We can drop the “alleged,” because on Monday a Philadelphia jury convicted Kermit Gosnell of three counts of first degree murder, plus one count of manslaughter, in the deaths of three infants and one patient in his Philadelphia clinic. There are hundreds more babies, receiving no justice, who also died at the murderous hands of Mr. Gosnell. To avoid the death penalty, something he did not consider for his helpless victims, on Tuesday Mr. Gosnell, coward that he is, agreed not to appeal his conviction. In return, today the judge imposed a life sentence, with zero possibility of parole. (Mr. Gosnell is 72 and there are a lot of shanks in the general population, who I hear vehemently dislike baby killers, but I digress…) The verdict came as no surprise to many of us. And neither did the response from Planned Parenthood’s President, Ilyse Hogue:
“Kermit Gosnell has been found guilty and will get what he deserves. Now, let’s make sure these women are vindicated by delivering what all women deserve: access to the full range of health services including safe, high-quality and legal abortion care.”
No reference to murdered babies. No sorrow for the slaughter of innocents at the hands of a so-called doctor. Just the furthering of the “women as victim” narrative coupled with an insistence that we continue the horror that is late-term abortion disguised as “care.”
Preceding the verdict, the Democrat-controlled Colorado legislature passed legislation that protects – yes, you read that right – the Kermit Gosnells of Colorado from prosecution for the very procedures of which Gosnell was convicted. It reads, in part:
“…that “nothing in this act shall be construed to confer personhood, or any rights associated with that status, on a human being at any time prior to live birth. Nothing in this article shall permit the prosecution of a person for any act of providing medical, surgical or any other type of care.”
The Democrats who sponsored and lobbied for the measure are led by Senate President John Morse, majority caucus chair Jeanne Nicholson and House Speaker Mark Ferrandino.
The bill repeals the Colorado criminal abortion statutes and removes freedom of conscience – or, a health care workers right to refuse to be a part of an abortion procedure (so much for choice – so hypocritical). It also protects an abortionist in the case that a minor is brought in to have an abortion, perhaps by her parents or guardian, against her own will. In that circumstance the abortionist cannot be charged.”
As I’ve stated previously, Gosnell is not an anomaly. There exists at least one other abortionist, a “folk hero to the abortion industry,” currently under investigation for allegedly committing Gosnell-like crimes in liberal-controlled Maryland. Leroy Carhart, linked to Secretary of Health and Human Services head Kathleen Sebelius, is the very same doctor caught on hidden camera comparing unborn babies to “mushy meat in a Crock-Pot.” This is not Maryland’s first encounter with infanticide masquerading as healthcare. In 2011, two “doctors” were charged with murder after authorities discovered 35 fetal remains in their clinic’s freezer.
Planned Parenthood and the Left, both hell-bent on maintaining infanticide, would have us believe that Conservatives are to blame for these atrocities because of their pro-life stance, thus forcing women into “back alley abortions.” Never mind that Maryland is one of the most liberal states in the nation, where abortion-on-demand is available during virtually any stage of a woman’s pregnancy. Its beyond lenient laws allow late-term abortion through 26 weeks. With today’s technology, an infant is viable at twenty.
And where is Barack Obama on this issue? Why, of course, out playing kissy-face with Planned Parenthood, during Gosnell’s trial, while not once mentioning Gosnell, or even the a-word, during his historic stump for the taxpayer-funded group. He is the first president in U.S. history to do so, at the most insensitive time imaginable, no less. Not surprising, given his votes in favor of late-term abortion during his brief stint as an Illinois State Senator.
We’ll be watching with great interest what effect, if any, the Gosnell first-degree murder convictions will have on current late-term abortion law. Pennsylvania has a Republican governor. Will he summon the courage needed to ban late-term abortion? Or will he pull a shameful Tom Ridge, where Kermit Gosnell was allowed to flourish, simply out of fear that former Governor Ridge might – oh, the horror! – be accused of limiting access to late-term abortion? The irony is overwhelming…Will we, as a nation, continue dehumanizing babies in utero as “pieces of meat,” or will we finally awaken to the reality that late-term abortion, as confirmed by the Philadelphia jury this week, really is murder, and fully protect the unborn members of our country?
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