Kennedy Hearing – Democrat Arseholes Show Their Backsides

Kennedy Hearing – Democrat Arseholes Show Their Backsides

Kennedy Hearing – Democrat Arseholes Show Their Backsides

Some people just never let a chance to make fools of themselves pass them by. The Robert Kennedy Hearing for confirmation as Health and Human Services let Democrat arseholes show their backsides. They looked like Folies Bergere Can-can dancers. While I am not a Kennedy fan, he handled the tookuses in his face with absolute grace. He handled the attacks by his own family like a champ too.

The Kennedy Hearing is, as of 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time, a shite show of flabby backsides. I knew that this hearing was going to be fiery, but I had no idea it would be flaming assholes. When you combine the bitter and raging Trump Derangement Syndrome of the Democrats with their anger at RFK, Jr. for running for President against the Party and then signing on his Make America Healthy Again with Trump’s Make American Great Again, you have a roiling and explosive gut. These buttwipes accused Kennedy of being everything but a child of God.

Georgia’s Senior Senator Raphael Warnock asked an eleven part question, that made no sense and then demanded a yes or no answer. Puh-leeze. Cadaverous Ron Wyden opened the Kennedy Hearing in a butt ugly way. From the Wall Street Journal:

Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) began the attacks on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his opening remarks, saying confirming him would endanger children’s lives.

“Before the finance committee this morning is whether Robert F. Kennedy should be trusted with the health and well being of the American people,” he said. “Mr. Kennedy has embraced conspiracy theories, quacks, charlatans, especially when it comes to the safety and efficacy of vaccines. He has made his life’s work to sow doubt.”Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) began the attacks on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his opening remarks, saying confirming him would endanger children’s lives.

“Before the finance committee this morning is whether Robert F. Kennedy should be trusted with the health and well being of the American people,” he said. “Mr. Kennedy has embraced conspiracy theories, quacks, charlatans, especially when it comes to the safety and efficacy of vaccines. He has made his life’s work to sow doubt.”

And, Ron Wyden doesn’t care what is said. He wants you, the public, to know that RFK wrote A BOOK!

Let’s talk about Senator Elizabeth “Liawatha” Warren, who doesn’t like the idea of being compensated for work:

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN: Let’s keep going. You are right to say yes because every American has the right to know that every decision you make as our number one health officer is to help them and not to make money for yourself in the future. I want to talk more about money.

I am looking at your paperwork right now. In the past two years, you have raked in $2.5 million from a law firm called Wisner Baum. You go online and do commercials encouraging people to sign up for lawsuits against vaccine makers. For everyone who signs up, you get paid. If they win the case, you get 10% of what they win. If you bring in someone who gets $10 million, you walk away with $1 million.

You said that you want the American people to know that you cannot be bought, that your decisions will not depend on how much money you can make in the future. You won’t go to work for a drug company after you leave HHS. But we both know there is another way to make money.

Mr. Kennedy, will you also agree that you will not take any compensation from any lawsuits against drug companies while you are secretary and for four years afterward?

It went on in that same vein. Liawatha Warren got increasingly shrill in her questioning. The woman is not self-reflective on her own hypocrisy.

Bernie Sanders not only has no introspection, he also has not sense of humor. His line of questioning had to do with “onesies” for babies and a group that Kennedy once led. “Are you supporter of these onesies?” is not a question one expected to hear.

Sheldon Whitehouse, as you are aware, is always eager to get back to his All-White Country Club, where everyone is vaxxed and sanitized for their own protection:

This whole thing was a bunch of arseholes with no self-awareness.

Speaking of no self-awareness, if you haven’t seen Caroline Kennedy’s video calling her cousin Robert a predator, you should watch it after you watch her son Jack Schlossberg make fun of RFK, Jr.’s voice. What a major league butthole:

Too many in this family have grifted on. Major league arseholes.

Featured Image: Grok/X/Cropped/Public Domain

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  • liz says:

    I’ve been waiting a very very long while for people to come to the conclusions I did years ago.
    I came to those conclusions around the time my spouse was forced to get a series of anthrax shots. Once they ran out, they forced him to restart the series of shots again (even though we were leaving the area and he did not have time to finish them, it was obvious this all had nothing whatsoever to do with health and safety, and everything to do with the profits for the only flag officer who would endorse a draft dogger, who happened to be the CEO of the anthrax vaccine company at the time).
    I was an MT in a medical lab, and an RN late on.
    I’ve questioned mandatory flu vaccines as well.
    For clarity, I’m not saying flu vaccines don’t work at all, but if one actually reads the medical literature there is a big question as to whether consecutive years of flu vaccinations are better than none, and most of even those studies are only 5 years long…not 30 years, like the ones my spouse took. And spoiler alert, he had the flu far more times than either I did, or our children and we all got the flu vaccine far fewer times. This also checks out with all the other people we know. When real world observations don’t match what TPTB are telling me, I am always skeptical.
    Which brings me back to a thread long ago (noticed some of the comments have been deleted now…but I’ll try anyway. I stand by everything I said there):

    • Liz says:

      Correction, the shingles vaccine I referred to was removed from the market. So I stand by what I said about that shingle vaccine. Not the newer one, which might be good.

    • Liz says:

      For those who don’t know (probably almost everyone), the anthrax vaccines caused so much trouble in the military when people had to get grounded subsequent to those jabs, the GAO eventually demanded an oversight committee in the military. The military responded by discontinuing the mandated anthrax jabs. Which tells you all you need to know about the safety of those anthrax “vaccines”. Furthermore (since I have a son in the military at the moment and another who wants to serve) they have become obligatory again for some deployments (not the same, a different formula).
      I hope this will change under Trump.

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