John Kirby Schools Reporters On “Genocide Joe” Nickname

John Kirby Schools Reporters On “Genocide Joe” Nickname

John Kirby Schools Reporters On “Genocide Joe” Nickname

I’ll give him credit when credit is due. John Kirby was pretty blunt in his response to the “Genocide Joe” nickname being thrown around by Pro-Hamas sympathizers.

First off, did you know that the terrorist sympathizers had come up with that nickname? Evidently that has become a thing during the pro-Palestine/Hamas protests taking place on college campuses and elsewhere across the U.S. 

One might consider pointing and laughing at their ludicrousness, except they are serious. They are demanding that Joe not only force Israel into agreeing to a cease-fire and craft an asinine two-state solution, they are wanting Hamas to have free rein over everything and Israel not be allowed to defend themselves. 

Furthermore, the protestors are engaging in what is essentially Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Let’s redefine the thing and use it as a bludgeon against those whom we want sidelines, or in Israel’s case, wiped off the map forever more. 

Jordan Peterson is absolutely correct here:

Yes, exactly. The Squad has been bleating about how oppressed those in Gaza are and how cruel Israel AND the Biden Administration are for having the audacity to enter into Gaza and go after the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered 1400 Jews and took 240 people hostage, some of whom have been subsequently found murdered. 

According to them, everyone in Gaza is innocent and Israel is engaging in cruelty by targeting hospitals. 

Hamas operatives captured by Israel admitted under interrogation that the bloodthirsty terror group callously uses hospitals and innocent civilians as human shields when launching strikes against Israeli forces.

The Israel Defense Forces released videos that showed several of the Hamas terrorists captured by Israel spilling the beans about how the group hides weapons under mattresses and poses as doctors and nurses to evade capture.

A senior IDF official said on Telegram that the terrorists were interrogated in Israel after being captured during a ground operation on Nov. 12

One of the captives, who identifies himself as Abdelrahaman Alaa Ibrahim Samur, tells an off-camera interrogator that “about a hundred” Hamas operatives “took control” of Rantisi Hospital in Gaza for about five days to “[carry] out attacks.”

“They were organized, with several tents, with each group of operatives by themselves [in groups of] four, five of them sitting together, all of them around the hospital,” the captured terrorist said.

Yet all those who have coined the “Genocide Joe” moniker will refuse to acknowledge the fact that it has been known for YEARS that Hamas has used hospitals and schools as staging grounds for their war against Israel. 

Yet, there are students who claim that just waving the Palestinian flag around isn’t supporting Hamas. 

Except Hamas IS the government of Palestine and their charter makes it very clear they want Israel wiped off the map. 

Which leads me back to the question John Kirby was asked yesterday about “Genocide Joe.” His response was quite on point

“Look, we’re not worried about nicknames and bumper stickers,” Kirby said. “That’s what the First Amendment’s about. But this word, genocide’s getting thrown around in a pretty inappropriate way by lots of different folks. What Hamas wants, make no mistake about it, is genocide.”

“Israel is trying to defend itself against a genocidal terrorist threat. So, when we’re going to start — if we’re going to start using that word, fine, let’s use it appropriately,” Kirby also said.

And, he goes on to accurately describe who was and is responsible for the actual genocide. 

Hamas has been extremely blunt and honest about their desire to have Israel wiped off the map. Furthermore, the Hamas leadership has explicitly stated just a couple of weeks ago that they want an October 7 to occur time and again.

So yes, the useful idiots who are coining the “Genocide Joe” nickname are deluded and ignoring reality in favor of their preferred narrative.

Meanwhile, there’s supposedly a hostage deal in the offing. Will all the remaining 236 hostages including at least nine Americans be freed? It doesn’t seem so. 


One last time for all those in the back. It isn’t Joe Biden who is involved in genocide. It is Hamas. You can hide your head in the sand all you want, but the reality is, Hamas terrorists are the ones responsible for all of this. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Palestine protest in UK May 2023, via Flickr, cropped and modified

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