes on to point out that while the early motivations of generic feminism began with the demand that women be treated as adult human beings, where our choices be considered as legitimate as men’s choices — dependent solely on talent, skill and merit — it soon began to look less like equal before the law and more like culture pressure to make over women according to the male template.

The idea was to get rid of the connection between women and motherhood. Among first-wave activists, Elizabeth Cady Stanton said, “The woman is uniformly sacrificed to the wife and mother.” A few decades later, Charlotte Perkins Gilman said motherhood made it “impossible for women to achieve their potential.” And by the 1960s, Betty Friedan completed the transformation by famously encouraging every woman to leave the “comfortable concentration camp” that is the home to do productive work. The message was clear: Career is more important than motherhood.

We’ve discussed Betty Friedan and her use of her own failures as wife and mother, coupled with her Marxism, before. In short, she was a miserable, unhappy woman who wanted everyone to be the same as her. And her rejection of women who chose differently set the stage in the 1970s for, not just the strident contempt of non-Leftist women but set the standard that the best a woman could do was be a man as much as possible.

With the Pill and later Roe v. Wade, women could finally live the ideal of consequence-free sex by eliminating their reproductive capacities entirely. Birth control was the prophylactic, and abortion was its backup safety net.

Anyone who lived through the 70s can attest to this radical shift in culture. Virginity for girls was a curse, something to get rid of as soon as possible. Swinging came into being (now we see odes to ‘polyamory’ in major news media).

“If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”

College girls certainly have been feeling they’ve been sold a bill of goods with the hook-up culture.

With Left-feminism’s rejection of womanhood in favor of “genderless” human beings discovering their authentic selves, they’ve now had to watch as males claim womanhood for themselves and shoved women’s sex-based rights into an ideological wood chipper. Title IX is destroyed, girls are facing male competitors in female sports, women find themselves being told they are the problem if they object to males watching them undress or having objections to the exposed ‘female penis’.

And the whole idea of being a mother (or father for that matter) is being replaced in legal language.

Where are the major “Feminist” organizations on these issues? Issues of women under assault by Transgenderism? Silent … when not engaging in obsequious language about being allies of Trans-identified males. Because such males are now a few rungs up from mere women in Intersectional Oppression Olympics. Thou shalt bow before the neo-Patriarchy. This is the bargain you made in the name of “equity”.

Who are the Handmaids now, dears?

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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