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just the thought of one existing is quite likely my most disgusting thought in a long, long time. in fact, i am poking out my minds’ eye even as i write this! but it does give me yet one more reason to play one of my all time fav vids… sing along now!
silky pony feels pretty
so according to one of john edward’s former aide’s, who just inked a book deal, one exists of silky pony and his baby mama and mistress, rielle hunter. and if indeed it does exist, it will inevitably be leaked.
leave it to silky pony to have an affair with somone much less attractive then himself and record it for posterity — it just seems his smarmy, narcissistic style.
please silky pony! just go away!
Well thanks for that mental picture! I will be hurling my bride’s perfect breakfast of biscuits and gravy with country sausage, for some time to come. I hope it does come out. This guy needs to be completely buried.
There are many woman who would give their eye teeth to be with John Edwards. Candidates have women throwing themselves at them all the time. He is still loved by many in the Democratic Party. Personally, I don’t like what he did to his wife but I probably would peek at a tape. Hehe.
“There are many woman who would give their eye teeth to be with John Edwards. ”
give their eye teeth to be with an effeminate “man” who not only cheated on his wife but used her cancer for the sympathy vote?
and here i though daniel craig was sexy
‘There are many woman who would give their eye teeth to be with John Edwards.’
gross jane! no women i know!
“There are many woman who would give their eye teeth to be with John Edwards.”
Indeed!! And they should be out on parole about the same time Edwards makes his comeback. Perfect!
I had such high hopes for Edwards until he treated Elizabeth and their children like that. He deserves every evil thing that comes his way.
I was hoping to see it here or at least get a link to it. Does anyone have it? I will check back.
“but I probably would peek at a tape. Hehe.”
Nuff said.
Nuff said what? That I think JE is attractive? That I use to like him? So what! More then half of America liked him. I think he is a Big Loser for what he did to his family. I don’t give one rat’s ass about any sex tape of his. I was trying to joke around with everyone. Don’t judge me. I don’t pretend to be something I am not like you. I am a liberal. I say I am a liberal. I don’t know everything and don’t pretend to (unlike you). Why don’t you just shut up you illiterate nincompoop? This blog is for opposing opinions. I have as much right as you to be here. I am sick of your snide comments that you cut and paste trying to look cool when all you look like is an idiot. We can always tell your comments from the ones you cut and paste: yours are full of spelling errors and grammer issues. Now go shut up for a while.
Unlike you sometimes I actually get it right. I cut and paste nothing.
You and your fellow lemmings are just pi$$ed because I nailed two of you for plagiarism.
You actually have to prove something before it becomes true, but then, yes, you did say your were a liberal which we all know means the facts never matter.
Unlike you I have no such desire to see anything concerning Edwards having sex whereas with you it seems you’ve got some rather disturbing kinky issues to be addressed.
How the hell did you get to anyone saying anyone does or does not have any right to be here, and was my opinion not “opposing” enough for you ?
“I don’t give one rat’s ass about any sex tape of his. ”
“but I probably would peek at a tape. Hehe.”
Maybe you would give “two rats a$$es”? Is that the catch here ? Because obviously you give enough of something to contradict yourself and say that you’d peek, right ? Peeking Jane ?
KNOCK off the baiting. You Loser! If anyone around here is a perv it is YOU. WE ALL SAW YOUR PORNO BLOG AND HOW YOU ARE INTO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.
Were all perverted to certain extent. That’s not the issue really.
The issue is how you represent the justifiable hypocrisy that resides on the left as a prerequisite to membership.
How on one hand you say you detest everything that Edwards did to his wife but he’s not detestable enough to where you wouldn’t give him the recognition of looking at him screw some woman other than his wife is a clear indication of the “make up the rules as we go along” attitude that is the indoctrinated belief system of the left.
Anyone with any class wouldn’t give this man the time of day never mind entertain the thought of watching him have sex with another woman while his wife is terminally ill.
Maybe you could change my mind a little if you exhibited some of those incredible debating skills you profess to have if you answered my question on the other thread. But so far it seems the only form of communication you’re capable of is to post these goofy little high school caliber remarks about who you’d watch screw.
I write a post about aliens who are violent to humans and you translate that in me being violent towards women but you’ll watch a man who’s married to a terminally ill cancer patient screw another woman ?
What Edwards did to his wife is far far worse than any sci fi story I could ever write.
No Perv we are NOT all perverted to some extent. Again, I was making a light hearted joke in response to the light hearted post by Kate you psycho. You are baiting me so again, KNOCK it off.
“But so far it seems the only form of communication you’re capable of is to post these goofy little high school caliber remarks about who you’d watch screw.”
YOU really are trash. You wrote a sleazy porn about a woman being raped. There was no Sci Fi. You are saying that now to deflect your own sleazy trashy behavior. There is NOTHING I said that even remotely touches your porn. We all read it. We all saw it. Quit your lying about it. It gets really old.
—Why don’t you just shut up you illiterate nincompoop?
—You Loser! If anyone around here is a perv it is YOU.
—Unlike you I have no such desire to see anything concerning Edwards having sex whereas with you it seems you’ve got some rather disturbing kinky issues to be addressed.
Wow – you guys are brutal. This post is hilarious – that video of Edwards is one of the most priceless things to come out of an overblown presidential campaign season. This kind of slogging of personal insults on a post that was intended, I’m sure, to be amusing – is kinda sad for all of you.
Edwards is a pig. His wife is an idiot for staying with his cheating ass. They both need to just fade into the background. His political career is over, thank goodness.
jane and micky
hello? this post isn’t about either of you. please stop calling each other names for gosh sakes! geez.
I love it.
Obviously you didnt read the story and you’re just going by what you’ve heard from other moonbats, so whats new ? If you know of any stainless steel sexual apparatus that has multiple penises and a mind of its own please let me know. At that point it will not be a sci fi story anymore. No one is lying, I never denied what the story was about. But your lame a$$ attempts to paint me as a man whos violent towards women is pretty stupid.
By your logic that makes any of our famous writers these days murderers and rapists simply due to the content of their stories.
Bottom line is this baby.
Hes a f*ckin creep little b*tch who needs his head slapped up against the wall, mess up his hair and everything. For what he did not only to the country and his constituents but of all things what he did to his wife. Its about as low as any man can get to go out and satisfy his own carnal urges while his wife faces death on her own. So… if I’m a little disgusted with someone who thinks it important to tell us that women still want him and thinks its funny and a joke to give this guys sex tape a peak then excuse the f*ck outta me.
Kate, many times Jane has launched attacks on you that are not relevant to your post.
She loves to dish out out but cant take it.
This post was intended to be funny, I get it. But I cant help but want to puke everytime I see this punk.
Totall disclosure
On to what may be the main reason for my disgust.
I’ve been diagnosed with rectal cancer, its in the second or third stage. My odds are good but I promise you when you get news like this many things take on a whole new meaning and I couldnt imagine anything more disgusting than my wife going out and getting laid after I’ve had a sustantial part of my body removed and am going thru chemo and radiation.
In a couple of weeks i’m going to be MIA probably laid up recovering in the hospital.
But its times like this when everything takes on a more realistic and serious measure.
Jane, I mean you no ill will, we all, especially me, say and do stupid sh*t once in a while but that doesnt mean that we are uncaring insensitive people. I’m sure if I met you from out behind the keybord some where right now none of all this would matter to me and I’d probably offer you a cup of coffee and to sit down and have a realistic conversation. If I saw you in trouble, none of this would matter and I would help you. I think much of us are just like that.
We all know that the way we have been communicating is not how people interact with each other on a personal basis. The keyboard changes everything.
If I were to see your home, you and your family in action it would probably look like many other American families out there, just like mine. If you saw me rescuing a beaten wife from her addicted husband you probably wouldnt think that story represents anything of me
My journey begins Wednesday, I really dont think I’m going to die yet but when you get news like this and the details of what I’ll be going thru it puts a whole nuther perspective on things and I’m finding out that I really have no ill will towards those I disagree with and if worse did come to worse I’d like to leave you all knowing that I wish you happiness and peace
Micky – my god. Good luck and all positive thoughts going your way.
‘I’d like to leave you all knowing that I wish you happiness and peace’
mick if jack bauer can handle mad cow disease (and we know he does because he’ll be back for season 8), you can beat this. stay positive but fight like hell. i am praying for you friend.
Thanks guys.
And yes, I will fight like hell. I’ve beat many horrible things in my life, I’ll beat this too.
Theres too much unfinished business
There are many woman who would give their eye teeth to be with John Edwards. ”
Micky, good luck. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your chin up. Hurry back, you never know when I might need a co-pilot.
Thanks buddy.
What the hell is an eye tooth ?
What is with all this anger…we all feel differently about any issue…if we didn’t there would be no need for each other. I look at discussions about issues in a similar way to my husband and I (when we were first married) shopping for a sofa…we each liked very different styles but decided to shop until we found one we would both like a lot. When we got it home, we discovered that it was by far better then each of our individual choices. It had the best of both words…the clean lines I liked and the more comfortable fabric and friendly look that he liked.
Soert of like looking at our wown viewpoints through another’s eyes…we can pick out the flaws and adjust it and come up with a better way of looking at things. Let’s learn from each other instead of demand others to be our clones.
What is with all this anger…we all feel differently about any issue…if we didn’t there would be no need for each other. I look at discussions about issues in a similar way to my husband and I (when we were first married) shopping for a sofa…we each liked very different styles but decided to shop until we found one we would both like a lot. When we got it home, we discovered that it was by far better then each of our individual choices. It had the best of both words…the clean lines I liked and the more comfortable fabric and friendly look that he liked.
Sort of like looking at our own viewpoints through another’s eyes…we can pick out the flaws and adjust it and come up with a better way of looking at things. Let’s learn from each other instead of demand others to be our clones.
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